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*Feels something has hit his head*

Ummm....A rain?.........OF BULLETS?!

*Goes underground*

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Rain of bullets.... That's not good...

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But aren't you like. .. invulnerable?

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At this point I'm glad those things just go through me

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Doesn't mean I shouldn't be worried for everyone else.

*gets hit by missile. Is knocked over but that's it*

That... felt kinda odd!

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Lots of kills aren't good. Im li... im proof of it!

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Can we leave off the killing part.

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Well next time avoid unnecessary shootings without warning

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Uh, cause killing isn't very nice?

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Then how am I supposed to know to duck and cover

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Uh, I don't think any here is gonna be surprised!

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Right now me and Dylan don't need to do either!

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Snape... kinda was a jerk for a while... but after you realise things with him... yeah. Fell sorry he died

(And all that pregudice from Harry...)

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To be fair, Snape did start the prejudice!

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Snape is definitely trying to open the Chamber of Secrets! No doubt about it!

Later: Okay... maybe not but he's still evil!

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