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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    “Mom, I.. I… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean… I just panicked and… and…” Skye was close to tears. “Mom, please. Skye and I… we’re just scared. We don’t want to be taken away, and when we heard what you said…”
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "MOM! You can't actually be siding with them???"
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hi Dylan, Hi Mom. Glad you could make it." "Meet Ziona and Zet. They're the Cops who plan to arrest us"
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Don't worry, we'll take them. It's best we don't let them out of our site, even during a teleportation." Ziona and Zet held onto the two Prower kids, and activated their teleporters. A second later they re-appeared just inside Dylan's house.
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Sounds good Dylan. At least it'll be a start. We can get the Zone Cop's to take us." "We could take the portal..." Melody began, but Skye interrupted her. "The Zone Cops can get us there faster, Melody" Skye hissed at his sister, hoping to reminder her about the curse that'd they'd placed. "Oh, yeah! Of course."
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "A soon as Dylan gives us a good location on his world we'll head over." (ooc: There is a short overview summary near the bottom of the last page (152). The post that's all in bold. For a more detailed summary, once you've read that one: Almost all the group is in the DEL about to cause havoc in order to disrupt the DEL's plans of unleashing Dark Gaia on several unsuspecting Zones. The only characters not in the base are Skye and Melody, plus two Zone cops (i.e. my characters) who are preparing to build a machine that will drain Dark Gaia's energy when Gaia is released)
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Ziona walked over the the radio, which given she had to go via the walls was a rather long trip, and opened a channel to Locke. "Don't worry about Zet. He's just a little upset 'cause he likes to boast that he can get a job done faster than Zonic. This is seriously hurting his reputation!" She smirked slightly, while Zet just scowled. "Okay, if I'm going to build a Syphon I'd be best build it in the Zone it's gonna be used in. Is there somewhere safe and large where I can set up shop? And what is the resource situation like?" (ooc: Your call who to play. Pick a character you like.)
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I.. We... We do trust you Dad. It's just... we didn't want you to wrry. If you worried you might have been distracted, and if distracted you could have been hurt, or worse..." Ziona switched off her communicator, looking grimy towards her partner. "Nega's launched another attack at HQ. They're not sure if they can spare anyone else for this incident. We're on our own Zet." "Great, and looks like we're gonna need to rely on the mad scientist with daddy issues to pull us through," complained Zet.
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye and Melody looked at each other as they heard Locke over the radio. "Uh, Dad, how did you find out about us and the Zone Cops? You weren't meant to know."
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye did some quick calcualtion in his head. "In order to build something to contain that amount of power.... I'm gonna need hours, and that's assuming no mishaps. It took me days to build the last one, and it was designed to destroy itself, not contain the energy. At least, that's how long it took me to build it alone..." "I could help. I'm plenty fast." Melody butted in, but Skye shook his head. "Sorry Melody, but unless you've been acting dumber than you are, you aren't gonna be much help in building a modified doomsday weapon." "Well, actually," Melody shuffled her feet rather embarrassed...
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    OOC: SUMMARY TIME. A group of random misfits have banded together in an attempt to free a Zone from a were-hog curse. This curse was caused by the DEL releasing Dark Gaia. The DEL have a solution, but that would infect other Zone with the Were-hog curse. Our heroes/misfits are coming up with a way to free all the Zones from the curse. Unfortunately, several of these misfits are from a future Moebius, earning the wrath of the Zone Cops. (The game transforms from Last post to story around page 60ish. Looks to the party held at the angel island shrine.)
  12. Last to post wins v3.0

    Utterly stupid concept but done in a fun way. At least, that's my take so far, still got ways to go.
  13. Last to post wins v3.0

    Heh, that whole scene from black night is one of my favourites. Intimidation via eating of a chilli-dog!
  14. Last to post wins v3.0

    At least two of the three of them seem to be enjoying themselves!
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    “I…I…” Skye took a deep breath, thinking over everyone who would be there with him, and every person who would be depending on him to succeed. “Okay, I’ll do it.” Behind him Melody gave a cheer. “But I’m gonna need all the resources and help I can get if we’re to do this in time. Or you need to find a way to convince the DEL to wait until it’s ready.” Skye turned and face the two Zone Cops. “Unless you want angry were-hogs rampaging around Zones I hope you two are gonna let me do this.” Zet turned to look at Ziona, who was already explaining the situation over her communicator. (ooc: Although I’ve had Skye voice ‘convince the DEL’ as an option, let’s be honest, it won’t be a very dramict end to the adventure if they were to listen to reason! )
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye's eye's widened in fear when Dylan mentioned the Syphon. "Dylan I... I can't. Those things are... they're just evil. Nothing good can come of them." "Skye, a syphon just might save several Zones. I know you want to put your past behind you, but its worth facing it for this." "Melody, you... you don't understand... I don't want to build another one.... I don't want to risk slipping back to... that..." Skye cupped his head in his hands.
  17. Last to post wins v3.0

    That's fantastic. And they even have the tardis on the bowtie!
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Ok, so... Someone suggest the idea to Skye, we get the thing built, save several zones, and as a reward all those involved will not be deported back to their home zones, while Skye is realised into the custody of the brotherhood with Ziona and Zet acting as his parole officers. You know, with the mix of people who are gonna be living in haven we've got a good sitcom cast here!)
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: so, I guess that's one vote for and one vote against? Shadow, Dylan; your views?)
  20. Last to post wins v3.0

    If the images' don't show right click them and chose 'open in new tab' and that should work.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: I've had an idea for a perfect solution to this problem, but I'm hesitant to suggest it because 1) It makes Skye far too important to this story and I've done that far too much already in RPM2 and 2) It's currently not something Skye would suggest, cause it ties into his darker past which he's trying to forget. However, if everyone else likes the idea, some one else could suggest it to Skye The idea is, have Skye build another one of his Syphon Stations, but limited to Dark Gaia's energy, so when the DEL do their exorcism ritual, Gaia will be drain into the station and can be imprisoned there, or taken away by the Zone cops.)
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I've dealt with magical curses, monsters and stuff before. If I'm wrong, it's because the info the DEL has is wrong."
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I don't believe this..." muttered Skye, not realising that the Zone cops were also listening in at this stage. He opened the mic to everyone. "Dylan. This isn't a curse. It's... it's possession. That black gala creature you talked about, part of it is inhabiting every single person in your Zone. That's what's causing the transformations, it gains more power in the darkness. And that data from the DEL database...." Skye ran his eyes along the data to ensure he was seeing it correctly. "They've found a way to drive Gala, erm, sorry Gaia out, but that would result in Gaia reforming and destroying your world. That's why they've been building portals to other Zones, like the one Shadow found in the mines." "What was that?" blurted out Zet. Skye didn't seem to hear and kept going. "The DEL is planning to exorcise Dark Gaia and then send his essence to different Zones. It will stop him from reforming and cure your Zone, but would spread the curse across several other Zones." "We need to call Command," muttered Ziona as she reached for her radio. "Skye, one of those portals leads here. That means the curse could come to this Zone, our new home." (ooc: Dylan's suggestions and my insanity and love for continuity... Hopefully this is an interesting take on the curse.)
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Very true, of course jail isn't gonna be good for a kid like Skye. Though there are already some kids in Zone Jail. Which is kinda worrying. I gonna hold off the Zone Cop kidnap until the base plot is nearer finished, don't want to force my plot over another.) "Right, I'm analysing data now. Wait, I've got something.... But that would mean..." (ooc: As from what he's found... erm, your plan's Dylan???)
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Crowley heads back leaving Red with Locke? Best of both worlds? On the subject of not sure what to do next, I'm temped to have the Cops be ordered to teleport the kids away and Darn the consequences. Unless there is anything Dylan want's skye to reveal?)
