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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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He wasn't talking about you mother, he was talking about you. And sorry to hear your mother's dead

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yeah, And I might even loose contact with my mother IRL , so please, no jokes about family... please.

It's not an order, just a demand. I won't hold any grudge if you don't do it.

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No one is

*Finishes wrapping Locke in bubble wrap*


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You do have a knack to mess up this kind of situatuion, do you ?

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*Does an innocent expression* (Which I have apparently perfected, according to one of my teachers, not sure what she was thinking)

Do I?

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Seviper hungry who's gonna feed me, I'm looking at you Geoffrey.

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We don't, we are writing ourselve to death, that's different..

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Geoffrey would probably let you eat anyone on the other team Seviper, and Survivor, Geoffrey is an Ixis skunk so he probably had some idea about what he would do. As for me...

*Pops some of the bubble wrap he wrapped around Locke*

I'm not fighting, I'm enjoying myself

(By the way everyone, who doesn't know, Geoffrey has gone offline for a short time, I don't know when he'll be back)

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(It's a repeatition at this point, but.... I hope he'll be back..)

Will you stop having fun on my own demise ?

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*Pops some more of the bubble wrap*


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I needed to cool off a bit but I am back. And Snakey use poion tail on Locke and Bite on Dilly's teacher then you get poison poffins!

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My teacher not here. Still teaching

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Yay bubbly!

*Jumps on bubble wrap and rolls around popping the bubbles*

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See, Locke? Now Geoffrey is playing with my bubble wrap, you ruined my fun!

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At least, someone is having something out of this....

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*Is asleep on bubble wrap*

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Stop complaining, and Move in somewhere nicer, so You can have your bubbles back.

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*All the stress and battling levels up Seviper, and learns poison fang.*

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