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Danny Felixe

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Everything posted by Danny Felixe

  1. Who am I? Sonic edition

    That's it. I'll try to make it a little harder next time. You're turn.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Great. I need to find what makes me super. In the meantime, I think I'll wait for everyone else to catch up. No contest otherwise. I'm waaaaaaaaiiiiiiitttttiiiiiing...
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Chocolates good too, but it won't distract me from my goal. I'm back in the lead
  4. RING RING Telephone!

    Very well, This is like eating frozen chocolate cake while drinking cold near beer at an autistic birthday party.
  5. Who am I? Sonic edition

    First of all, that was who I was planning to do before I knew who you were doing. Oh well. I am not a hedgehog, nor am I a robot, a mongoose or a bird, yet I have outrun the fastest thing alive
  6. Introduction Thread

    Past cool. Say hello to him for me
  7. Ideas for new Sonic games

    That is a great idea for a game. I would definatly play it if it is made. Anyone who works for sega out there, "hint" "hint"
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    But whilst Knuckles and Shadow are getting ready for the fight, this werehog returns and takes the lead from everyone reminding everyone that this is a competition, not a fight. Pausing only for the delicious popcorn Skye offered earlier. ^_^
  9. RING RING Telephone!

    I don't like where is game is going but here is mine. This game is like eating frozen chocolate while drinking cold near beer at an autistic birthday party.
  10. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    It should go off with a bang
  11. Who am I? Sonic edition

    My final guess is Harry. I don't know if he was banished anywhere but it seems reasonable
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Newcomer takes the leads from cheerleader
  13. Sonic X

    I understand that. But personally, I don't have the patience to watch things in other languages, even if they are better.
  14. top 5/10 lists

    Here are mine Top 5 (Archie) Villains 1: Bean 2: Mecha Sonic (Sonic Roboticised) 3: Scourge 4: Mammoth Mogul 5: Eggman Top 5 Heroes 1: Silver 2: Shard 3: Mighty 4: Ray 5: Tails or Skye (Unsure between them) Top 5 Sonic Universe Arcs 1: Silver Saga (Awesome Prelates) 2: Chaotix Quest (Mighty, Ray and Matilda: A happy moment) 3: Scourge Lockdown (Uh-oh, Scourge, Destructix and Dr Finitevus. Little good can come from them) 4: Treasure Team Tango (Bean at his finest moments) 5: 30 Years Later (1 word: EPIC!)
  15. Thank you so much!

    To all who had a part in creating this sight... You are all waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyy past cool. Thank you so much for this :D
  16. Introduction Thread

    I know I was to do that. Still somewhat enjoyed it though.
  17. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Is it General Von Stryker
  18. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    That's a good prediction too. I hope it's true.
  19. This DRAGONLORD is a werehog!

  20. Introduction Thread

    Hello everybody! I'm DRAGONLORD but you can call me Dylan and I'm 16. Got into Sonic for the first time ever last year. Used to spend my time looking through wiki pages on Sonic until I accidentally found this website. I lurked around as a guest for months until the site reached it's maximum memory. Then I decided to join. I have read all the comics. I also recently finished watching all of SatAM, AoSTH, Sonic Underground and Sonic X. As you can probably guess, I am totally addicted to Sonic now. Nice to meet you all
  21. Egg jokes

    That is "eggcellent" T'wan
  22. Who am I? Sonic edition

  23. Weird and funny comic moments

    Off panel-Big and Bean. Hilarious :D
  24. Knuckles the Echidna (Comic Series)

    Helped me understand more of the Echidna culture which I was clueless about for ages. It did take me a while to get into it though, but I'd read pretty much all the other other comics so I felt that it was best to give the comic series ago. I understand some of the other comics a little better now, including how Mammoth Mogule sent Sonic, Tails and Knuckles to a weird planet and held prisoner almost everyone else.
  25. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    I bet Bunnie has gone to see her uncle to get cybernetic parts. She might arrive back with Mighty's sister but I think Antoine will wake up just after Bunnie returns. Double reunion
