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Role-Play Mania v2.0

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Yeah. I was going to hack the DEL system from my zone to look for what sounds like some interesting pictures or videos. Oh, and I heard you two were an uncle and auntie. Which is nice

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"Let's just go outside ,that's what the note on the table said. And apperently Locke is waiting for us . So you we go to the balcony or not ?" Said Glen. "And no, I deleted all the data involving whatever you might want to talk about. And hackingthe DEL would be the best way to gives our positions, don't you think ? "

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Depends. But anyway, shall we go?

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"Sure. Let's go." Shadow and Rouge left with the others to the balcony. "What is it Locke?"

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well , When Shadow Asked his question, little did he knew was that Locke was already sleeping. "Dude, It appear that your overwhelming personnality made Locke Sleep. Way to go." said Glen

Red was on Locke's side too , And both were looking at the sunset. They enjoyed the view so much that they slept in front of it without them knowing it.

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*Takes picture*

Nice view this place has!

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'Indeed." Shadow then walked over to Locke and shook him. "Wake up already man."

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Glen took Shadow by the shoulder . "Let him sleep shadow .Over the last three weeks , He did more for us than himself . He'll wake in one hour or two ok? Beside, He already put the food on the table .So stap it and eat ."

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"Thank you. After all , he can always join us later, along with the woman next to him.... Make me wonder if Rouge does the same when you sleep together . That must be cute." Said Glen.

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"I'm sorry to disappoint you but we don't. We have a big bed so that we can have some space and not have to do that."

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Sure, but that's here. Does it happen anywhere else? In smaller beds, perhaps?

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"I wouldn't know. Last time we slept in a small bed was when we were sent to a little village to investigate. And I distinctly remember being kicked out of said bed to sleep on the sofa." replied Shadow.

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Hmm... fair enough. I thought you two would be closer. I guess I was wrong

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"We are close. But Shadow was a bit too heavy for me to be able to sleep with him on top of me. And he moves around too much for me to sleep on him. In most other activities we're pretty much inseperable though."

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"I guess this is the kind of woman that need more space to live ; that and no fun on duty " Said Glen.

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"Well ,but I do bet that Shadow still has his quality time her when she feels like it ." Said Glen.

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Sorry about that. I'll have something to eat, but perhaps we should talk about something else

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"But I'm pretty sure Shadow's life is full enough for a book to be written on... But it's as you wish Shadow." Said Glen.

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What do you two want to talk about?

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"Maybe we should think about whar happen so far . With this DELthing I mean. And me ...." Said Glen

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Umm... okay. So, who wants to start

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