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About Cinescense

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  • Birthday 06/14/99

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  • Gender Male
  • Location Earth
  • Interests Sonic the hedgehog (obviously),sweets,soda (rotting my teeth Is well worth the taste of soda In my opinion...that would explain why my dentist hates me but anyways),video games,sonic comics (duh),

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  1. Well that's some depressing news.Apparently Lost Worlds (Wii U) hasn't even sold 100k copies yet. http://www.tssznews.com/2014/03/14/npd-data-shows-sonic-lost-world-wii-u-hasnt-cracked-100k-sales/ Was the game really that unappealing?Or Is it just because It was released on a system that not as many people as expected got/had at the time? I personally blame the poopy marketing,seriously this game got practically jack for marketing.I never even saw 1 commercial for this game

    1. Shadow


      Both being on Wii U and 3DS doesn't help (thought the latter suprises me). Also, there were a lot of bad reviews from our dear sonic haters IGN and Gamespot, so that didn't help either.

    2. NegaMetallix


      I expect that it was all of the above: The marketing was a mixed bag, the Wii-U was still in a state of "we're not an add-on for the Wii!" and the early reviews (as ridiculous as they were) certainly didn't help. Even then, I would've thought that more people would buy it after the major patch. But alas, it was not to be...

    3. Cinescense


      You can't spell ignorant without IGN...or is that getting old now?I forget,anyways...all I know Is that I'm saving up for a Wii U since I've already missed 2 Sonic games on there and It will almost be 3 If I don't get Sonic Boom (when It comes out that Is).Also Is it fair to say that this games rating was rather scattered from very good to very bad *looks at Gamespot*.Seriously Gamespot,It's not THAT bad.
