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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Yay! Oh, wait, that means I need another question. Darn it, why did I guess. He hoped to save the world. Then planned to destroy it.
  2. Who am I? Sonic edition

  3. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Shadow's got the answer. Stage is yours.
  4. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Gah! WHY ME? I'm no good at these trivia thingys either. I think it may be more a case of: Penders is the main source for obscure characters, full stop. Anyway, question, not from the comics for a change: I summoned you to aid me, but in the end you defeated me. Who am I?
  5. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Correct. Well Done! You're up.
  6. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Once again it turns out there is a second answer to my question, oops. Though, in this case, I'd say that victory DID count. I'll drop another hint, the victory didn't count because Sonic's opponent cheated.
  7. Sonic Lost World

    Not surprised. Disappointed, but not surprised. I only hope they aren't forced to use that little controller screen in the game. I can't see that working out well.
  8. Who am I? Sonic edition

    'Fraid not, good guess though.
  9. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Right, I actually noticed that I've had a turn passed to me. Gah, I'm no good with riddles. Erm, erm... The only one to beat Sonic in a foot-race, though it turned out to not count.
  10. Sonic Lost World

    If it is exclusive more probably it'll be on the Wii U. Plus, the new consoles and PC now have very, very similar hard and software, so exclusives should be rarer.
  11. Who am I? Sonic edition

    That's the one. Erm, bonus points I guess for beating the question twice?
  12. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Huh, okay. That wasn't who I was thinking of, but yes she fits the clue. Erm, oops.
  13. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Need to come up with a difficult one.... I don't think this is it, but given the 'last post' topic and time travel: I travelled in time to change the past, but I am not a Hedgehog. Who am I?
  14. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Would that be Marine?
  15. Sonic X

    I'd agree that the human characters were overused (though my opinion is Chris is more 'meh' that 'destroy him!!!). On the other hand, unlike Shadow, I'd say that they didn't take enough advantage of the setting i.e a group of Mobians on Earth. I think there was a lot of plot potential there that got skimmed over too fast or just wasn't utilised. But as the series actually stands, rather than hypothetical potential, it would have been better in the SA world. And I have to disagree with Me4ever on one point, Eggman is not a fool. He appears that way, until you realise that ruling the world isn't his goal. He's not trying to rule the world, he's enjoying the challenge of attempting the conquer the world. It just a game, albeit a dangerous one for the players! I suspect Sonic is aware of this, but the others aren't.
  16. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Spot on. And agree completely that it was a great look. The stage is yours again.
  17. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Let's see. The short lived defender of Station Square.
  18. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Mina Mongoose?
  19. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Yep. That was far to easy. You're up!
  20. Who am I? Sonic edition

    Yep, Nate was a pretty neat character. The universe did seem to have it in for the poor guy though. Ok, my turn. Hmm, I really should try and think these up before answering. Oh well, this one may be a bit cheeky. Both the Archie and Fleetway comics have their albino Echidnas. But who is the albino Echidna from the games?
  21. Role-Playing Questions

    Thanks very much. That helps to make things clear.
  22. Who am I? Sonic edition

    That quote rings a bell... erm... Nate Morgan?
  23. Role-Playing Questions

    Me again! Having not done freeform RPing before, I just want to make sure I understand how it all works. Essentially, everyone is writing there own story, but each story can interact with others and change as a result? Also, how far can you reasonably go when coming up with stuff? (A few hypothetical examples of what's good and what's too far would be very appreciated.) Are you free to come up with new side characters and/or villains should you wish? And in the latter case, would they need an OOC profile?
  24. Ideas for new Sonic games

    Thinking about this, my main idea is not so much a ‘new’ sonic game, but cherry picking the bits I like from others, hence: The basic idea is something like Sonic Advance but in 3d like generations. There are multiple characters, but the overall play style is the same as the goal is to get from A to B on the level. Of course, each character will have different abilities (Sonic: homing attack/boost, Tails: flying, Knuckles: Glide/climb etc) The first time a level must be completed by the character determined by the story. Once completed it can be played through by any unlocked character. The story would focus on a few characters, definitely Sonic, Tails and Knuckles, and maybe a few more (Amy? Shadow?? Silver???). Story characters are unlocked once you complete their first level. Other characters are unlocked by collecting five red star rings in a specific level. The earlier rings would unlock gimmicks such as artwork and soundtracks. Oh, and you can change the soundtrack a la Generations if you wish. The Chaos emeralds are collected in small side games. While actually gaining the emerald would be easy (see below for reasons), getting an S rank would be a real challenge. The story would involve Robotnick doing his usual trying to conquer the world thing, but this time he claims to be trying to save it, as there is a bigger threat. Naturally, no one buys it. Once the main story is completed, and all the chaos emeralds collected, you unlock the final story. Hence why actually getting the emeralds is fairly easy, don’t want to lock out content. In this story it turns out Robotnick was right, something worse is attacking. (Very tempted to say Mammoth Mogul, though that does open the thorny issue of games vs comics!) This would comprise of one level and one boss fight, but unlike previous Sonic games you can choose which of the story characters fights, with different endings for each. And what the hell, let’s throw the Chao garden in there as well. I’ve also been playing a lot of the new Fire Emblem game recently, so in the spirit of this topic: Sonic Tactics???? A sonic based turn-based strategy game? You could easily modify the Fire Emblem swords/axes/lances version of rock/scissors/paper. Speed attacks, power attacks and defensive(?) attacks… Speed beats power, power beats defensive, defensive beats speed? Use chaos powers in place of magic, and other range abilities take place of archery (though take away the ‘can’t attack adjacent units rule). Just some random thoughts! Hmm, I’m actually pondering this now. A Speedster class for Sonic (and maybe Mina) with high speed, movement and attack, but if hit takes a lot of damage. Though, it would gain a heal if no other units are nearby ability later on. Knuckles as a well rounded combat class with power and defensive attacks. Tails starts off as the weakest character but with huge growth potential. An advanced class version of the standard range class (i.e. E-102 Gamma) would be a ranged unit with high defence (such as E-123 Omega or Tail’s mecha). And speaking of advanced classes, Shadow would start off as one, rather than a basic class, which would have bother close-combat and chaos attacks. Use ring’s as healing items. Add a new level to the support mechanic: team. If three character have A rank support with each other they can be tagged as a team, a improved version of the pair-up mechanic. Though a character can only be in one designated team at a time… Gah, I’m thinking too much about this. Switch off brain, SWITCH OFF!
  25. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    I'm enjoying it so far, but I agree with several people above that the Sonic/Mega Man fight should not take another issue. However, the first two issues were more set-up than the actual fight, so if it gets resolved quickly it'll work. Having said that, is it just me or does anyone else get the feeling someone doesn't like the Sonic cast? If something equally bad happens to the Mega Man cast (mass reprogramming virus maybe?) then I'll call it even.
