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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Hearing Locke’s cry Skye did just that; sprinting as fast as he could towards and up the next staircase. The darkness closed in around him and more shadowy figures tried to grab him, but Skye kept on running. Ahead, he could see an ajar door with a crack of visible light. He lept through the door, slamming it shut behind him as a shadowy arm brushed against his tails. After locking the door He slid down against it as he took in the room he’d just found himself in. And he recognised it, his old bedroom, before he’d been forced to flee with his father. (ooc: Well, this is my last post for now. Dunno when I’ll be back it’ll prob be too late to do anything else today, hence why I’ve separated Skye off from everyone. Up to you if you want to wake up or remain in the dream, and what you do if you do stay in the land of nod. The only thing I’ll say is, please no one kill monster-rouge. Fight, attack, knock out no probs, just don’t kill. I’ve an idea. ;) Thanks everyone.)
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye continued down the corridor, the shadows surround him retreating from the light. Approaching a door in the corridor he opened it, only for a blast of wind to scream out and kill the flame of his torch. Almost immediately something grabbed Skye in the darkness. As he screamed another shadowy figure approached Locke. (ooc: 'nother mad idea that just poped into my head with Shadow's post, the library is a representation of Skye's memories, hence why some of the books are blank, and then get filled as the memories return??? Or is that going too far?)
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I don't know where we should go. But if Shadow is looking around the ground floor I'm going to have a look higher up" Skye said as he walked up the stairs to the second floor, into a corridor with hanging tapestry, and only a few weak candles for light. (ooc: Hmm, I've had an idea, as I haven't covered the fate of one of the Moebius Prower family: Melody. And on that note I also think I have an idea what to do with monster Rouge.)
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye caught the knife and looked at it with some confusion. "I don't think I should have this yet," he muttered to himself, then slid it into a small pouch on the straps of his backpack, "Thanks Shadow," he said out loud, taking a torch of his own near the door and starting to mount a flight of stairs.
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I suppose we should have a look around. There might be some hint of where we are. Or somewhere safe we can barricade and keep everyone else out." Skye began walking towards one of the further off doors. (ooc: good point, though I'd go for more than one shadow assassin, rather than the singular, just to make it more flexible...)
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: oh, I missed the obvious answer. Everyone else wakes up, Skye doesn't. Okay, in the meantime, does someone else want to start off the haunted castle routine? You know the one, other faces in mirrors, doors opening and locking by themselves, staircase moving, everyone somehow gets split up, assassins hiding in cupboards and suits of armour, that sorta thing.)
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye looked around the lighted room while the winged attacker shriek and swooped outside. "I don't get it," Skye remarked, "it looked ruined from the outside but in here it's not." (ooc: Oh, p.s. I'll be away from half-four/five-ish for the rest of the day. So either we get the dream weirdness finished or someone else takes the helm.)
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "There was... something out there that attacked me. Locke took care of it but there might be more of them. I don't know what you mean about lights, I'm actually finding it difficult to recall Haven." Skye answered Shadow before turning to face the half ruined castle. "I don't remember this castle but it seems familiar somehow?" Skye's musings were spilt by an ear-splitting howl as a winged figure swept through the mist and towards the group. (ooc: Idea for this attacker. If Rouge is a thief on Mobius, then she's a hired assassin on Moebius? And then monsterize her a bit for the nightmare element. If anyone has a better idea we can go with that.)
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I suppose. Let's go. There might be something there to tell us where we are." Passing through the swamp was slow, but despite the groaning sounds around they moved towards the central island without incident. But just as they reached the shore of the island. the mist glowed briefly in a small patch, then darkened again. Muttering sounds emerged from the same spot. "Locke," whispered Skye, "I think there's something there." He point to the spot where the light had shone. (ooc: and yes, that light was Shadow's torch.)
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: I'm not really telling a story just setting a scene. After all it's not like there's any rules in a kid's nightmares so anyone could right anything, more or less. So if people have ideas go wild.) "I think there's more monsters out there, we should hurry," said Skye as he started running, still clutching Locke's arm. The trees made it difficult to tell the direction they were heading, it could have been a circle, but suddenly they ended. Skye's run came to an abrupt halt as the ground gave way from under him and he was left dangling from Locke's arm over an endless pit, his injured tails wagging uselessly. Ahead of them, a strange mist shrouded swamp stretched out. Here and there sections of it suddenly caved in to pits, and then the pits would regain there surface and be covered over. In the distance, maybe across the swamp or in its centre, a large structure was just visible through the mist. (ooc: Sorry to be so wordy. It's hard to be brief when setting the scene. I can stop if people want.)
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: maybe magic beats coffee? Or maybe he's in both in the dream and awake at once? Or maybe he goes crazy on a caffeine high? ;) Just some silly ideas.)
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: So dylan would be up for it if he was around. Anyone else, or would the other prefer to pull the plug on it? I'd rather not push on till I have an idea about that.)
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thank you Locke," Skye blurted out, jumping up and grabbing the Echidna tightly by the arm. "I'm not alright. Father's left me behind. There are monster trying to kill me. I'm in pain and bleeding and I don't know why. I don't even know where I am" Skye finished, as the darkness seemed to grow thicker and the trees that were just visible in the distance seemed to move and shift. (occ: Heh, get it now. Cheers. And afraid that's me calling it a night, now that beastie's dead. Up to everyone else where they want to join in the dream thingy, or just end it (i.e. wake Skye up in Haven), or go off and do their own thing)
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Through the background burbling Skye heard a voice calling his name. For a time he found it hard to place. It wasn't his father's, and somehow it didn't seem right in this place. Then it clicked. "Locke? Help me, please!" Skye yelled desperately. "Too late for that Kid," the shadow monster spoke, as it approached, it's arm morphing into large talons as it reached towards Skye. (occ: Sorry, don't get the QTE reference)
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye turned and ran from the monster, weaving through the trees. But the mist and shadows ahead of him reformed into the same monster. He sprinted in a different direction and again the monster materialized on front of him. Skye began sobbing as he tried a third and four time to escape with no avail. "No, please don't hurt me," Skye pleaded through his tears. He took a step back and slipped, falling back against a tree. The roots and vines sprang to life, wrapping around Skye and trapping him in place as the shadow creature came closer. Seeing no way out Skye began crying in earnest.
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Switching to third person for... the hell of it mainly! :P ) Skye landed heavily in a small clearing. The trees creaked and groaned around him, the darkness making vision beyond a few feet difficult. Mist swirled around, making twisted shapes as distorted noises ec hoed around the clearing. One sound became clearer, something moving into the clearing. "H-hello? W-who's t-there?" stammered Skye. Something massive emerged into the clearing. It may have been a bear, but the mist and shadows clung to it, making it look as if it was composed of nothing but darkness. "Your end Boy," it spoke, "We will bring back the true royal family, not you twisted mutant Prowers." (ooc: feel free to jump in at any time, I just had to set the scene!)
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: so, a journey through some of Skye's memories but distorted by the prism of a child's nightmare? This could be interesting. That sound ok to you?) *Tosses uncomfortably in his sleep until his hand makes contact with a small talisman that had fallen from the backpack earlier. Steams of multi coloured light being emanating from Skye, streaking through out Haven* Meanwhile, in Skye's head: *A battered and bloodied Skye flies above a dark forest* Father, please, slow down. I can't fly as fast as... *A jet of flame erupts from the forest and catches his tails. Skye screams in pain and drops from the air* (ooc: Thinking that this will be the attack by assassins mentioned earlier, but the setting and the assassins themselves will be more... monstrous and strange. It's a dream, anything goes, sorta.)
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: heh, why not. this topic's crazy enough for that kinda thing. And anyone else can jump in one they wake up tomorrow if we don't get round to finishing it off I suppose)
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Goodnight everyone. Wait a seccy, so everyone but Locke and I are asleep in real life, and I'm asleep IC? Heh!)
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    *Sits up on bed heavy eyed* If the two of you want to look at the data, I think I left it unlocked. You might find... *eye's close* some...thing... *and falls asleep* (ooc: Yeah, the image of Shadow in the hug made me giggle. And if Skye is the Master, the who's the Doctor in this case? :P )
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Heh heh, you're right Locke. Thanks Shadow. I suppose I should try and get some more sleep. *Lies down on the bed* (ooc: Though personally I'm not going to be dropping off for a while. ;) Goodnight Shadow! Oh, and whose a Doctor Who fan here? Given I was loosely basing evil Skye on the Master to begin with, and Locke has just told him You Are Not Alone... heh! Ok, maybe it's just me who finds that funny.)
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Uh, actually I'm finding it hard to breath now. I'm a lot smaller than you guys.
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    *Smiles* No, not anymore. (ooc: Awww! Who brought the camera?)
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    I know. Sorry, I just got scared. *Sits back down on the bed.* (ooc: No worries, I'm normally in the same boat. Just on my hols atm*
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    No, I don't think... but I'm not sure... it was just while my Father and I were running they were after us. It was an older memory, I think. But.. I would be happier of I knew one of you was near but I don't want to be a difficulty. Erm, cheerleader, you don't need to go... oh...
