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But Dylan, you can't possibly blackmail me!



anyways, I happen to have three friends from Virginia, one irl (even though we don't talk much) and two are from cyber.

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Locke's put a whole bunch of pictures of you up. I'm sure something's there ;)

So shush now <_<

Some of my family live there

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See, if you do something with my photograph, it'll be illegal, cuz you're male and Ima female.

But no vise versa so


ohhh. Meh, mine must be too. Lol, my family is way too big, I'm pretty sure in any given country you will find someone related to me :P (except islamic countries...)

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... Darn laws. Shush

Skye! Convince her to stop!

Why not there?

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nu nu nu nu!

Koochie koochie koo little dylan *tickles*

I'm pretty sure I don't have any islamic blood. (if there might be, only .006% or something) plus, in any marriages or family reunions I've attended, there weren't any people from Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan (There was maybe a couple from Pakistan) and the irony? We have had our last reunion in Dubai

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Oh no you aren't, Skye. Convince her to stop!

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No I don't

Hey Eliza. Sent you a note on DA. Don't kill me for asking :P

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Temporary diversion from the Procupine for your daily dose of sonic boom.

Featuring, Stick.


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Looks awesome

Dammit, 13 notes, I should go there more often.

Sent you a pm here, easier!

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Didn't take long for the artists to appear!

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Believe it or not, I already saw that picture. I checked for Stick on DA earlier

I've seen Eliza. I knew what the answer was as soon as I saw the title ;)

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Everyone's acting fast.

You two seem to have some conspiracy going on here!

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