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(ooc: Got it)

Because I'm worried and you're hiding it. Please show us


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*backs off slightly*

I'd rather not


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That proves there's something to be worried about. Please show us. We're trying to help


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(ooc: Yo people!)

*sniffs* Something is weird about you, Master. Now show us your arm, or I'll bite your throat out. Hey. Why am I aggressive now?


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But... uh... please don't take this the wrong way... but.... your help isn't helping.... I need a bit of time alone.

Uh.. maybe you're more aggressive... because you think I'm acting odd?


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Well, show us your arms. If nothing's wrong we will go. If not then i don't know

*Turns to Inuki* Are you okay?

(ooc: Hey Inuki)


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(ooc: Yo, Dylie! *holds one paw up* Good to be back. :D)

I don't know. It seems Skye is affecting me in some way.


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I-I... didn't mean too Inuki. But I c-can't show you my arm Dylan.


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Yeah, why not? You're making me aggressive, or maybe I'm undergoing that thing puppies undergo when they grow up. >.>


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I-I c-can't....

I hope you don't grow up Inuki, you're much cuter as a puppy.


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Yes you can, now please tell us


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Yeah, tell us. Or ELSE I WILL GROW UP.


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*stares at Inuki* You can do that?

*looks at both of them* Promise you won't tell anyone?


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Well, I am undergoing that thing puppies go through when they grow up. i think. So yeah. I can do that. xD

And yup, I promise. Did you forget that I'm loyal to my masters no matter what?


Edited by Inuki

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Of course I promise. I just was to find out what's wrong and see what i can do to help


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*slowly takes arm out from behind back. The skin is ripped showing sparking wires and metal underneath*


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Ummm... I don't know what to say... but... MASTER! WHAT HAPPENED?! It looks like you're turning into Luke Skywalker or something!


Edited by Inuki

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Wow. I didn't expect that


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(ooc: giggles. I like that exclamation!)

Luke who? Uh... well I... kinda... uhh


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We need to get someone to fix you again!


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I... I can fix it. Just the water cased some circuits to short out...


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Do you want me to get you anything?


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(ooc: I know. I can't help but put a Star Wars reference. xD)

He's a character from a movie my mistress used to watch with me. Ugh. And could you explain why you got a mechanical arm, Master?


Edited by Inuki

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