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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Dylan grinned

"Yeah! Let's go find them!" He said excitedly, then paused. "After we find your gloves"

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"I lweft them in the newxt row!" said Skye, jogging round the corner.

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"Are they there?" Dylan called to Skye

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"Yeah! Thwey've lwost thwier fwingers!" said Skye, holding them up.

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"What? Really?" Dylan said giggling as he saw them

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"It looks like I just made a little girl happy. That's a point for me." Gleefully said Glen.

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"Yeah, swee!" said Skye, pulling them on. "Thwey... do lwook nweat thwough!"


"At least ten points Glen!" said Ziona happily. Then she gave a squeal of delight as they reached the aquarium. She jumped down, took Glen by the hand and started pulling him. "C'mon, c'mon!"

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"I think they look good on you" Dylan said smiling

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"Gwee! Thwanks Dwylan!" said Skye. He looked around. "No cwap though!"

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Dylan shook his head

"Maybe Anna and Auntie Harmony could get you one!" he suggested

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"Maybe, yweah. Lwet's fwind thwem!" said Skye, running off.

(ooc: No Auntie Anna? ;) )

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Geez I was sleeping then I wake up with 56 emails.ME

(Spark was at intrance of the library spinning a hat around his fingers.) are you sure about that?

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(ooc: Anna hasn't had much dealings with kid Dylan. Harmony and Miles have been nicest to Dylan so far, hence why he calls them Auntie and Uncle. He might start calling Anna Auntie too if she spends more time with him)

"Hey! No fair! Wait for me!" Dylan called running after him

(ooc: Sorry Spark. And I kinda suggested that Skye didn't get a hat because Dylan has one. Some originality, you know? But it looks like that's been ignored so oh well)

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(ooc: Welcome to the weekend! :D

Yeah, thought that might be the reason)

Skye spotted Spark and the hat. "Where dwid you gwet thwat?" he asked wide eyed. His stoppoing would let Dylan catch up.

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Dylan caught up

"Ooo! Where did you get that, Spark?" he asked grinning. Now there were two hats

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"Cwan I hwave it? Pwwese Spwark Pwwwwwese!" begged Skye

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"Alright , alright . I'm coming girl , no need to take my arm off . It's the only one I have left after all." Joked Glen.

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Well one I made it and of coarse just don't get it wet. (he created another hat for himself then put it on.) here take it.

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"Now we can both be best friends with hats!" Dylan exclaimed bouncing up and down

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"Yay! Thwanks Spwark!" said Skye as he took the hat and put it on. "We've all gowt hwats!"


"Then move faster Gleny!" giggled Ziona. "these fish will be soooo pretty to look at!"

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"Do you think Ziona would want one?" Dylan asked

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"Yeah! She want one with lwots of flowers!" said Skye

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"Calm down zionna, These fish won't run away if you walk at a slower pace, dear."

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Dylan giggled.

"Mine's just a plain dark colour. But I don't think lots of dinosaurs would look good on it" he said

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Skye looked thoughtful. "Mwaybe one bwig dwino at the fwront?" he suggested.


Ziona slowed a bit. "Yeah, I dunna want to scare the, Just I've... I've... we don't get fish at home Gleny, I've only seen pictures."

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