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About Pendell

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Texas (Halp Im Dying of Heatstroke)
  • Interests Sonic (Tails is best), My Little Pony, Stephen King novels, writing, computing (being a geek), sucking at games.

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  1. The town I live in is very religious. Because Texas. I, however, am not. When I casually stated that I was atheist at school, I distinctly remember a girl offering me her bible. No. I don't want your bible. People like you are one of the many reasons I'm not religious.

    Also, at my school, there's a morning-time bible... group... class... something. They gather in a pit-like area at the front of the school and talk about how much Jesus loves them all and they read bible verses, all the usual stuff. What annoyed me is that once news of my atheism reached these kids, they pestered me relentlessly to come to one of their meetings. Every morning, they would find me and ask if I would come to their meeting. I'd kindly say no thanks, and they'd say I was always welcome.

    Finally, at the start of this year, one of those kids approached me. He had never asked me before, but I knew the main kid had sent him to ask me. The conversation went very much like this.

    "Hello! Would you like to come to our "I Am Second," meeting today?"

    "Oh, no thanks. I worship Satan."

    Then he left. And I have yet to be asked again. Thank god! Er, wait...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      I really don't get what they hope to achieve. No one is gonna convert to your religion if you try shoving it down their throats all the time. At BEST they'll fake it so you shut up.

    3. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      I think some people just think people NEED to be part of a religion (specifically the same one they are in)

    4. Shinomi-chan


      Yup that's what's bothering me... I mean doesn't certain religions talk about acceptance? So why not accept people as they are and not try to change them?

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