Yo! My name's Sonic, and it's probably obvious that it's an alias, but I'd prefer to be called just that. I'm 18 years old, and I live in the USA! So unfortunately that's the only language I speak. xD Sorry. Sonic's a series that I love with all of my heart -- and the comics are my second-favorite continuity. First and foremost being the games that started it all!
I'm not the type to have a job, and I haven't fallen into society's drilling that I've GOT to have one yet, so hopefully I'll keep the massive amount of spare time I have that way! And even though, again -- I have a lot of time on my hands, I'm frequently busy with things in real-life and online. But oh well. I love life anyway!
I'm aromatic, but I don't really see how saying sexuality things matters. //shrugs.
Roleplaying's my main hobby, but my others are art, fanfiction and making AMVs. All they are are hobbies and I have no real intent to take them up as a profession or anything -- especially I'm nothing but an amateur at all three. But maybe I'll show my work around here sometime. Who knows!
I'm glad this site exists for many reasons -- the comics are a massive blessing for me since I don't and can't get every issue imaginable, and I want to stay up to date. The other reason is that the art gallery of official art is a joy to go through and see every single piece of artwork from any game ever. It's just awesome! This site provides a lot of awesome things so I'm glad to join. I'm excited to try and be part of the community on this forum!
So, hello! And I'll see you guys sometime later around here! ^^