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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. The Childhood Horror

    Again, at six years old.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Then well done Skye," said Miles patting him on the head. "He seems happier now," whispered Ziona to Dylan. "Hello there. I'm Ziona, Dylan's new friend." "Uh... yeah, uh.. pleased to meet you Ziona," said Miles, trying to act like it was the first time they met, despite knowing otherwise."
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Miles nodded. "Cheers Zamy. Now... I better not let the kids down." He gave a sad smile. "Coming Dylan," he called as he stepped through. "Wow! This place is amazing!" "Hweh, thwanks Uncle Lwucas," said Skye a little bashfully. ----------- "That big?" asked Melody.
  4. The Childhood Horror

    I'll just leave these here... Doubly creepy if you're scared of puppets. I still loved the show!
  5. The Childhood Horror

    Six years old, watching a dead body being dragged away while an identical copy stands over it. Sure, NOW it's not creepy, but back then....
  6. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Hmm, I think the needle is stuck on NMS's record. Either that or he wants Cheery to reboot the game. 46
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thanks," said Miles. "Just make sure I drink it before sleeping. Even if you need to spike my drink or something!" He turned to the portal. "Uh, if you want me to come in?" --------------- "Thanks. How big a bit do you want?"
  8. The Childhood Horror

    This: From the kids TV Show 'Captain Scarlet and The Mysterons'. A race of aliens has declared war on earth. They would kill you in some gruesome way, then bring you back to life as a slave under their command to carry out their plots of revenge. And all that was ever seen of them are the two green rings passing over your dead body as their creepy theme music played (Sorry for the low quality vid). Did I mention this was a kid's show?
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yep, here it is," said Miles, handing a reinforced bottle to Zamy. "Take good care of it." He turned to the portal and gave a small sigh. "Yeah, I'm here Dylan. How's the dinosaur world?" ------------ "Right," said Melody bring out the box. "Gotta knife?"
  10. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    If you keep bring it up, he will! 43
  11. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    37? Maybe? Perhaps?
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Agreed. The cure should be.." Miles' ears twitched. "Huh, I can hear them... sounds like they're in the portal," he sighed. -------------- "Yeah, she loves it. Don;t you Greeny?" said Ziona picking up the dinosaur and huigging it, who gave a happy squeak in reply. "I thwink I hweard Uncle Lwucas outswide," said Skye. --------------- Melody wasn't far behind, despite eating more. "Now how about some cake?" she asked.
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Ziona jumped through the portal. Greeny bonded after, then squeaked in amazement as he looked round the valley.
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ywep," said Skye. "Lwet's go!" he called as he jumped in. ----------- "At least the kids are unlikely to be in the lab. Gives me some breathing space," said Miles. ------------ "Mmmm, yes, this is really nice!" said Melody enthusiastically though mouthfuls.
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Still in the lab. I better give it to be you to be safe," said Miles. ----------- "C'mon Greeny, let's meet all your friends!" called Ziona as she flew, Greeny bonding and squeaking happily below her. ------------ "Yeah! What a horrible fate!" laughed melody.
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yweah! Lwet's!" grinned Skye, starting to run to the lab.
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It's okay Zamy, I'm pretty sure I won't get lost now I know they're there. And if the kids are any indication, I've got till tomorrow. Just make sure I drink that cure tonight and I should be fine." -------------- "I thwink hwe'll bwe okay twomorrow," said Skye. "Thwey swaid it was just a shwort swicky-thwing" ------------- "Yeah, IF I run. If I didn't..." Melody shuddered.
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yeah," said Miles leaning on a chair. "I guess it was because I was being so protective of him. And... er... well, I did... after hearing about Skye and the others... I wanted to be a good parent." He sighed. "But I'm not sure limiting would be a great option Zamy. How do you think a kid would feel if their father was actively avoiding them?" -------- "I'm swure hwe'll bwe fwine. Mwaybe hwe's jwust worries cwause Mwiles is swick," said Skye. --------- "Yeah, I burn though a lot of energy when I run," said Melody.
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Uh, I wasn't meaning Anna was included in my fake memories. When I said Nothing seems to be blocked off, I meant all my memories, not just Anna. My... the person included in my fake memories isn't Anna. Although..." Miles pondered for a moment. "I think she might be kinda based on Anna." -------------- "I dwunno," said Skye. "No, wait, I dwo! Lwet's go an' twake Grweeny and Rwexy to the Dwino Pwortal!" "Yeah, that'll be fun!" said Ziona. She turned to Dylan. "You're Daddy seemed worried about something." --------------- "Yes I am. I've got my appetite back now I can run again."
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Of COURSE I remember Anna, and when she was Mina," said Miles. "Nothing seems to be missing or blocked off. Just a block of extra memories have been added about..." he looked down slightly. "Family life. But I can still tell those are fake if I think about them." He went silent for a moment to think. "I should be okay till tomorrow. That's how long it took the kids to get lost in their new memories. So, yeah, the cure really has to work!" ------------ "Thanks," said Melody as she divvied up the food, her pile significantly larger than Hope's.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It's gotten to all three kids, if Ziona can't remember meeting me," said Miles as he walked back into the room. "Thankfully so far all I've got is... er..." he looked at Zamy. "Sorry to bring it up, but a bunch of pasted in fake-memories." ------------- "It was REALLY busy when I left. If I'd dawdled on the way I might have been another hour!"
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Miles blinked. "Uh oh..." Skye looked confused. "Why awre you cwalling Uncwke Lwucas Mwiles Zwamy?" he asked. "Mwiles is swick twoday, remwwmber." "$@&# this escalated fast," muttered Miles under his breath, then he spoke up. "Uh, I'll be along with you three kids in a sec, right. Zamy and I have important but boring grown-up stuff to talk about. But we won't be long." ----------- "I was lucky. The queue just started to form after I arrived," said Melody.
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yep, guess I do," said Miles turning back to Zamy. "Do you wanna come and see what it is my Son and Skye wanna show me?" -------------- The lab doors burst open as Melody arrived with a rather large collection of food. "BACK!" she called triumphantly. "And only cause three accidents," she joked.
