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Well, the thing is I have many ideas of what to draw after Centaur man's request. I think I've got... 4 so far. Maybe more. So don't know when it will happen

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Lemme snatch the iPad from mu- OUCH!!

wow, my mum can scratch XD

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Yeah, I'm okay now, gave her Mah laptop

Ok, here you go


Sorry if it's tilted, it my iPads trollingK

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Yeah... Of course it isn't good, just a small UNwitty comic...

Okay, I should draw something good now

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I go away for two hours and suddenly, a new ship sails .

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Ok, Dylan what do you use for photo sharing? And is that image tilted!

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I use my computer and they don't tilt

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I think Shadow has let it go :P

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Edited by sweet_lil_eliza
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Yay! It's Sonic SCANF's Christmas Angel!

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:P just came in my mind. Hehehe thank you guys, that's the sweetest nickname!

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I'd say that;'s the sweetest picture!

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Aww haha, thank you! I was chocking int he box anyway :P

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