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Posts posted by Cinescense

  1. I'm actually surprised BigRedButton listened to our criticisms,well at least enough to where you can see changes were made.This gives me hope that It'll at least be enjoyable...but at the same time "shorter"?That stage was already short as it was so it bugs me that it's even shorter now...guess I gotta wait till I see gameplay footage from Comic-con first I guess.

  2. I sincerely do not see Julie-Su at all in Perci,but at the same time I kinda hope it's an echidna so we can see Penders over reacting to SEGA making echidna characters again.

    Boxart ahoy!






    Okay, I am gonna buy this game!

    What the—!? Don't look at me like that! I don't think it's a bad game, and well, the E3 demo was Sonic Boom in its pre-alpha stage, so look at what's happening to it!

    Look. It is very foolish to judge an entire game (that hasn't even released yet) by a few levels.

    Besides...pop quiz! What experience on video gaming do Big Red Button Entertainment employees have?

    All the people that make up Big Red Button are Ex-Naughty dog employees,part of a company that has "never made a bad game".That doesn't mean individually they can't make bad games though.I'll hope for the best for Boom and honestly the Box Art looks really nice and fresh.Been awhile since I've seen a Sonic game cover that wasn't just Sonic.Also I kinda want somebody to photoshop that floating-esk Amy into a picture of her about to hit one of those "test your strength" games at carnivals.


    I think I heard that Orbot and Cubot would be in. But I'm not sure...

    If you look at the new "Sonic Boom: Behind the Scenes of the T.V Animation" video at around the 1:33 mark if you look at the far right you can see a picture of orbot on the wall wearing with a hat of some sorts


  3. Hmm...I do kind of like them. The two hippo pirates look silly, Mayor Fink looks like a potential jerk, Doc Ginger looks like something out of Hanna-Barbara, and Perci..............................................

    ...Is.......Is that Julie-Su? *Compares Pictures*



    Perci reminds me more of Blaze with her hair down

  4. I have a funny experience with that game.I have the PS Vita version of this game and love It.This was actually the first game I got for the system back when I got It almost a year ago.I saw It at Gamestop and because of the huge Sonic fantard I am I immediately thought "I must buy It". So I had my fun with the game,beat It,and got my but handed to me on multiplayer online.Also since I'm the type of gamer who always chooses the hardest difficulty of any new game I get immediately,just to get It out of the way.You have no idea how surprised I was when I beat the entire game,all on hard (some taking many attempts) and the out of nowhere the game said "Congratulations,you have unlocked Expert mode".I tried It,got destroyed,and said "truck It" I'm not beating the game on Expert.And to top It all of,It appeared for free on the PlayStation Network for free a few months later.Also I think we can all agree that the PS Vita version of this game Is the superior handheld copy of the game...that's all I have going for me right now.

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  5. I will be honest.My first reaction to the re-designs was Tails face,but I got used to them pretty fast.Sonic looks fine besides you know blue arms (Which I don't mind),Knuckles has really been skipping leg day (along with Eggman),Tails reminds me of his adult self In the Archie comics which Is nice,and Amy looks like she's ready to go to the club or something (I like her re-design). The main thing that I want them to fix Is the character models they really need to pump those models up.

    Also guys,don't lie,If you own a Wii U you know your going to buy this game even If it sucks.


  6. Do you guys wanna see my collection? Well to bad because I don't have a single physical copy!


    The closest thing I have to one Is the digital copy of the first ever Sonic The Hedgehog #1 from the Mega Collection Plus on my Xbox (2003).I would buy them but I sadly don't have a credit card or anything to pay for stuff like this...but once I do...I shall waste that piece of plastic like an Arabian prince does with oil! Also I would recommend craigslist as another form to sell your amazing collection of comics If the other two don't go well.Good luck my friends.

  7. I'm actually kinda happy that the series will "reset" every episode.It'll make It easier for the viewers to just be able to jump into the series on any episode and not have to worry about following continuity/story like Sonic X had (which I will admit to waking up early on Saturday's to watch).I still appreciated how sonic X tried to follow the story of the games a bit though.The only thing that bugs me Is the fact that Sonic Is sorta 60% legs now but that may just be me (also Knuckles has really been going to the gym In recent time,though he seems to be skipping leg day just like Eggman)

