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Everything posted by NegaMetallix

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Might as well give my thoughts on Issue #265 while it's still relevant:
  2. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    As I haven't said anything for 'Total Eclipse' Parts 2 or 3 yet so far, here are my thoughts:
  3. Well, it looks like I've got a bit of catching up to do with the comics. Posting time!

  4. Hey all, long time no see! I've been ill for the past few weeks, so if you're wondering what happened to me, now you know.

    1. HyperMetal50


      I know how you feel. I've been stuck with a stomach bug for the past couple weeks. Good to see you back!

    2. Device


      Glad you're feeling better!

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  5. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    I highly doubt this'll result in another reboot or anything like that, nor do I see any more Genesis Waves being used. (Unless maybe it's just to connect the worlds together again. Nothing more, nothing less). Sonic's world is damaged enough as it is. My guess as to what the whole "no universe will be safe" tagline is referring to, is either: 1) Perhaps Mega Man's world actually DOES suffer some kind of consequence after this crossover, unlike the last one. 2) This may involve more than just Sonic's World and Mega Man's Earth. (Though I don't mean the Boom-verse or any other Mega Man timelines.) I'm just gonna have one last theory as to who (or what) might be involved in this crossover. Potential spoilers, away!
  6. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    And there's the bombshell. Sorry BlueBlur, your source was incorrect. This'll be taking place within the main comics again, most likely just after the events of MM3 on Mega Man's world, and definately during the Shattered World Crisis on Sonic's world. I'm also gonna take a wild guess and say that Universe will be tagging along too.
  7. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    In terms of 'Worlds Collide' being canon to either universes, I have at least two theories as to what might happen. My first theory goes something like this:
    1. BlurryDawgo


      Thankfully it's a limited mini-series, (according to this article: http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=54531) so we won't have to worry about the same problems next time.

  8. And I'm back! I had a great time at EGX yesterday, getting to play both Sonic Boom games, Smash Bros. and even Mortal Kombat X. I'll give you guys my thoughts on the games soon. (But first... *sigh* back to homework...)

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      EVEN WORSE! Get better and good luck!

    2. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Hope you get better soon! And good luck with the essay!

    3. HyperMetal50


      Man, what a price to day for all that fun. Get better soon!

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  9. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Time for my thoughts on Issue #264:
  10. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    Hey guys! It's finally time. Here are the covers and solicitation for the upcoming Issue #44, the finale to (the first half of) the Mega Man 3 arc! Yep, this is looking like it'll likely be an 8-parter, which I'm definately down for! (Especially after just finishing MM3 not too long ago). As for the solicit, it sounds like it'll be the standard fare for Mega Man, with a couple of twists thrown in; Perhaps Hard Man has a slightly different agenda? Spark Man just sounds like it'll be an average 'final' Robot Master battle, but who knows? Oh, and Wily's 'greatest creation to date'? Yeah, I'm looking at you, Doc Robot! But that's a story for another time (and another arc).
  11. Sonic Boom (Comic Series)

    Well, I can at least update you all on this one. Here are the covers and solicitation for the upcming Issue #3: Hammer Spaced! (Heh, I get it...) ...You know when the shows you watch have filler episodes, and they're not really that memorable? Like, at all? Well to me, this issue just sounds like it'll be a 'filler episode' for the comic. I mean, it seems like the plot is laid out right there: Amy loses her hammer, causing her to go a little cukkoo. Sonic, Tails and Knux go to find it, while Sticks and Amy have wacky hijinks about getting a different weapon. Unless there's something different when it releases, this is likely one of the reasons I'm not interested in Boom. (Sorry for going off on that little mini-rant/tangent, but those are just my thoughts on all of this so far.) Anyway, what are your thoughts, guys?
  12. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    Once again, I've been beaten TWICE for updating you guys on the latest news! *sigh* Oh well... As for the issue itself, it appears that the main FF crew will be taking on both comics for a few months, which I'm okay with as long as the story's interesting. And it looks to be so. Seeing NICOLE take the spotlight for a whole arc should be a lot of fun, and may even bring some surprises. I like that it'll take place on the Isolated Island (aka the opening stage of Knuckles Chaotix) and I'm intrigued on this whole 'Digital World' fiasco. Perhaps this is a good chance to reference some digital/cyber levels from the games, like Techno Base and Cyber Track from the Advance series, as well as Digital Circuit and Mad Matrix from Shadow The Hedgehog. I'm not gonna get my hopes up for Shard appearing just yet, and finally... Dr. Ellidy? Is that supposed to be a play on words (Ellidy = LED, as in LED lights) or just a mere coincidence?
  13. Sonic Boom (The game)

    Realisticly, based on what I've currently seen, I'd probably give the 3DS version a 3, and the Wii-U version a 2. I'm just really not liking the look of the combat so far.
  14. Super Smash Bros!

    Actually, from the streams I watched, Alph IS just an alt for Olimar. It's probably because he plays exactly like Olimar, but the other clones have their differences.
  15. Who wants to see some character alts for Super Smash Bros.? http://oi57.tinypic.com/2u7nb0p.jpg (To be honest, I'm pretty disappointed with some, especially Sonic's.)

  16. Have you ever seen something catch on so much in so little time, that it starts to wear out its welcome? 'Cause I know I certainly have.

    1. ViciousPhantom


      The Call of Duty dog meme is probably my favorite example of this. I was annoyed by it by the end of its first day as a meme.

  17. So, how about that 'New 3DS', huh? ...Okay, long story short, if you're thinking of getting a 3DS anytime soon, you might wanna hold off for a bit.

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      Nope. Some consoles are just bad. That's a logical reason too

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  18. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Seeing as I didn't give my opinions on the latest issue when it was released, I feel like I should do so before the next one comes out. So, Issue #263 (and 'Waves of Change' as a whole, for that matter): I think it was a pretty good world-building arc, at the very least. But at the same time, something about it just didn't work with me. I dunno, maybe it was the politics with the King and Queen, the fact that Sonic's team didn't really make too much progress, who knows? That being said, there were a lot of aspects I liked; I was actually kinda interested to sea (...heh, get it?) the underwater city of Meropis, I think Coral, Razor, Pearly and even Capt. Striker were pretty nice additions to the new world's characters, and the appearances of both Tikal and Chaos made me happy. (Although, with the Dark Guardian now defeated, who's gonna guard the Shamar Temple?) I also liked the nods to SA1 with the Egg Carriers and more, but overall I still came out of this arc thinking it was pretty cool... but nothing more than that. But hey, we get to see Mighty and Ray again, along with our first look at (I presume) Moss the Sloth. As for 'Light in the Dark/Consequences': This was also a decently fun adventure, but I liked it a little bit more than the main story. Although the Freedom Fighters' part(s) was more-or-less just a Chaos Emerald hunt, I actually kinda liked seeing NICOLE learning how important it is to protect parts of the world while saving it. Antoine also had his moments (namely involving his hair and Badniks), Sally showed why she's leading the team, and Tails... well, he was there for the hacking and grabbing the Emerald, I guess. But for me, 'Consequences' was the part I enjoyed the most, even though the premise was very simple; two new Egg Bosses discovering the aftermath of the FF's operation, and reporting it to Eggman. But I liked how it portrayed these two new characters (Cassia and Clove) as caring sisters to each other, showing an arguably less evil side to the Eggman Empire. As for the real evil, I think our first 'look' at Thunderbolt is enough to make one worried. Overall, despite some flaws, it was a fun arc. But I'm certainly looking forward to the next couple of two-parters, especially since it's gonna get a little... hairy.
  19. Sonic Universe (Comic Series)

    So, I haven't really been giving my thoughts on some of the more recent issues. Time to rectify that: First, Issue #66 (and 'The Great Chaos Caper' as a whole): It certainly was a fun ride, even though it took a little time to kick into gear. The finale definately had me laughing the most, whether it was from Nack's 'water pistol', Vector... er, hiding Chip, or Bean's little tantrum at the Dark Titan. (BTW, I believe we now have a new contender for 'Best Facial Expression in the Archie Sonic Series'!) And seeing Tikal for reals this time was also a delight. If there's one thing that I didn't quite enjoy, it was Tikal casually revealing Chip's true identity, but since most Sonic fans will have at least heard of Unleashed's story, it's not really that big of a dealbreaker for me. Now for Issue #67 ('Total Eclipse' Part 1): I think it's off to a decent start. Completely misleading cover aside, I feel like the story did what it needed to; get Knuckles' group to interact and work with Team Dark, with Eclipse lurking close by. I loved seeing certain characters interacting with others (the most noteworthy one for me was Fixit and Omega), and I'm interested to see how Dr. Snively fits into all of this. I also enjoyed seeing Eclipse's show his more caring side for his Black Arms Wisps Dark Arms, along with that little jab at just how useless Rhythm was in Lost World. Aside from that, everything else seemed like the basic 'bring two arcs together' storyline. Oh, and there was Bug Relic... yeah, I don't have anything worth adding to that.
  20. Another new challenger for Smash Bros. has been revealed! (Officially, this time.) On the one hand, that's an extra character I'm gonna enjoy fighting, but on the other hand... well, I still hate leaks!

  21. Sonic Boom (The game)

    Well, Metal Sonic has been spotted in the 3DS version before (see one of the older trailers), so it looks like they'll both be rivals in that version. The Wii-U version, on the other hand, is a little trickier to know. I mean, Shadow might appear in the Wii-U version too, but we won't know until later.
  22. Sonic Boom (The game)

    Who's ready for another trailer? This one's for the 3DS version (which I currently prefer), and features a certain Ultimate Lifeform at the end: [media=] So yeah, Shadow's here. For now, I'm gonna say that was a cutscene from the 3DS game, but who knows? What do you guys think?
  23. I hate video game leaks sometimes...
