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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Uh, Hi there. Yes, I'm Skye. Pleased to meet you. I, uh... well, I suppose in a Zone with Were-creatures I should've expected a ghost."
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    The two kids grabbed each other and did an impromptu circular happy leaping dance thing while chanting 'We're gonna stay, we're gonna stay.' "We're here doing WHAT?" exclaimed Zet. "Oh, stop sounding so upset," responded Ziona, not sounding upset at all. "I don't think the children are going to be that difficult to watch. Think of it as an extended vacation." "Hmph. Well, if we're gonna be watching you I hope our bosses send a couple of vertical-horizontal correcter so we don't need to keep clambering across your walls." The kids calmed down and Melody spoke to Locke. "I.. I'm sorry about the knife thing Dad. I don't like being surprised like that. I'll try not to do it again, but I don't think I can promise anything." Skye meanwhile was looking at the ghost with a very curious look. Somehow, in all that had been happening, he'd failed to notice Maria before.
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye jumped with shock into the infirmary when Spectre spoke up, slipping and falling over as he landed. Melody instinctively went for her knife, but managed to think better of it, and insted went to help her brother up. A few seconds later the Zone Cop's re-appeared, both with their helmets back on and professional looks on their faces. Which completely disappeared when they saw the pink Spectre. "What did we miss?" asked Ziona trying not to giggle.
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ok, I think I recognize this corridor. Yes, there's the infirmary up ahead." "Do you really think we should just give ourselves up like this Skye?" "I... don't think we have a choice Melody. We're still new at this family thing, so we don't want to jeopardize it anymore than we have already. Skye peeked his head around the infirmary door. "Is Spectre gone?"
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ok Dad. We're on our way." Skye made a few waving motions in the air and muttered some words, using his arcane abilities to try and locate Locke's Chaos signature. "Uh, this way I think," murmured Skye as he started walking, followed by his sister."
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Nothing would have happened to you Dad," whined Skye in an upset tone. "It's just a simple colour cantrip. Completely harmless. And it would have worn off in a few hours. And you should be able to resist it even if you don't know about it. And Melody and I made sure the radio was always manned." Skye took a deep, slightly shuddering breath. "Wait, you said you'll let Spectre spank us, and then you promise none will happen... I don't understand." (ooc: and off for a meal. Catch you later.)
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Umm, actually the kid’s haddn’t started running yet. Oh well, never mind.) “Melody, slow down.” “I can’t. That’s the same weirdo who chased me last time.” “They’re not even following us.” “They.. really?” Melody stopped running and the two looked around. “Any idea where we are?” “No.” “That’s just great. How do we find our way back.” “You don’t know? BUT YOU WERE THE ONE WHO TOOK US HERE!” “YOU WERE THE ONE WHO PRANKED THE PORTAL” “THAT WAS BOTH OF US.” Skye took a deep breath. “Okay, I’m going to call Dad and apologise, and hopefully then they’ll be able to guide us back.” Skye fiddled with a nearby wall panel and opened a comlink to the med bay. “Uh, Dad. About the colour thing. I’m really sorry about that. Melody and I didn’t like being left behind. Erm, it is just a minor enchantment… actually I’m surprise that Spectre didn’t resist it. But I could disenchant Spectre if you want. Though, uhhhhhhh, I can’t disenchant the portal till I’m in Haven.”
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Uh, Skye..." muttered Melody but Skye was still occupied by Shadow's phone. "Sky-ye???" "Here you go Shadow," said Skye, handing the phone back. "It should..." "SKYE!" Melody grabbed her brother and spun him round to face the pink Spectre. Skye's face became a twisted mix of amusement and fear. He quickly tried to think of some kind of excuse. "Erm, maybe the inter-zone function of the portal was affected when Dark Gaia was syphoned, resulting in a some fluctuation which manifests itself as a minor and probably temporary pigmentation transformation..." Skye's ears were twitching. Melody got ready to grab her brother and run. (ooc: nope, but I wasn't expecting it till we went back to Haven)
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Happy to help Shadow," as Skye reached out to borrow Shadow's phone. "You can't resist showing off, can you?" "Pot-kettle-black," muttered Skye as he set to work.
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    As the Zone Cops left Skye's ears pricked up at Shadow's complaint about his phone. "If you want I can see if I can rig a signal though our connection to Haven so you can call your friend?"
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "We'll suffer more if you don't come back from a fight, rather than being involved ourselves." "Skye, don't try and guilt Dad." ------------------------------------- "I'm not saying anything with an audience. Ziona, are you strong enough to walk? If not, it can wait." Ziona looked at Zet hopefully. "I think I'll be okay. Might need some help though." Zet walked over to the bed and undid the restraints, catching Ziona gently before she fell sideways off the bed. The two walked along the wall towards the door.
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Stop getting into silly fights? That's my job." ----------------------------------------------------------------- "Another Zone that's sideways to the others. That why your walls are my floors." Zet turned towards Ziona. "Yes Zet, is there something you want to say?" asked Ziona with a smile. "Otherwise I think I could spend some quality time with Shadow." "Uh..."
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Told you I knew you were just a big softy no matter how you act." ----------------------------------------- "Stupid perpendicular Zones. Should've brought some of those angle correction devices." "Are you alright Zet," asked Ziona with concern. "I'm... fine Ziona. I think Glen just forgot about the sideways thing. I should be grateful we weren't outside."
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    The moment his restraints were removed Zet fell, if that was the right word, onto the wall. As he picked himself up groaning, Ziona faced Shadow and returned his smile with one of her own. “Oh, it’s nice to see gallantry isn’t dead, even in Zones like this. A shame some people aren’t as considerate. I’m sure I’ll think of something you can help me with.” Meanwhile, the two children carefully hugged their adopted father, taking care not to hurt him any more than he was. “You owe me a story,” whispered Melody
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hey, I'm currently tied down. That's why I'm not... bah! And she's not my girlfriend." "You really know how to flatter someone, don't you Zet?" Zonia spoke up, opening her eyes and looking towards her partner. "Gah! How long have you been listening?" Meanwhile, the kids stayed with Red at Locke's bedside, waiting for him to regain conciousness. (ooc: and I don't think I'll get much of a chance to post now till sunday. Have a good weekend everyone!)
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody's manner instantly changed from child to cold professional, as she moved quickly through the infirmary gather what she needed to treat Locke. Skye watched his sister working and squeezed Red's hand. "Don't worry Mom. Melody's been trained to heal people worse off than Dad is." After a few minutes off working Melody stepped back gave a sigh of relief. "That's all I can do for now. He's perfectly stable, and if he's as stubborn as I think he'll pull through." Her manner softened again. "And I'm gonna hold you to that story Dad."
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hey. All I said was I haven't been trained to do watching stuff. And other's have. So it's not like I'm gonna be sticking around" As Locke entered Zet tried to stand up, but was still held by the restraints to the bed. -------------------------------- "Look's like the... party... is over. Where did dad go?" "Hold on, I've found him on the internal monitors. He's... just headed to the infirmary." Both kid's looked at each other, then Melody sped off while Skye called her name, following behind. It took seconds for Melody to arrive, and when she saw Locke she immediately rushed over to help him up. "Hold on Dad, I've gotya. I'll help you to a bed then patch you up good, ok?"
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "There's other's better suited to watching the Kid. Not exactly my area of expertise. I'm better at the arrest work." ----------------------------------------------- Both children were staring at the screen. "I think the stress of the past few day's has caused Dad to flip."
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "As long as I've have nothing to do with that Kid once I'm out of this medical bay I'll be happy. I'd rather not be a glorified babysitting." ---------------------------- "That's the camera fixed I think. See anything." "Yeah, but... What are Dad and evil-dad doing?"
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Zet glowered at Shadow. "I was think more finding a knife in your back as you sleep kind of problem. And I don't work from a desk. I've been on the front lines trying to keep my and every other Zone safe from yet another maniac. I don't want to have to worry about another binding his time pretending to be an innocent child." ---------------------------------------------- "Hey, Skye, how's Dad doing down there? I can't see properly." "Hold on, I think the camera link got damaged somehow. I'll try to fix it."
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I doubt that kid's being honest. And if I'm right I don't think those misfits are gonna be able to stop him when he shows his true colours." (ooc: Zet on the other hand is just a Zone Beat Cop. He just picks them up.) -------------------------------------- "Yeah, he's..." Skye's eye's opened wide, "Wait, the turret!" Skye leapt back into the control chair, and Melody walked up behind him. "Oh, Sky-ye!" she called quietly with a slightly amused edge. "Huh, oh, yeah. I said you could use it, didn't I? Ok, here you go." Skye got out of the chair, leaving it open for Melody.
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "No mere Kid could do the horrible things this one has. I saw the mess he left of the world he conquered. You're right, prison isn't the best place for some people. But in this case there's no doubt in my mind." (ooc: Zet's a stubborn git.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Thank's Mom. I'm... I'm sorry about earlier. I hope Dad is done soon so we can go back home." "There's no rush Skye. Now that we've solved the curse, we don't need to worry about staying around here." (ooc: way too much? Huh, you've got me worried)
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I don't care what happens next as long as I can go back home so I don't get a crick in my neck every time I talk to someone. You don't think that little brat is gonna get off scot-free do you? I don't care if he had a hand in saving your world, that's nothing compared to what he's done. He's going inside and staying there." ---------------------------------------- "Yeah, another life.... in the past. But I still don't understand how you or Crowley were able to... never mind, like you said, it was another, different life. Mom, whatever happened before, none of it matters." Skye hoped that Red understood what he was trying to say, that Skye knew he'd be able to forgive Red for what happened to Melody. (ooc: Though I must admit out of character I'm still bloody curious what Red and Crowley were doing in Skye's head,)
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Zet snorted. “Huh. I can’t imagine a stranger bunch than this lot.” --------------------------------------------- “I hope so I hope so I…” Melody took a deep breath, “I need to stop looking back. Find a new way forward. I'm not the princess of a mad monarch anymore. I'm your daughter.” Skye nodded in understanding to Red’s explanation, and gave his sister a tight hug. “I’m sorry I did this to you Melody.” Wedged in between Skye and Red, Melody was unable to turn around to return her brother’s hug, but managed to turn her head to face him, smiling though the tears. “Don’t be silly Skye. If it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t even be here to have this crisis.” “If there’s anything I can do to help, anything at all, please tell me.”
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "The problem I came for? Darn it, the problem I came for is still running around. Ironically, you have him to thank for saving you." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I... I suppose, even if I am exactly the same as I was, now I want to be someone else. So if I am already different to who I was, it won't matter for the future." Skye's look of confusion just grew and grew, but he didn't want to say anything that would upset his sister. (ooc: and off now. Catch you later.)
