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Banned because that is good son.

Zelian: Do you want to learn to play?

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Banned because Dy: *looks confused*

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Banned because Quick! Somebody pour a bottle on my head!

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Banned because Da: *Gets up and does so*

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Banned because *turns into Mew*

Edited by Seviper

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Banned because: Noi: *bursts out laughing * two cute pokemon

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Banned because talk about cute huh?


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(Banned because cute!)

Zor... ua?

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Banned because: Noi: awww, he can talk! He's so smart.

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Banned because Yes it is

Zelian:*holds out pokemon food for Dylan*

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Banned because Dy: *sniffs at food*

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Banned because: Noi:* gets a ribbon to tie round Dy*

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Banned because Dy: *looks surprised* Zorua?

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Banned because why is my Lil bro so cute!

Zelian: Eat it Lil guy.

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Banned because Dy: *looks unsure*

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Banned because: Noi: don't you want a pretty ribbon Dylan

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Banned because Dy: Zorua! *looks at Da*

Da: Go ahead

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Banned because *forms a giant bubble around self*

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Banned because Daisy can you tell Dylan that he can trust Zelian?

Zelian: Was I like this when I was younger? *holds the food by Dylan's nose*

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Banned because: Noi: thank you daisy

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Banned because Da: It's not he doesn't trust him. Its he's a baby and is a little scared with everyone hanging over him trying to do different things

Dy: *stands up to let ribbon get put on*

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