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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Harmony started sobbing a little again.  "I was a monster," she said quietly.
  2. Guess the next poster!

    Good Morning Seviper?
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Something happened between Mother and Father.  Father fled the castle, taking Skye with him.  But I thought Skye had run away from me... I chased him... to the roof of an old set of ruins,...I was so angry... and jealous..."   --------   "Good luck!" said Miles
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Neither of us were happy... except when we were able to get away from our parents.  This went on, until I was 12 and Skye was 9..." said Harmony.   ---------   "Okay.  Whenever you're ready," said Miles
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "So my and my brother were... a prince and princess," said Harmony a little hesitantly.  "But Mother and Father didn't see it that way.  Mother wanted me to be an assassin, Father wanted Skye to be a ruthless wizard like him."
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Er... uh... yes..."  said Harmony
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Our Mother and Father... they were... utterly evil.  Mother was an assassin, father was a powerful spellcaster.  And both had taken control of our world, becoming King and Queen of Moebius," said Harmony.
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yeah.  Back then it was just me and Skye.  Anna... er... let's say she wasn't there.  And Melody... well... I WAS Melody," said Harmony.   Stacey started swinging
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Okay... try... try concentrating on a baton now... I just hope nothing goes wrong," said Miles.   "It's called Moebius.  And we're... we're also... from the future," said Harmony,   "Sure, why not," said Stacey, getting on the other swing
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You can from... a bad zone... It's called Mobius but in a funny way," said Zoe.   "I'll get on the other swing," said Stacey.  "Then we can both swing"
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Anything about us before we can to Haven?" asked Harmony.   Stacey smiled, pleased to have found something Sarah liked
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "If.. you're sure... how much,... do you know about me and Skye?"   Stacey started pushing once more
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Do... you guys wanna?" asked Harmony, walking to a bench.   "Okay," said Stacey, holding the swing for her.
  14. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    "I'll get that," said Skye heading to the door.   "I'll see about breakfast," said Kit as Kyubi stirred slightly.   Skye went to the shacks... well, what passed for the shacks door, and opened it.
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "S-sorry," said Harmony.   "Good.  Do you wanna swing again?" Stacey asked
  16. Corrupt a Wish

    (NO CAPES!) There is light.  So much you are blinded.   I wish my computer was working properly. 
  17. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    (Given how overpowered the rest of us are, a little bit of TK is fine.  Heck, a LOT of TK would be fine!  :P )   "He's such a little angel when he sleeps," said Kit, kneel down next to Kyubi and stroking his hair.   "Don't count on it lasting," laughed Skye.  "After today he'll be up at the crack of dawn and pulling us out of bed."   "Then why is he sleeping so soundly now?" wondered Kit.   "Well, he was a Chao less than 24 hours ago.  I guess while he's sleeping his DNA is settling and finalizing his new form.  That it is was real late when we got to sleep last night."
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "No... I do... I think... I-it'll help..." said Harmony.  "But... it... it's not happy..."   "Just don;t worry about it," said Stacey.
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Harmony looked at them.  "M-maybe I s-should tell all of you..."   "Er... no but... you can't really control it," said Stacey
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "About... what happened to me... three years ago," said Harmony looking between the three children.   "It's okay," smiled Stacey.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You do Mark?" asked Harmony, starting to smile.  She turned when she heard Dominic.  "I'm... I'm o-okay... I just... o-overreacted.."   "Aww, don;t be like that, it was a compliment," said Stacey 
  22. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    "Yeah, we can.  We've got all the stuff we need here," said Kit, sitting up and looking out the makeshift window into the junkyard beyond.  "I was happy with just the shack before," she mused.   "You were just a kid before," said Skye, getting up and walking around the little partition they had put up.  Kyubi was sleeping happily on the other side.  "No you're older, and have a family."   "You're right honey," said Kit, walking over to Skye and putting her arms around him.  "The odd thing is... I don;t feel like a kid in an older body.  I feel... more like an 18 year old whose lost some memories.   "Yeah, me too," said Skye, putting one of his arms round Kit and hugging back.  "I guess that's better than the other way."   (Sorry for being to serious here.  I just wanna establish a few things about Skye and kit, and then it'll be silly and crazy as per usual!)
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Zoe ran too   "But it's not fair on you.  You're still learning about this world," said Harmony.   "I'm sure of it," replied Stacey
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (Where the hell did my reply last night go?)   "There they... Harmony looks upset," said Zoe.   "I'm s-sorry then," said Harmony.   "They must have liked that," said Stacey
  25. The Chaodren (RP Game)

    Skye smiled, then rolled onto his back looking up.  "Kit... your place is nice and all..."   Kit laughed.  "Don't sugarcoat it!  It's a dump!" Her face fell.  "And no place to raise a kid."   "Don't worry Kit," said Skye.  "We can improve it."
