Be aware that is not what I intend for him. Anyway enjoy the next part.
Chapter One: Charmy's Power
"Professor Oak your idea worked, I know which Charmander I would like" said James. "That's wonderful my boy, so which one did you decide on?" asked Oak. "I choose Chamander number ten!" declared James causing the Charmander to jump onto the rock in surprise. "I chose him because he is unique, and has his own ideas about how he should act. I want a friend and a team mate in my pokemon. They are not tools for battle or servants for people to command and overwork. In that Charmander I see a fire which will burn strong just like the flame of my dream. That is why he is my perfect partner" said James rallying Charmander as he walked to James' side like he was agreeing to be his pokemon.
"It looks like Charmander likes you and wants to be your first Pokemon, why don't you follow me with Charmander to collect your Pokedex and Pokeballs while my Aide gets Charmander's for you" said Oak which James quickly agreed as he followed Oak with Charmander at his side. Within three minutes the group was in the center of Oak's lab with the professor himself programing in James' data to the pokedex. "Here you go my boy, your pokedex and the five pokeball on the table next to me are for you as well" said Oak as James picked up the pokeballs and took the pokedex from professor Oak's hand. "Thank you Professor Oak but tell me is there anywhere I can get changed? I would like to get into my journey clothes before recieving Charmander's pokeball" said James. "There is a bathroom through that door on the left you can get changed in there"said professor Oak and James walked through the door.
Ten minutes later Oak's Aide entered the room with Chamander's pokeball in hand. "Here is Charmander's pokeball Professor. But where is James?" asked the Aide. "He is getting changed in the bathroom, give him the pokeball when he emerges. I have to be ready to greet the other new trainer we are expecting today" said Oak before leaving the room. Another five minutes pass and Charmander was getting annoyed at James letting out a loud Growl attack at the bathroom door. Just as the growl passes the door unlocked and swung open. A right foot stepped out revealing a black and red trainer, as the leg emerged a pair of black jeans on it. As the torso came into the light a grey T shirt was visable, there was nothing on the arms but on the hands were a pair of black fingerless gloves. There was nothing on the neck and head other than red spikey hair. In the left hand was a bag which a red bandana was pulled out of. Dropping the bag he tied the bandana around his forehead then using his right foot he kicked the bag back into his hand.
Pulling a large blue Jacket out of the bag he quickly let go of his bag and put the Jacket on catching the bag before it hit the ground. Zipping up his bag he put it on his back and turned to Oak's Aide. "It is time for James Pyrian to begin his pokemon journey with Charmy, his new friend and partner Charmander" said a now different James. "Then here is Charmy's pokeball, and make the Professor proud!" said the Aide in response causing both James and Charmy to smile before looking at each other. "Lets get going! So return Charmy!" Said James as he called Charmy back to his pokeball and proceeded to run out of the lab in a haste but as he stepped through the door he hit something and came tubbling back into the room.
"Are you Alright James?" asked the Aide as he helped James back onto his feet. "Yeah I am I must have hit a wall or something" said James holding his head. "I'm not a wall you Dolt!" Yelled another boy as he walked through the door. He had black hair and was wearing a basic grey Jacket with blue pants and white trainers. "Now calm down Jak, how could he have known you were walking though the door and visaversa" said Oak as he entered after the other boy. "So this is Jak the other boy we were expecting today Professor?" asked the Aide. "Yes could you prepare his Pokedex and Pokeballs. He chosen Bulbasaur as his first pokemon" said Oak to which the Aide nodded and started on the Pokedex. Jak was still mad and realized James was starting out today too. "Hey James was it? How about a battle to test out our Pokemon?" said Jak to which James responding by sending out Charmander.
"Charmander!? Darn you have a type advantage" said Jak as he sent out Bulbasaur. "I wanna see how strong Charmy is so how about we use normal type moves only? I know my Charmander knows Scratch and Growl" said James but Jak seemed uneasy. "Bulbasaur knows Tackle and Growl Jak" said Oak and Jak smiled. "Thanks Professor now James lets fight. Bulbasaur use Tackle!" said Jak as Bulbasaur did. "Dodge and use scratch on Bulbasaur's back right leg" said James as Charmy did. Charmy's scratch hit causing damage to Bulbasaur's leg but it shuck it off. "Tackle again Bulbasaur" said Jak. "Dodge and use scratch on it's other back leg" said James and both Pokemon did as commanded. Scratch once again making contact causing Bulbasaur damage.
Jak was getting angry, "Use Tackle again Bulbasaur!" yelled Jak but as Bulbasaur tried to it failed and ended up tumbling down onto it's face. "Bulbasaur? What happened!?" asked a surprised Jak. "Bulbasaur are very quick pokemon and Tackle is quite effective but in order to lauch a Tackle attack Bulbasaur luanches itself from it's hind legs. By damaging Bulbasaur's legs I took it'sTackle out of the equation making Bulbasaur powerless in this battle. But now to end this Charmy one last powerful Scratch" said James as Charmy used Scratch defeating Bulbasaur earning James his first win. "That was some good planning James, you knew Bulbasaur's weakness and used it as your strength like a pokemon trainer should" said Oak impressed while Jak recalled Bulbasaur and claimed his Pokedex and Pokeballs from Oak's Aide.
"Thank you for the Pokedex and Pokeballs Professor but I must be going now" said Jak. "Now hold on I should check Bulbasaur before you go, he just fought a tough battle" said Oak and Jak handed over the pokeball. Placing the Pokeball into a machine Oak scanned Bulbasaur's condition while James walked up to Jak. "Jak Don't feel bad losing, I did a lot of research on Bulbasaur and Squirtle when I decided to pick Charmander knowing there was a high chance I would face them on my journey. How about when Bulbasaur is good you and I travel together for a while?" asked James surprising Jak. "S...sure that could be good" said Jak who seemed more shy than he was before their battle.