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Delicious echidna

Free play mania 1.0

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No, we dont need anyone nearly setting me on fire every time they teleport close to me

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BlueBlu? You're gonna have onion slices on your face now! Come and fight me, now!

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It didn't type in r. Not my fault

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News flash: We now know why IGN gave sonic lost world a bad score.


GOD Darn it IGN.

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That... explains... EVERYTHING!!!

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Free pitchforks and torches for the upcoming riot against IGN!

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I'll take one

*Grabs one, lights it and sets fire to all the other torches and pitchforks*

Looks like mine has gone up in value

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They were free to begin with . Talk about actual thinking....

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I have spares. Lots. Of. Spares.

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*Disappears, reappearing soon after*

I may have just burnt all your spares

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I can make more. WITH MY MIND!

*makes more*

So, Locke, how's the rest of the Brotherhood? Still looking at the mysteries of the Chaos Force?

Edited by BlueBlur62391

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They are fine. And totally not stalking people with haven's installation.

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Perhaps I should burn you instead BlueBlur, but at the moment I'll worry about being stalked. Do you think Spectre will mind that I have a picture of him in pink

(ooc: Remember that, Locke? The enchantment?)

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(I Can't believe you brought that here X3 )

Don't worry, I said They aren't. With all the people interested with the master emerald, they are on the edge.

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Perhaps I should burn you instead BlueBlur, but at the moment I'll worry about being stalked. Do you think Spectre will mind that I have a picture of him in pink

(ooc: Remember that, Locke? The enchantment?)

I'm fireproof.

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Of course. That's the way all hedgehogs are like nowadays

(ooc: I have no regrets there)

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(Sing-song voice) Oh, Spectre! Dylan has an embarrassing picture of you!

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So , you finally found that thread on bumbleking ? took you long enough :)

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Heh, it almost made me cry. You?

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It's a good fanfiction. A rare sight in the sonic community. :)

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Bless you, Spectre the Hechidnat! Give us som- Wait…guys! Why are you backing away slowly?

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