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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: I think so....  I wonder where Dylan is,  *goes to look* (Oh, and Monsty looks like a 5 year old version of Skye)
  2. Ban the above poster

    Banned because Hi Geoffrey!     (FYI: Skye looks Mobian again, but 18 and with 5 tails)
  3. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Monsty: So... should we get Seviper to get you a Mommy too?
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Even if it looks pretty?" asked Zoe.   "Not if it makes you forget," said Harmony
  5. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: I'm sure she won't.  And she'll give out treats and sing songs
  6. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: She will?  Why?
  7. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Monsty: What's wrong with wanting a Mommy?
  8. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Monsty: But I wanna Mommy! 
  9. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Aww, bye Shimoni.  Have a good night. Monsty: YAY!  I'm gonna have a Mommy!
  10. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Monsty: *giggles* I like that Skye: What if I get a girlfriend so she can be a queen instead of me?
  11. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned Because: Monsty: *Cheers* Skye: Happy now Son?
  12. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Ah.. good morning.. er.. whatever time of day it is Seviper Monsty: I.. uh...er..  *uncovers eyes* (Someone toss a coin for Monsty!  Or choose whatever will be more fun)
  13. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Hmm, let's have a look Monsty *covers eyes* Stay away dad!
  14. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    Especially bad OFFICIAL crossovers.
  15. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Well, I dunno.  But Monsty has turned into a Mobian now...
  16. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    Sorry, didn't mean to scare you... wait... You're scared?  You?  WOW!  That MUST be a terrifying thought then! 
  17. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Monsty: *eyes widen* N-no I don;t! Skye: Hmm... you know... how do we know you're not actually a girl?
  18. Sonic & Mega Man: WORLDS UNITE?!

    Kinda look like Warhammer 40k Tyranids...   Now there's a crossover I never, never, NEVER wanna see
  19. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Please don't... no dress!  Monsty: *laughing hard* C-can't ... b-b-breatH!  hahahahaa!
  20. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: But I'm not a girl!  I'm a teenage boy! Monsty: *rolling on ground laughing*
  21. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: I'm not a queen Monsty: *giggles* 
  22. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Phew.  That'll be him sorted!   Monsty: Shame... but... he was too crazy
  23. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Skye and Monty run over* Is he gonna be alright? *whispers* You could force the water on him now! 
  24. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: Uh... well... maybe.... but she... is kinda the age I was before I changed... and I'm now... what... eighteen?  Nineteen? Monsty: I could bite her too! Skye: Er.. *looks over* SEVIPER!
  25. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Banned because: A nice public service!  *starts roasting marshmallows*   Monsty: Daddy... will I ever have a Mommy?
