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Actually, 13 points out 11 lied. He'd seen a cricket when in America two years ago.

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14 gives 11 a smack across the head for lying

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16 comforted 11 and glared at 14 and 15 for their rude behaviors.

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17 points out to 16 that 11 had lied

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18 bawled his eyes out since 11 was his cousin

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20 brings out ice cream to try and cheer all the crying people

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22 steals all the ice cream

Edited by Inuki

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23 wonders where the ice cream went

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24 is just bored of all the drama.

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26 pours water over 25 to wake him up

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30 just stands idly by

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32 asks for a chocolate milkshake


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33 eats mango float.

(Something wrong?)

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35 is depressed that's why he's at the bar.

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36 points out there's no alcohol at this bar

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37 felt sorry since 35 only got more depressed.

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