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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Actually, I think it's been less than a week since the Skye's head adventure!) "I-I... When you f-first took me in... I... I didn't t-trust you. I didn't think y-you were b-being honest, t-that you had s-some sinister plan in m-mind. Or if I was w-wrong, I was still g-gonna.... I was..... It wasn't u-until I hit my h-head and f-forgot e-everything that I was a-able to truly t-trust you. Until then I p-planned t-too..." Skye was unable to finish the sentence and just hugged Locke tightly. "I'm s-so sorry I doubted y-you Dad and that I-I was gonna betray your t-trust." Skye began sobbing again, repeating 'I'm sorry' over and over. -------------------------- "There we go. It good to see you... well, not happy, but... normal? I hope Skye will also forgive but I don't know. I think he will, he does like you, and there's that 'Uncle Shadow' thing he..." Melody's eyes went wide for a second, then she doubled up with laughter.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Tried to convince you that you were just a robot? That does sound mean. I suppose I should be more upset. But, well, I'd already come to terms that my past and memories may be mixed up. I came out of Skye's head after all. I don't know if I was somehow stored in there, or whether I'm just a copy made from Skye's memories. And either way mine could be messed up. And Mother is a skilled assassin, so choosing her for a job like that does make sense. Maybe you thought she'd be less, well, evil after meeting me? Besides, you already saved Skye, and by extension me, when you were in Skye's head, so you're still coming out positive."
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hi Shadow," Melody replied, sounding cheerful, "I thought you already explained what happened when you told your story. You didn't know what effect it was going to have on me or Skye." Melody paused for a moment thinking, then took one of Shadow's arms and held it side by side to her own. "Hmm, I think I might be a slightly lighter shade."
  4. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Maybe they were upgraded to specific combat the deadly six. Yeah, I know, unlikely. But I'm trying to think of some reasoning. Either that or a test/distraction.
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Melody c-can but.... I-I.," Skye gave an involuntary shudder as he tried to hold in a sob. "Dad, t-there something I n-need to.... but- i-if I-I tell y-you, you m-might n-never trust m-me again." Melody, with an idea of what was coming, slipped out of the room again. She knew what Skye was going to say, but didn't want him to know she knew.
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "W-what I want? T-that's... that's s-simple. I j-just want my s-sister and I to be happy."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Just a bit...) "Uh... T-there were a l-lot of t-things said. B-but just a-after the s-syphon was d-destroyed I-I r-remember you saying t-that I was s-still a c-child, and c-could s-still lean,"
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Sorry I'm late, harvest called. Right, after the recent angst-splosion in this RP I'm gonna de-angst Skye. Though that we require one further confession soon (which will explain a lot of his recent behaviour, especially his reaction to Glen's rant), so sorry everyone in advance, But after that things should be more cheerful.) "I-I'm here D-dad," said Skye as he moved next to Locke. "A-and I'm... I'm.... I'm... I'm r-really sorry a-about everything I-I said. I w-was j-just being mean a-and selfish. I s-should have r-realised if we c-could b-both remember what happen t-then it m-must b-be t-true. You a-a great dad a-and I-I r-really d-don't deserve y-your c-care."
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "He's still here Daddy, don't you worry." Melody squeezed Locke's hand tightly. "And if he has run away in the last five minutes, I knew exactly where he'll be." -------------------------------- "It's n-not really S-shadow's fault. He w-was j-just... It doesn't m-matter. Y-your right, I s-should see Dad." Skye left his room, and nervously poked his head round the door to Locke's room. "D-Dad?"
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody took Locke's hand and tried to smile. "Don't worry, Skye's still here. He didn't mean anything he said, he's just upset. His trust took a hit and, well, Skye has difficulty trusting anyone. Except for two people. Me and, more importantly, you. Even if he had run away, he'd have come back within a day." ----------------------------------------- "Y-you ran away a-and bad p-people found you? I-I guess I w-was l-lucky then. I'm s-sorry about w-what happened t-to you Glen."
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: I was planning on having Melody do that, but as your weren't online I didn't want to lock-out Melody) Melody approached Locke. "Daddy, are you alright? Please, Skye really didn't mean anything he said." -------------------------------- "It's n-not s-self pity. I-it's true. But I t-think I'm d-done crying."
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Huh. That makes sense. Never thought of that." (ooc: I think that may answer the question of 'do Skye and Melody have chaos powers'. Also, does this work as a theme song for Moebius Mina?
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody tried to close the door, but it didn't quite shut properly. Wincing slightly, she sat down again outside the door. Then a though occurred to her, and she stood out. "Crowley, Mom?" she called out, "Your from our future. What colours do you remember?"
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I-I don't deserve a-any of it. T-this second c-chance, a h-happy furture, d-dad, your t-trust. B-but I-I can t-try. T-try and become s-someone deserving o-of it." Skye went to take the necklace, when suddenly bedroom door was kicked open and Melody stood framed in the doorway. "What the HELL are you doing in here? You better.... you... uh.... you're patching things up.... erm... carry on..." Melody sheepishly turned to leave.
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye had been unaware of Glen's entrance until he'd started speaking. He gave a start, but was too drained to do anything but listen until Glen handed him the necklace. "N-no. I-I can't take that. Y-you can't t-trust me. Everything y-you said was right. I'm j-just a s-selfish brat. I didn't think about d-dad, or you, or a-anyone. J-just myself. I-I don't d-deserve what's h-happened to m-me."
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Something that's important to remember about Skye: He's from Moebius, a world where everyone lies, cheats and back-stabs one another. That is why he's taking this so badly. He doesn't actually trust anyone, and can't tell if people genuinely love him or not. He's trying to trust everyone, but after what Shadow did, it's brought all that paranoia flooding back. Oh, yeah, and Skye is a selfish little brat too.) Skye reeled at Glen's rant, grabbing one of his tails and squeezing it hard. Everything he said just made him feel worse. Turning, he sprinted into his room and slammed the door behind him, before falling to the floor and crying uncontrollably. Melody tried to catch her brother but failed, so instead sat down outside his door, waiting for his sobs to quieten down.
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    “Apparently they are lies Locke.” Skye was on the verge of shouting, tears streaming from his eyes. “How can I trust what I know if they can be chopped and changed on a whim? I don’t want to stay somewhere where my whole life could be re-written.” “Skye, please,” Melody begged. “We have a family here. I know you’re upset, but don’t throw it away because of that.”
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    After Shadow had told his story neither kids had been particularly aware of what was going on. "I can't believe Shadow did that. He must have known the risks. I thought he cared about us." Skye choked back a sob. "I guess I was wrong about this world, it's just as bad as Moebius. Worse if fact. At least on Moebius people are honest about being jerks and don't try and pretend otherwise. C'mon Melody, we're leaving." Skye took Melody by the hand and tried to leave the hotel room, but Melody held him back, refusing to move. (ooc: as for powers, erm ???)
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: How much is 'everything'? Does that include the attempt to shoot down Miles and Mina? And goodnight Shadow.)
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: I'd lost track a wee bit given the general mass of WTF reactions.) "That's it, go on and... wait, you're NOT surprised Rouge? Do you know something about what's happening? Why Melody and me fell sick, and everyone says we've changed be we know we haven't?"
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Ziona tried to get back to sleep but found herself unable to. Instead she decided to find out what the commotion was outside in the main room. She quickly found out when she spotted the two children. "What the.... What happened to you two?" "Not you as well. We. Haven't! CHANGED!" Skye screamed. Melody caught her brother in a hug, "Shh. It's ok Skye, It's okay." "No its not. If we have changed and can't remember... what else could be different?" (ooc: Has rouge seen the altered kids yet?)
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thanks Shadow. Sorry things didn't go better." murmured Zet as he slipped into unconsciousness. -------------------------- Ziona was sleeping when her radio bleeped. "Yes Sir... No Sir... I don't know where he is Sir... MOEBIUS? But... Yes, Yes. As soon as I see him I'll call it in." Ziona put down the radio and sighed. "Oh Zet, what have you done?"
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Good plan. I'd rather keep my blood on the insi... Oh hell, the radio..." Zet didn't get a chance to finish before the teleporter activated.
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Phew. That would have been... interesting... had it happened.) "There's a difference between pulling a trigger and going out with them. But that doesn't matter, lets get out of this hellhole. Teleporters charging up. Where do you want to go?" ----------------- "Now, which one of our threats actually worked? Is there something happening on Mobius we should know about." "Aww, you're always so paranoid Miles," Mina teased. "That's why I'm still alive. Why both of us are still alive. I think this might warrant an investigation."
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Holy Hellfire this is escalating quickly! Erm, whoops.) "What? Are you crazy? Surely she's not that much of a threat?" --------------------- "There has to be more going on here. Prime Zoner's don't just team up with Zone Cops and hire assassins. And that radio message.... Hmm. What are they hiding?" Miles mused. He then opened the loudspeaker on the castle. "Shadow, listen. If you aren't out of Zone soon, Mina and myself will make a visit to yours."
