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Ban the above poster

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Banned because *floats in the air* How about this?

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Banned because: Skye: You'll learn more tricks Noodle!

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Banned because Da: I don't think it's safe for you here legendary


Dy: But they're my friends! o_o

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Banned because *pulls out a bear trap and tosses it up in the air*

What you talking about its completely safe here! Especially with me around!

*bear trap lands on head*

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Banned because Da: My case proven


Dy: Isn't it my choice?

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Banned because I'll state my opinion in a minute...as soon as I get this off!

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Banned because Dy: Do you need help?

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Banned Because; Noi: This place is kinda crazy!

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Banned because: And it makes everyone who stays here crazy too!

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Banned because Da: ... Its safer the legendary gets out of here then

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Banned because: Noi: Isn't that coddling him?  He IS a legendary!

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Banned because Da: Hes safer away

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Banned because: That's not fair on him!

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Banned because Da: Why? It's f his safety

Dy: *jumps down* I'm staying here

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Banned because: Noi: He can look after himself.

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Banned because Da: *crosses arms* hmph

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Banned because: You should focus on getting yourself back to normal first!

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Banned because Da: I will. But the legendarys safety is a priority

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Banned because Da: *looks at Seviper*

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Banned because: Noi: He's a danger to himself, not others!

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Banned because Da: *looks at book*

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Banned because: Noi: Look, I'm sorry about that.  I... I'm not gonna do it again

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