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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I'm outta mwagic and I'm scwared," said Skye, unable to tear his eyes away from Skyloft.

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"We're all scared, Skye. Ziona is and... I am a little as well" Dylan said wishing he hadn't admitted that. "Ziona says we should hide and let the grown-ups fight. If you're out of maguc, then maybe that's the best thing to do"

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Skye shook his head. "No. We cwan fwight. We cwan hwelp. We must. It wouldn't be fwair owtherwise," he tried to argue, but he was visibly shaking with fear now.

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Dylan, seeing Skye was very afraid, went in and gave him a hug

"I know it isn't fair. I want to fight him as well for being a big bully but the way we are, we probably won't be very much help. Ziona told me she forgot how to fight. So maybe it is better if we hide for now"

What he was saying went completely against what he was thinking. But his instinct seemed to be in agreement with him

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(Ooc: I can't. Or else someone will complain I'm spoilin the fun or something.)


"Of course Melody, i don't mind."

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(ooc: What? No, you won't be spoiling the fun here. Besides, all the kids are probably gonna be hiding in this battle so the fighting Skyloft is free to "the grown-ups")

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(ooc: I think he might mean stuff like: Destroying the magic swimming pool! :P )

When Dylan hugged him Skye broke down into tears, clinging onto Dylan.

"I'm so scawred and so smwall and so weak now and I dwon't lwike it and I want to hwelp my fwriends bwut I cwan't and I've just mwade thwings wowrse," he sobbed.

"Guys! You need to get outta there!" screamed Ziona.


"Thank you Tikal," said Melody, then she leaned forward and hugged the Echidna. She started crying again, her voice shaking. "O-one last h-hug... to s-say g-goodbye to o-our...."

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(ooc: Oh yeah, dont do that. It could be useful ;))

"Just wait Ziona! Cant you see I'm trying to make Skye feel better?!" Dylan shouted back in a huff.

"I don't like being small, weak an' scared either but until the week is up or Uncle Miles finds a way to fix it, we just have to stay away"

He began to cry a bit as well, feeling like what he was saying was him accepting how he was now more and more.

"Besides, this isn't ALL your fault, so you didn't make it worse"

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"Can't you make him feel better when he's NOT STANDING ON FRONT OF A BAD GUY?" screamed a terrified Ziona.

Skye shook his head. "Thwere mwust be somethwing. Thwere mwust be somethwing," he said. Then he looked up. "I rwan after the bad guy. I thwought I cwould fwight hwim. Thwat's why we're in twrouble."

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"Melody, it does 't have to be over . Not that way dear. We could end it with a smile , rather then tears."


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"You're right," said Melody, managing to smile and running her hand through Tikal's dreadlocks. "it's not what I expected for my first love, but... even if it only a few minutes we had, I enjoyed it."

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Dylan ignored Ziona

"He came past you and scared me away. What else were you gonna do with him ruining our playtime. At least you weren't scared to try and fight him. Unlike me..." He said sadly. He was still crying a little

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Skye looked up. "Dwon't cwry Dwylan. Your bwrave. Bwraver thwan me. You cwame to swave me. I thwought I had magwic. Thwat mwade me bwrave."

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Dylan did a weak smile

"Thanks but all I did was run away. Unlike you making you braver" he said

"Speaking of running away, we should hide before the bad guy attacks us or Ziona yells at us again"

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Skye gulped and nodded. "Lwet's go," he said, starting to run and trying to drag Dylan. Seeing them starting to move, Ziona swooped down to join them.

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Dylan began running too to stop himself from being dragged. He also turned himself invisible. Intentionally this time, but made little difference with Skye holding onto him

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Skye ran into the forest and pulled Dylan into a bush to hide. Ziona swooped down and joined them, huddling together scared.

"W-we're... we're j-just kids," said Ziona, for once unhappy at the idea.

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Dylan made himself visible. He had his arms crossed and looking cross

"I'm NOT a kid!" He said but his voice was shaky as some doubt was creeping into his mind

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Ziona shook her head and grabbed Skye, hugging him tightly for comfort like he was a cuddly toy.

"But we... we are Dylan... at least for now. We just can't fight this..."

Skye tried to say something but Ziona was holding him so tight it came out muffled.

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"I-I-I'm not!" Dylan stuttered, his voice becoming more shakey. Tears were starting to fill his eyes

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"We might not think it... but... we have to hide while the grown-up's fight... we can't do anything to help them..." Tears were sliding down her cheers as she held Skye tighter.

Skye was starting to struggle against Ziona, desperate to say something but it was still muffled.

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"I know..." Dylan said incredibly sad now. He felt like hugging someone, but Skye was taken and hugging Ziona felt different from hugging others and he still wasn't sure how. "But it doesn't mean I'm a kid!"

While he didn't mind calling the others "grown-ups" he refused to allow himself to be called a kid knowing he wouldn't be if it weren't for the enchanted pool

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Ziona looked up at Dylan. "Dylan, we.." she began, but Skye managed to get his head free.

"I thwink we cwan stwill fwight," he said, a little louder than necessary. "We just nweed to fwind owut how!"

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"Melody, don't worry ..There will always be another time foor you ."


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"Maybe if we work together and use what we can do at once..." Dylan began, looking wide eyed at Ziona hoping she would agree

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