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Sonic Super Special Magazine- only three issues?

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There are only three issues of Sonic Super Special Magazine. I only want the "Mobius Timeline", but come on! Please post more, can you administrators? At least do the timeline.


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Do you have access to buy it? Definitely worth the money!

And if you are willing to spend money on it, the timeline is also included in the Sonic Comic Encyclopedia, all in one book rather than being spread across multiple issues. I would highly recommend the encyclopedia, even if you've read every issue like me. It even includes info on characters like Mephiles who have not been introduced in the comic at this point.

Just a thought, I totally undertsand if you can't or aren't willing to buy them, just a great read for a Sonic comic fan :)

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Um, where is the "encyclopedia" on this site?

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Edited by ឴

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Um, how about a version without any plug-ins? I access the site on an iPhone.

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I believe it is available on the Sonic Comic app and the Archie Comics App for iPhone, but again, you would have to pay for it. Other than that, I'm not sure that it has been scanned on a site, as it is a decently long book

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Regaining the first question of the topic. There is still the possibility of new issues of sonic super special magazine be posted?

By may 2013, Archie comics released 7 issues, but there's only 3 issues posted on SONIC SCANF(issue 3 was released on April 2012).

will you guys post the other 4 missing issues soon?(4.5,6 and 7)

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Question! I read about Archie Sonic Free Halloween Comic Book Day 2013 and I just want to ask. Did this issue will be availble on this site?

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I assume that SSSM wasnt pritned beacuse they dont have new stories in them. So same thing might happen if Halloween issue wont have new stories. At lest that what I assume.

BTW SSSM nr 9 will have new 20-pages long story ,and guide to new world of Sonic so I REALLY hope it will be here.

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