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Sonic the Comic

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Sonic the Comic, known to its many readers as STC, was a British children's comic published fortnightly by Fleetway Editions (the merged companies Fleetway and London Editions, which progressively became integrated with its parent company Egmont until it became known as Egmont Magazines) between 1993 and 2002. It was the UK's official Sega comic, featuring stories about its mascot Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters, as well as comic strips based on other Sega video games. The comic received praise from fans and has since then gained a loyal cult following.


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I'm surprised this didn't have a topic yet. I guess because the comic was stopped (not including STC Online)

Anyway... I did like the comic. Quite a lot. And being someine who likes dark transformations of course I like this version of Sonics super form

Only thing is the storyline wasn't as interesting as Archies was to me. Plus there were a LOT more characters to keep up with. Some of which didn't show up again but others... yeah. It was a lot to keep up with

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I read the comic for a little but I found the Archie series more interesting.

I stopped reading after I don't know.. 10 or more issues. But thats my opinion.

(400th post!)

Edited by Seviper

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I have a great respect for STC and did read it as far as I could. I even use characters from STC in rps as UA shows with mevusing Johnny Lightfoot and Blockhead Bill.

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I really liked Johnny Lightfoot... and o was really surprised at...

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His death in the comic

As for Blockhead Bill... again. I liked him. And his dinosaur friend. And the comics they appeared in were one of the ones that stick to mind most

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I haven't read this one too much.. I DID read some of the comics though and I kind of like where the story is going.. If it becomes even more dark then I'm sold!!

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Shame it's you know canceled.

I started reading it again

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I read this a lot when I was a kid I though it was good when I read again something was off like it can't hold a story to save it's one minute it was sonic the next minutes it was shonbi and people though Archie had a lot of character this book had so many character it's be impossible for fleetway or Sega to keep up with.

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  On 3/16/2015 at 8:49 AM, Shinomi-chan said:

I haven't read this one too much.. I DID read some of the comics though and I kind of like where the story is going.. If it becomes even more dark then I'm sold!!

I seen some of the online comics and they get really dark.

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Sorry to bother, but it looks like you're missing Sonic the Comic numbers 244 and 245...


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