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About Cinescense

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  • Birthday 06/14/99

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Earth
  • Interests Sonic the hedgehog (obviously),sweets,soda (rotting my teeth Is well worth the taste of soda In my opinion...that would explain why my dentist hates me but anyways),video games,sonic comics (duh),

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  • PSN Cinescense

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  1. I feel like all Sonic fans also have a history with Megaman. I mean just look at some of the status posts and their profile pictures.I'm no different,my first love was Sonic and then came Megaman

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      My two favorite games when i had a ps1 was sonic and megaman... now it seems that i had a cd with emulated games on it and some megaman and sonic games were in it... Good times.

    3. Pearl98


      you know what? i wasn't going to read the crossover originally because of what happened to the sonic comics at that time. I thought Mega man would be boring too. But look at me now, after deciding to read the first part, I'm now a huge mega man fan and i loved the crossover XD

    4. NegaMetallix


      I knew a little bit about Mega Man for a while, but like most people here I didn't really get into it until the crossover was announced. After reading the MM comics to fully understand his side of the story, I then got into the classic games, starting (strangely) with MM10.
