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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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B-but... I... I don't want to s-spoil it for you.

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It's okay


If you don't want, we won't party,

What do you want to do?

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If you want to have the party, then we can.

*hugs back*

I don't like them because I'm always left a-alone at them

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Well, I'll be there with you, you won't be left alone.

Fine then? *smiles*

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Fluffy's right. We'll all be here so you wont be alone

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Fluffy gave a suspicious look to Dylan.

It might have been that you visited same party and didn't gave him attention

Then she giggled

Kidding, we will play games you want and I'll be there, we all will be there!

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T-thank's guys. That... really means a lot t-to me.

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Don't worry about it Skye. We want you to have a good time too

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Uh, I c-can h-help w-wherever.

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Shall we try to summon something?

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Dylan, you try to summon decoration stuff.

I'll go to the kitchen, so, skye, will ya help me?

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Of course I'll help you Fluffy.

*follows into kitchen*

Er, not that I've done any c-cooking before...

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*Summons balloon only for it to float away*

Well, at least the summoning works

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It'll be alright, Lara le taught me to cook, you can help in summoning stuff and others. *smiles*

You're so nice

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*Summons strobe lights only for it to shine in face*

Gah! The summoning is trolling me!

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T-thank you Fluffy.... But I'm... I-it's just the w-way I am...

*sees Dylan. Tries to suppress a giggle*

I b-better be careful if I'm going to be summoning stuff

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Well, then you're really the nice way.

Okay, now,

What's your fave snack?

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*Starts moving out the way while summoning party hats then trips over them*

This is getting annoying fast

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Um, those little sausages wrapped in bacon?

*look over at Dylan*

H-how did y-you manage t-to annoy the s-summoning?

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