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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I think it went this way," said Zoe,. "C-c-c-come on A-ally," said Stacey setting off. --------- "It was?  How?" asked Skye as Miles started to make some changes to the ritual circle on the floor. --------- "Maybe just for once they're being quiet or having an afternoon nap..." said Ziona, though she sounded doubtful.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "G-good idea, let's go," said Stacey. "Yeah, it will be!" grinned Zoe as she took off. ---------- "That.... wasn't quite what I meant..." said Skye. "Sounds like you need to be more tidy," commented Miles> --------- "Awww, you're such a caring father," smiled Ziona.
  3. Favorite obscure shows

    Hmm.... Do shows that are really well known in the UK but almost unknown outside count as 'obscure'?  Cause then I can do my usual fanboying over Thunderbirds and the rest of the Gerry Anderson series. Plus, I was also a Dr Who fan back when it was still off air and no one could have predicted the insane reach it would gain.
  4. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    Wow!  Really nice work!
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "We s-should find where it w-went!" said Stacey. ------------ Skye and Miles looked at each other.  "We could.... depending on HOW you;ve been transformed..." said Skye. ---------- "If you want," said Ziona.
  6. Fan Characters (Wanna see what ya made!)

    More great work!  
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "S-something p-pink," said Stacey.
  8. Well....  They could be holding out more options as DLC as Thire suggested.  Given today's market, that's pretty likely. On the other hand, SEGA might be putting strict limitations on what a Sonic character can look like.  This, given how dumb some of their decisions have been, is MORE likely than DLC, and is gonna send them on a collision course with EVERY Sonic fan who has ever made an OC, good or bad. But when all is said and done, if this is still gonna be heading to the PC, there's always mods!
  9. I suspect it will be the Blaze style, give the custom character seems to be an acrobatic gadgeteer type.  And I really doubt they'll be much variety.   I hope I'm wrong, but there seems to be more limitations the more you look at it.
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "W-we saw s-something funny t-too!" said Stacey. ---------- "Yes, we are," smiled Skye. --------- "Right, where now?" wondered Ziona after she'd paid.
  11. Introduction Thread

    Hi Azure.  Welcome to SCANF
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "U-uh... b-b-baddies?" asked Stacey a little confused. 
  13. It would be rather foolish of them to NOT include it after making an avatar function. But then... Sonic Team and Common Sense do not often see eye-to-eye. What I am hoping is that the rest of the game has solid gameplay.  Sonic games ALWAYS have gimmicks in them, and they usually make or break the game.  This time the gimmick is the custom character, so if there are no further gimmicks, the gameplay SHOULD be good.
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I s-see!" smiled Stacey and Zoe barreled past them.   "Where are they?  Where are the baddies?" she asked, looking around. --------- "Er... in our world, being evil was kinda the norm," said Stacey. -------- Ziona winked and headed to the till to pay for the dress.
  15. I'd be up for that... Please please please be a co-op mode!
  16. Well, Echidna's have a story reason to not be around. Bats and the like are probibly out because of flying. Lack of hairstyles... weelllllllll... tbh, while this is disappointing, well, hairstyle don't exist in the Sonic games, just in other media, so it's not a surprise. But yeah, StH fans are pretty much the whipping boys of the internet.
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "THERE THEY ARE!" called Zoe, spotting Ally and Stacey. ------ Both Skye and Miles raised their hands.  "And... pretty much all of my siblings," Skye added. ---------- "Play sounds good!" winked Ziona.  
  18. Yeah, for those outside the fandom, it's not gonna look great I have to say.  Especially if it results in a hoard of new 'edgy' characters. Alright, now I've had a moment to actually process this, I've had a few thoughts. Chaos has beaten me to one of them, namely how limited it looks.  There seems to be more outfit options than actual appearance ones.  Not even any 'fur patterns' which I'd have expected to be a given.  *looks at speices list* Huh?  No fox?  Awwww.  Well, I guess 'wolf' is supposed to count for all canines then.  Second.... will this have multiplayer?  I mean, it seems like a way to encourage people to show off their avatars
  19. *blink* *blink blink* This.... is real?  It's not a hoax? Oh my *bleep bleep bleep* On the one hand, this is pretty awesome, and the fact they seem to be going down the 'gadgeteer' line is pretty sweet for me.  I can;t wait. On the other..... oh boy.... If you thought the amount of OC's in Sonic was bad before.......  No WONDER Eggman's upped his game!
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Zoe spread her wings and flew after the others. --------- "I can hear them!" said Stacey. ---------- "Dare I ask why you have a... a 'flamingoizer'," asked Skye "Is Haven becoming a rehabilitation center for former villains?" joked Miles. ------- "Let's go pay then," said Ziona.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "She's that way," said Zoe pointing.  "Honey's right, we have to hurry!" -------- "L-let's g-go!" said Stacey. -------- "How.. did this happen?" asked Skye with a slight groan. "Er... who is Zangoose?" asked Miles. ---------- "Alright then, choice made!" winked Ziona
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "We'll still fight off any baddies!" grinned Zoe.  "Hey... I just heard Ally shouting... Maybe the baddies got her!" ----------- "Where did they go?" wondered Stacey. ---------- "Er... Skye?  Who is this?" asked Miles "Honestly, I dunno..." replied Skye. ---------- "Oh really?" winked Ziona.
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It could be!  So as ninja's we've got to protect our home!" said Zoe excitedly. ---------- "What was that?" exclaimed Skye jumping as he heard the crash. "And Zamy thought things would be calmer when we left..." commented Miles dryly. --------- "S-sure Ally!" stammered Stacey. --------- Ziona broke off the kiss smiling.  "So which ones should I get?"
  24. The Happy Birthday Thread

    Happy Birthday Terras.  But... why are we celebrating a type of flute?
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Then you'll see what..... " Zoe's worlds trailed off as she gave a little shriek, just ducking in time to avoid Zangoose. ----------- "S-sure.." said Stacey following meekly. --------- "Aww, thanks Vipey," smiled Ziona, leaning over and giving him a kiss.
