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Shadow the Hedgehog

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Everything posted by Shadow the Hedgehog

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Did you really think you had a chance here? taunted Mephiles. "I wouldn't be so smug, we're not dead yet," retorted Shadow before hitting him with a Chaos spear. ---- Hope returned "I think that's cheered him up." ---- Zamy got up and chose her food then returned as the drinks arrived.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I know you don't like playing guard Omega, so I'll give your arsenal a tweaking tomorrow and see if there's something I can do." "Your generosity is appreciated," replied Omega, his head turning to her and giving what would be a nod.
  3. Free play mania 1.0

    *distracts troops while Rouge flies over them and knocks out the leader with a roundhouse kick* Shadow: Good work, let's get him back, I have just the trick to make him talk.
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Rouge landed a kick on the distracted Mephiles, though his laughter showed he wasn't feeling surprised or beaten by their arrival. --- "Agreed, anyway I'll be right back," said Hope as she headed out the door. ---- Zamy ordered the drinks and had a think about what she'd order.
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It is, though I doubt you'll see it tonight," laughed Hope. ---- "It was my pleasure. Now go get some food, it's all you can eat. I'll sort the drinks out."
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "He could try. And boy would he." --- "Yes we do," said Zamy as she handed informed the waiter and they were taken to a table.
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "More he loves blasting things to pieces in the field." ---- Zamy teleported them to just outside the restaurant and showed them in." ---- Shadow went to counterattack but was dodged once again, Mephiles using the opportunity to slam him into the wall.
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Hope laughed. "Good plan. I'll check on Omega outside. Being stuck guarding us isn't what he wanted I think." ---- "Good to hear. Ready to go?"
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'll grab it in a bit then." ---- "It certainly does suit you," said Zamy.
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "If you insist Melody.:
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You can have mine and I'll setup a sleeping bag." ---- "Sure thing." Zamy teleported them back to Haven.
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    The pair approached slowly but he still saw them, hurling balls of energy to try and deter them. ---- "Oh I know, I wasn't complaining," said Hope. ---- "I understand."
  13. Free play mania 1.0

    Shadow: Well it looks like the target is ever so kindly standing there yelling orders. I'll try and grab him this time for interrogation.
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Hope laughed. "Yeah, between the toolbox, electronics and the occassional picture it certainly is me." ---- "Ok, if you're sure Miles."
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thanks, I like to think it is." ---- "I could run to the store and grab you some now if you really want?"
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It isn't. I've still got my radio handy," said Hope as she wheeled Melody into her room. "It's not fit for royalty, but it has enough space." ---- "You look much cleaner. Though maybe some gel could keep your hair down if you wanted?"
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It was no problem. Do you want to get set up in my room?"
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You could, I just lent a hand. It's what friends are for." --- After half an hour Zamy came out and sat down in the main room, relaxed from her bath. ---- Peeking round a corner, Shadow saw Mephiles murnuring in front of an altar, and motioned for Rouge to move up.
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I've fallen on my backside plenty of times, we've all done it. It's not your fault."
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thanks. Now cheer up, you didn't do anything wrong," said Hope.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Well try not to fall over. If you landed wrong you could've hurt yourself even more."
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Are you trying to break your arms or something?" Laughed Hope, helping her up.
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Hope rushed over. "Are you OK Melody?"
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "More waiting I'm afraid. He's still there."
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Shadow and Rouge began their investigation of the cave, hearing a faint noise getting louder as they progressed. --- Zamy went into hers and started her bath.
