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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"I think that's another thing that will come with time," said Harmony, trying to smile.


"Wow Zamy, you actually made Glen lost for words!" said Ziona.

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"That's not funny , Ziona." said Glen sadly.


"You are right ." said locke, before smiling ."Time will act as a better cudgel than a real one . Painless and without many side effect... Alright , maybe getting old, but eh, not the end of the world..."

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"Not too old before the pain passes I hope," smiled Harmony.


"Hey Glen, cheer up. There's nothing to be unhappy about," said Ziona, putting an arm round him.

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"Don't worry, nothing but 1 or 2 years." said Locke.


"I try, girl, I try..." said Glen."Let's... Just get these cute dresses,shall we?"

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"What? But the rest of you seem alright! And Skye said it's only been a few days!" exclaimed Harmony.


"Okay, okay," said Ziona.

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"We cannot possibly know how long will it takes for you to get used to that word , dear ." said Locke."But this is just a number given like that."


Glen put his arm around Ziona's neck.

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"T-to what word?" asked Harmony.


Ziona also placed her tail around Glen. She turned to Zamy. "The two of us can start heading to the shops. Once the kids are done with their meeting, tell them where we've gone. I'll bet you anything the girls will follow us to prepare for your party."

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"You've gone quiet Miles. Are you okay?"

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"Sorry Dylan. I was just thinking. You're right, I shouldn't dwell on it."

(ooc: Sorry)

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"Glad to hear it. Since Spark is awake, do you want to head back to the others?"

(ooc: No worries. It happens)

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"I meant to say world , Dear ." explained Locke."Guess my tongue slipped."


"Yeah, see you in a few , cutie..." Said Glen before leaving with ziona.

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"Oh. I see. Yes, that does make sense," said Harmony.


"Yes, lets. But I think most of them are already inside when they teleported away," said Miles.


"You could make a girl jealous you know," said Ziona to Glen.

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"Oh, no. Not you ." Glen looked at Zionna."I doubt I could ever find a girl like you again."


"This little mistake has been taken care of, let's move on now."

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"Um, where to," asked Hamrony.


"All you need to do is travel to a different Zone," laughed Ziona. Then she kissed Glen on the cheek. "Don't worry. I know what you meant."

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'Hmm? Teleported away?" Dylan asked beginning to head where Ziona, Zamy and Glen were whilst looking around

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"They went to have a family meeting or something. I overheard," said Miles.

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"That would explain it. Hopefully it will be better than their last one"

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"Yep. I don't think Locke was in the right state of mind at the time"

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"You mean he sometimes is?" asked Miles

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"Yeah, sometimes. But it's been difficult recently"

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(Spark was right between miles and Dylan.) I hope Anna well be alright I don't know what I would do if she came back all upset and mad at me. (he said looking towards the ground with a worried look.)

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"I think I'm the reason for some of those difficulties," said Miles, then he looked at Spark. He felt a little bit angry that Spark was focusing on Anna. "Why would she be mad at you?" he asked.

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"Nah, even trying Zionna... I'm lucky to have you ... I would have sank long ago if someone wasn't there to put up with my stupidity."


"Another topic , of course." said Locke.

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"No. Theres been more to it than you, Miles" Dylan then looked at Spark. "Um... From what I've seen Glen is the only one who doesn't like you"

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