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Skye Prower

Role-Play Mania 3 - All Welcome

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"This is still... so... weird" Danny said

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"Yeah Danny you're 100% safe. I probably should care more about my own safety but really I'm more concerned about Seviper and Skye." Said Vivian smiling at Danny

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"Y-you don't need to w-worry about me," said Skye

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"But you feel like a little brother or something already.. Kind of like my other brother..." Vivian said thinking about something but then realizing what she had just said she suddenly yelled 


"Eh.. Um I mean.. Nevermind Skye! Just forget I ever said anything okay?!" She said while panicking

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"Er.. I can't do that... b-but I can act l-like you didn't say it," said Skye, confused.

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Danny just slumped on his desk

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"That works too Skye! Please do that!.. Though it doesn't really help if you won't forget.. But I don't want to use my powers either..." Vivian said with a worried look on her face

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"Well... the last time I took the phrase 'forget what I said' literally... it didn't go well," said Skye.  He turned and looked at Danny.  "Are you okay?"

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"I don't even know what to think anymore" Danny said

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"Argh I don't know about anything anymore!!" She slumped next to Danny 

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Skye took a step back.  "Uh... it's really n-not that confusing."

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Vivian raised her hand but kept her head down "I'm confused because I'm not sure how to go back home... Also I have no idea whether my brother has destroyed the entire Angel Island by now..." She said quietly

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"This isn't exactly normal for me..." Danny pointed out

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"W-what?  Why would he do that... and... hmm... getting you back... I know... The Freedom Fighters and GUN both have ways to travel to different Zones."  He turned to Danny.  "But... it's not... that strange!" 

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"My brother's moody. That's why.. Then again I would have believed he would appear here sooner or later once he realizes I'm gone but..." Vivian answered

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"Maybe not for you" Danny said

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Vivian then looked at Danny "If you think THAT'S weird.. You should definitely check out MY world. Well.. At least my home Zone.. World.. Dimension.. Thingy.. Besides the awful truth is.. I'm not even really 17-years old..." Vivian said embarrassed as she then took deep breath

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"Please... don't bring more weirdness in" Danny said

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"..... .... Okay I won't...?" Said Vivian looking at Danny kind of embarrassed and she was too afraid to continue talking

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"I'm curious actually," said Skye.  "But maybe we should leave it now for Danny."

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"I can go get some fresh air while you both talk about it

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Vivian agreed with Skye"No Danny it's okay... It would be for the best not to continue talking about it... But what are we supposed to do now? Danny's being chased probably... and You, Me and Seviper might all be in trouble if the wrong people hear about us being from different Time, Zone and World!" 

Edited by Shinomi-chan

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"Actually Skye sorted that" Danny said

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"Huh... Well one problem down three to go." Vivian said then looking out of the window again

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"Really, being from a different Zone won't cause an issue here.  We've have visitors from different Zones before.  You don't need to worry about that," said Skye.

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