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Shadow the Hedgehog

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Everything posted by Shadow the Hedgehog

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Shadow rushed inside and grabbed a hold of Red's arm. "Drop it," he said sternly.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yes it would. We have the tape somewhere at home."
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Shadow and Hope waited for Melody to deliver the letter. --- "I'll be sure to tell her as well then. But whatever you do don't go into the hills east of the Kingdom of Acorn. The people there aren't quite right, and don't like outsiders one bit."
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "If you want I can give you a list of places to avoid like the plague?'
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ok. We'll wait out of sught." ----- "I suppose you're right, but at least we aren't ruled by a dictator in the UF. Can't speak for the rest of the planet though."
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "If you want to knock be my guest." --- "We don't have rulers, or at least we don't like them very much. They often only give a Darn about themselves rather than the people, and the only way to oust them is a blood soaked revolution or coup."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    They approached the seemingly empty house. "There doesn't appear to be anyone. The hiding place then?" --- "I see. Well here the government has to appear to be doing a good job or they get voted out next election. The key word is appear. Politics is similar wherever you go, false promises everywhere."
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I think I see one up ahead. Let's hope no one's home." --- "There are but the ethical jargon means they don't want in. Stuff like whether it's right to make it a private good for sale or a public right, do we share it with allies, how to handle children who can't make their own decisions? Politics really."
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thank you Melody." ---- "They tried but they can't work out the essential parts of it. It seems Gerald took those to his grave. Hope's more of a techie so although she tried she couldn't work it out. And I don't think asking Eggman's a good idea."
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "That's true. If only I'd have given the signal earlier I could have avoided being copied." ---- "That's a good pount. Yes, I'm sure he'd appreciate that," wistfully replied Rouge. "Though I'm still not giving up on someone eventually deriving immortality from him."
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Indeed. We were attempting to get a emerald from a strange being known as Feist. He rules his own dimension. But we failed his trial and were sent back here. It was difficult for me to accept my failure, but after some encouragement we headed back and failed again, but Omega let loose and we grabbed it anyway. It's always good to have a trick up your sleeve." --- Rouge laughed. "Yeah, stamp collecting wouldn't be his thing. But I'm sure we'll think of something."
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'm the ultimate lifeform, superior to all other living things. It doesn't mean I'm totally infallible though. I make very few mistakes, but the ones I do make I swiftly learn from. It would be far worse to believe I could never fail, as sooner or later I would. Needless to say, that would shatter my moral. Or rather, did at one point." --- "Hmmm that's a good idea. Now I just need something he'll want to get him to play. He doesn't have many hobbys unfortunately."
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Indeed. Well at least I got something right," replied Shadow. --- "I plan to, though we'll have to think of something to each bet first."
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You're just letting your conflicting feelings out Melody, it's perfectly normal. Far better to speak your mind than trybto grapple with them alone." The group eventually reached the dirt road as a thought popped into Hope's head. "Shadow, why did you settle on calling Crowley, er, Crowley?" "Well it'd be too confusing for everyone if there were 2 Shadows and he said something that made me think of Aleister Crowley. Though the more he acts the less they seem alike." --- "I actually beat him fairly. He'd know if I was cheating. First time he's ever lost to me." --- "Yes let's head back to the others."
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I know the one's you mean. I think it feels different not only because you've changed, but also because this is the Moebius of the past for you." --- "Yes. I beat him at poker yesterday, and his last bet to stay in was to do what I wanted for the day. As for where to put it, I'm sure I can find a spot at home." --- "Yes I'm still here Red."
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Don't worry, we'll be in and out before you know it," said Hope. --- "Exactly, at least I have the sense to know when not to grab something. That's why I got Shadow to make that Master Emerald replica."
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ok that's simple enough. Let's go." --- "Heh yeah I think I did. And that's right, stealing from GUN is a no no. They don't have anything to steal anyway. I'm not so obsessed that I'll steal the Chaos Emeralds, knowing how important they are."
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yeah. That's a relief. Do you have the directions?" asked Hope. ---- "Well you see before I was a spy I was a jewel thief and treasure hunter, the best in the world I might add. Eventually they caught wind of me and I was offered the job along with a pardon and immunity for any further heists. How could I possibly refuse? Of course it was just me on my own at that time; Shadow was still frozen and Omega wasn't built yet."
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Alright then." Shadow walked into the armoury and came out holding a tazerwhich he tucked into Hope's boot out of sight. "Your old tazer's fried unfortunately. But like amelody said, hopefully this'll be quick and clean." "That's the plan. Ok, I'm activating it now." Hope hit a small hutton on her belt and the three were caught in a blue sphere of energy before being transported to Moebius. --- Rouge laughed. "Neither does Shadow but he's certainly eager surprisingly. You can just talk to me, there's not much else to be done at this stage."
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Sure. I could use the company," said Rouge as Shadow chaos controlled to GUN HQ with Hope and Melody. "Do you need any gear?" he asked Melody.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Rouge looked to Shadow. "Just remember to come back in one piece. You're looking after me after all." "I'll be back soon, I promise," he replied before opening the door. "Ready to go then?"
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Shadow and Hope headed back into his room to stay with Rouge.
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "As soon as Anna's written that letter I'll take you two to GUN and we can be on our way."
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Well luckily I get to make my own decisions," replied Hope.
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "No. Ziona's done enough today. I'll just go with them when they're ready. That device should accommodate three right?" Hope gave Shadow a nod.
