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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"Here you go," said Miles pushing the bowls out. "What about you Spark, and Skye... Did you really want chocolate?"

"I want whwat Dwylan lwikes!" said Skye.

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Dylan had already taken his ice cream and was to busy enjoying it to hear Skye

"This ice cream is GREAT!" he exclaimed

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"Ice cream is great," said Miles, pulling out another tub and scooping some out for himself. Skye sat down and started eating. Chocolate might not have been his first choice, but he still liked it a lot.

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Dylan finished his quickly

"CAN I HAVE MORE?" he asked eagerly

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Miles looked hard at Dylan. "Do you really want to use up another favour already?"

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Dylan's face fell and he shook his head

"Nuh uh. I don' wanna use another favour. But can I still have more ice cream?" he asked looking wide eyed at Miles

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"Hmmmmmmmmmmm....." Miles let the syllable draw out, teasing Dylan.

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Dylan came closer

"Pretty please can I have more ice cream?" He asked almost pleading for it

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'wow, he can act cute,' thought Miles.

"Okay, as you asked so nicely. But this will be your last bowl, okay?"

"Pwettee pweese cwan I hawve mwore too?" asked Skye.

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"YAY! Thanks Uncle Miles!" Dylan cheered jumping up and down again

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"Not a problem Dylan. And yes you can Skye as you asked nicesly too. Chocolate again?" Miles asked.

Skye looked at the ice cream in Miles bowl.

"Cwan I hawve Rwaspbwerry-rwipple lwike you?" he asked.

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Dylan looked at Skye and then at Miles

"Can I have the same?" He asked

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"Sure," said Miles, putting three scoops of raspberry ripple into each of their bowls.

"YAY! Thwanks Mwiles! Your the bwestest!" said Skye. Miles gave a slightly embarrassed smile.

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"Thanks Uncle Miles!" Dylan said to Miles grinning

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"Just don't get sick from this, okay?" said Miles as he handed the bowls over and started to eat his own."

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"We won't, Uncle Miles! Promises!" Dylan said before digging into his bowl of ice cream

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"I pwomiss too!" said Skye, diving into his bowl as well.

"That's good. So what do you want to do after your icecream?" asked Miles.

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Dylan paused in his eating mid-thought

"MORE FUN STUFF!" He shouted before resuming eating his ice cream

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Miles snorted into his ice cream at Dylan's reply. "Say, where did you disaapear off too after I left you with Harmony?" asked Miles

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Dylan looked up at Miles grinning

"Well, first she told me a story an' then we did some drawing, an then we went to my room to get the new clothes an' then we drew some more. Auntie Harmony drew herself an' she asked me to draw me an' her having fun an' so I drew her telling me a story!" Dylan began sounding very enthusiastic

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"That does sound like fun. What kind of story was it?" asked Miles, genuinely interested.

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I can't eat ice cream its cold and its a liquid. I'll just go eat some fire.

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"So you can't even take in a liquid if it's solid?" asked Miles.

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Nope its very dangerous to eat any thing cold, for me at least for me. There is two liquids I can drank which are Lava, and warm water. Oh almost forgot and tea.

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Miles gave a slight chuckle. "Well, tea is gloried hot water anyway. Hmmm, It's a shame you can't have ice cream then. Maybe a different dessert?"

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