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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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"It's alright . I was just joking Melody." Said Tikal before Laughing.


"Then how about a hug ? that way you won't be lost again."

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"Joking... but.... on, nevermind. I'll leave the two of you to it."

"Melody, what is wrong with you?" asked Skye, worried about how his sister was acting.

"NOTHING is wrong Skye, okay?"


"Thank's for the offer Glen, but I'll pass."

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"Melody, are you sure you are alright?" Asked a concerned Red.


"oh boy, ever the cold one, are you?"

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Melody shot a quick glace of irritation towards her brother.

"I'm.. fine Mom, just fine," she said, trying to sound normal.


"Of course I am. I'm surprised you aren't suffering from frostbite by now!"

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"No you are not Melody."I can feel it in every inches of you body and way of acting."


"That's because i'm way too hot to catch a cold, cutie."

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"Mom's right Melody," said Skye. "We can help you if you tell us what's wrong."

""You wanna know what's wrong? You really wanna know? It's YOU!" Melody shrieked, grabbing Skye and pinning him against the wall. "You're ahead of me in everything! Mother's affection, magic, the throne, falling in love. The only thing I had above you was my age, and now you taken even THAT from me!"


"You just had to go there, didn't you?" asked Ziona with an amused smile.

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"Melody..." Red ."It's not your fault." Red took her out of skye and slapped her." But right now , you need to know two things : I cannot let you hurt your brother, and I cannot have you hurting yourself..."

Red sighed."So please, try to calm down. Like everyone else , you have your own advantages. Thing Skye might not even knows of. I know it, I saw it myself. So don't go that way. you are great on your own right. And that's why I love you both."


"With a girl like you, it had to happen." Said Glen with a smile.

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"I... I... I'm sorry Mom... I didn't mean.... well... I did but... I didn't want to say... You're right, there are other things I'm good at. I'm just trying to find them" Melody seemed upset more about the fact she had lost control, than what had been bothering her before.

"Melody I..." Skye began. "I'm sorry. I had no idea."

"Its not your fault Skye. I don't hate you at all. I... I think I'm going to go to bed now, it's been a long day."


"I'm amazed that you lasted this long!"

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"It's alright melody" Said Red as she held her."But you are right... Time went quite fast today. It's already night time...."

"Maybe we should eat something before , don't you think?" Said Glendo


"It's hard, but when you really want something, you have to surpass yourself." Said Glen.

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Melody hugged Red. "I didn't mean to shout like that. I just wanna be the best, have everyone looking up to me." Melody made a sound half way between a sob and a laugh. "But I'm too shy to even speak to new people normally."

She listen to Glen's suggestion.

"Thank's for the idea Glen, but I don't feel like eating. I think I'll go straight to bed."

Skye was watching is sister with a melancholy look on his face.


"You really aren't gonna give up are you.... Maybe one day..."

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"Melody." Locke said."We already...everyone here is already looking up to you.Even Shadow and Crowley, But I bet they won't Admit it. . So Don't worry Melody. In that case, You already done more than enough."


"Yes, probably..."

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"Heh, thanks Dad," said Melody. "I'm sorry for spoiling the evening everybody. Hopefully I'll feel better in the morning." She walked into her room and shut the door.


"I guess we'll find out in time."

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"It's alright child, it's alright." Said Locke


"Yes my dear, in due time...."

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*Is looking on his camera to see he got everyone*

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Skye slumped down on the couch, rubbing his shoulder slightly where Melody had grabbed him. "Poor Melody. I knew she was upset at the throne thing, but had no idea about the rest."


Ziona didn't reply, just stood there quietly.

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"Dylan, don't you have any shame ?" Said Locke. "You could at least wait to be in your room to do that..."


"Zionna ?" Asked Glen."I think It's time to sleep indeed. But first , how about we eat something ourselve ?"


Red took skye in her arm quietly and said nothing.

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Skye leaned in against Red. "I just hope she finds something to make her happy."


"Maybe Glen. But I don't fancy leaving the penthouse. My foot's starting to throb again."

(ooc: I depends on how quickly we want to start the dreamworld plot I guess.)

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"And I doubt anyone here is interested in cooking... Maybe we should ask for a room service? I saw the little cub using it this morning."


"It's up to her Skye." Said Red."It's her world, and we cannot do anything for the moment."

(ooc: Are you that dependent of this dreamworld ? If so, I'll try to get things done)

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"She's my sister. There must be something I can do to help."


"Talking of the little cub, I think Skye said something about being good at cooking. But room service would be faster, if you don't mind adding more charges to Locke's bill!"

(ooc: I'm not dependent on it at all, and we probably want to wait till everyone's around before we fire it up. Just that we should maybe keep everyone in the penthouse, so we can quickly start it when everyones ready?)

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Shame? I'm just making sure that I have everything. nothing more

(ooc: I can get Dylan to go to bed anytime)

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"I'm affraid it's between her and herself only skye. I'm sorry " Said Red.


"Don't worry. And after that , I'll gave another Look at your foot ."


"Well, that's why I would habe wanted you to do it out of our reach." Said Locke.

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Okay, sorry

*Puts camera away*

I'll do it later then

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Skye shook his head slowly, not happy at the idea.


"Heh, I think we run a serious risk of using up all the ice in the hotel at this rate."

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"With your natural hottness and my smooth attitude , It's the whole hotel that would catch on fire " Joked Glen.


"I know skye..." Said Red.


"It's not against you Dylan." Said locke ."But it's to avoid us , jumping on you to get back the tape ."

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Hold that thought

*Disappears for a short time then reappears back*

The tape's safe now

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