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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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(ooc: one for, one against. I'm easy. Anyone got a coin, or a particularly strong preference?)

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(ooc: Not really, if Locke feels strongly, then he can choose)

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(ooc:FEEEELLLLLLSSSS , it's your choice skye)

skye, are you ok? I'm gonna search some ice for your head.

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(ooc: umm *tosses coin* huh, ok then)

Huh? Skye? Why are you calling me that? Skye is a girls name.

(ooc: the coin has spoken. Memory loss it is, at least for now.)

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Hold on a sec, I'm starting to get worried

*Teleports to Haven*

What has happened?

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"get skye on a bed" , a bad hit on a wall. He'll get better, I hope... But i guess skye is out of the game for the time being.

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Hey, I'm fine. A little dizzy but fine. I don't need to go to bed. If this Skye is out of the game I could take her place?

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Oh dear. Something is definitely wrong here. Everything here is falling apart. Knuckles is still asleep, Shadow is who knows where and now Skye. Just great.

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it's ok , kid.. can you tell me your name then?

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Yeah, it's... it's... um... I don't know. Why don't I know?

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i don't think he know.... well, child, listen, you are tired... take some rest... we'll talk later if you want.

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Better to check Locke. Do you know us? Do we look at all familiar?

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I recognise you both... I don't know your names, but I have seen you before.

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This is Locke, former guardian of the floating island and the person who looks after you.

I am DRAGONLORD, but because I like you, you may call me Dylan, I come from another zone.

(ooc: Sorry, I couldn't resist)

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He looks after me? But then, why... why *starts sounding distressed* why don't I remember him? Or you?

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You took a nasty hit just now. But don't worry, everything will be okay. Isn't that right Locke?

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yay, just take some rest, you'll be better... I'll search some medication if you don't feel better, ok?

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Yeah, tell us if you start to remember things, or if you feel there is something wrong.

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I don't WANT to rest. I've got... I've got nothing to think about. I want to do something, anything, to keep me occupied.

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then.... what do you know about radio and computer ?

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You guys sort this out. I'll head back to my zone. It's getting dark and I need to make preparations.


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ok, you do that, I'll radio you once everything is sorted out.

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