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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It was no trouble at all, and it's only a small thing. But just make sure Auntie Rouge doesn't try and steal it," said Skye with a smile as he held up the gem amulet. "Remember how we were talking about prototypes and that I could use my magic to make working scale models. That's what this is for." Skye pulled out his dairy and opened it to a page covered with blueprints. "You hold the amulet over the plans," Skye explained, "think the word that's embossed on it's edge there, and...." A 3D model popped into existence on top of the page. Skye handed both the model and the amulet to Hope. "Give it a try."
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hi Mom! Hi everyone! I'm back to normal. And I brought you a little present Hope, to say thank you for letting me poke around your lab," said Skye happily.
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Don't worry, should only take a few minutes," said Skye. He began casting the spell. Motes of lights flickered around the amulet, and the stone in it's centre began to glow. "There we go. All ready!" (ooc: Wow, it's nice to to have to write in that stutter all the time!)
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Normally it isn't that graphic," Skye repilied as he returned to his room and began rummaging in his bag, "just trying to do such a powerful semi-transmogrification ritual without words can lead to that kinda thing. Ah, here it is!" Skye pulled a small gem set in a silver base. "All set up to enchant ahead of time. All I need is the spell, and the only viusals this time should be some fancy lights." Skye sat down at his desk and set the amulet down in the centre. -------------------------- Melody looked at Hope, wondering what had happened to her and if it has anything to do with Skye, but said nothing.
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye gave a slight smirk. "I did warn you it might not be pleasant. But there's something else I want to do before I go. Don't worry, this one won't be as horrifying to watch, but I want to prepare a small enchantment device for Hope." --------------------------- Melody gave another cough when Shadow repeated the name. "I guess I deserve this punishment" she said wistfully to herself.
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    The last of the mouth thudded into Skye. He keeled over as the glow vanished from the symbols. Slowly, coughing, he picked himself up. "Did it work? I think it worked! I'm not stammering, am I? Wow, is THIS what I sound like when I don't stutter?" ----------------------- "Meet her...? I... uh....... I.... think so."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "D-don't worry Dad. I k-know what I-I'm doing." Skye closed his eyes and began to concentrate. The symbols around the circle began to glow, wispy tendrils of smoke rising from them. The tendrils coalesced into several spectral mouths, that began flying erratically around the circle. One flew towards and into Skye, who shuddered at the impact. More and more began to follow, hitting and entering Skye one by one. He began to scream, but the sound was distorted, like a skipping record player. ---------------- Melody returned from the balcony in time to hear Glen's full name. She did her best not to laugh, instead making a gulping, chocking noise. "That... explains SO much!"
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "This'll b-be perfect," said Skye as he looked around the room, before grabbing the chalk and drawing a circle with a number of symbols around it. "M-magic works b-by focusing i-it's energies, v-via words a-and gestures u-usually. It is p-possible t-to channel magic w-without one o-or the o-other, but that r-requires a l-lot of practice, or r-raw power, o-or u-using r-ritual sigils l-like I-I'm doing h-here." Skye finished his drawing with a flourish and put the chalk to the side. "T-this... might n-not b-be pleasant t-to watch, B-but whatever h-happens don't e-enter the circle. Y-your presence could have u-unforeseen consequences," explained Skye as he walked to the centre of the circle and knelt down.
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It s-should still b-be in my bedroom," replied Skye as he entered. He picked the book up from his bedside table and flicked through it, grabbing a pen as he did so. "Y-yep, here it is. Now, i-if I make s-some modifications h-here a-and here it should remove the s-side-effects. I'll a-also need a fairly l-large area t-to set t-this up, a-and some c-chalk."
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "S-sounds good. I-it'll be great t-to be a-able t-to cast m-magic a-again."
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "S-sure thing Dad. N-no problem. Just one second." Skye went back out to the balcony. "You alright Melody?" Melody quickly wiped away a tear before Skye could see it. "I'm fine Skye, really. You will think about what I asked earlier, won't you? About the concert?" "W-why do y-you w-want to g-go?" "Curiosity." "I suppose I-I c-can't argue. It s-should be o-okay as long a-as Fat... Mil.... Tails isn't t-there. I d-don't think I-I could c-cope with t-that." Skye turned and headed back. "I'm ready now Dad."
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'm s-sorry to b-break up the h-holiday a b-bit, but is i-it okay if I c-can go b-back to Haven and pick u-up my diary? There's a r-ritual I n-need to p-preform to g-get rid of t-this Darn s-stutter."
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody was taken aback by the venom in her brother's voice. "I, but, I just think you sound cute when you stammer." "It a-almost got m-me KILLED!" Skye yelled. "I can't u-use m-magic i-if I stammer" Melody face fell and her eyes dropped. "I'm... I'm sorry Skye. I had no idea. I keep thinking this world a safe but..." "Doesn't m-matter," Skye replied. He'd made his point, and didn't want Melody to feel any worse. Leaning over he gave he a quick hug. "S-sorry I shouted, w-with e-everything this morning I'm a l-little on e-edge. Just l-let m-me know if it h-happens again. I suppose I-I should do s-something about it." Skye stood up and went to the balcony door. "D-dad? Could y-you come here f-for a s-second?"
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody left the room and joined Skye on the balcony. He was sitting on the edge, legs dangling over the side, still clutching his tail. Melody sat down beside him. "You okay?" "B-better now yeah." "The only time I've seen you panic like that is when Father tries to curse you." "I k-know. Y-you... y-you just put m-me on edge mentioning s-seeming Mother. Yeah, I k-know she isn't actually o-our mother. T-then is j-just hit me h-how... alien this all is. And I'm n-not used to people... f-fawning over m-me like that... a-and I kinda f-froze up a bit." "Is that all?" "Erm, my v-visit to GUN m-may have been m-more exciting t-than I'd planned, b-but don't tell Mom and Dad, ok." "Okay, As long as you tell me what happened when Mom and Dad arn't around, I promise." "Good. A-and o-one m-more thing." Skye turned to face Melody. "W-why the H-HELL did y-you not t-tell me I-I was s-stammering?" he snarled.
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "A-a-actaully I-I-I w-w-was m-m-meaning..." Skye's eyes dart towards the door to the balcony, then he began sprinting towards it.
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "N-no, n-no, n-no, t-there's n-no n-need t-to t-talk a-about i-it. B-but I-I t-think I-I c-could d-do w-with s-some b-breathing s-space."
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "N-not u-used t-to a-attention a-at a-all, o-outside f-family. A-and t-that w-wasn't e-exactly a-attention."
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye pulled his tail closer to his chest, seemingly unaware of his actions. "I-it's j-just... a-all t-these p-people t-talking t-to m-me, h-hugging m-me, b-being n-nice, j-just p-paying a-attention t-to m-me. I-it's j-just a-a b-bit t-too m-much."
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye had stood there quietly since Honey had let him go. His hands subconsciously grasped one of his tails and started squeezing. "Skye," asked Melody with some concern, "are you alright?" "I-I'm j-just n-not u-used t-to t-this m-much a-attention," replied Skye in a smaller voice than usual.
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye gave a sharp intake of breath when Honey tackle-hugged him. He hoped that the impact and pressure wouldn't re-open the wound in his side. Melody was giggling to hard to avoid being pulled into the hug along with him. Not that she really seemed to mind. "Told ya, didn't I," Melody managed to say to Honey. Skye squirmed round until he could breath freely. "Uh, p-pleased to m-meet you t-too. I g-guess." "Hey Skye, you heard what Glen said. I think it might be interesting to see Mina in concert. What do you think?" "W-w-w-what?"
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Actually he.." Melody began, then she spun round as Shadow and the rest of the group arrived. "Here he is now. Hiya Skye." "M-morning Melody. Did I-I m-miss...." Skye stopped in his tracks and stared at the two Glens. He rubbed his eyes but that did nothing to help. "Seem's l-like I d-did miss s-something."
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye adjusted the cap on his head. "I t-think so, y-yeah. T-thanks f-for letting m-me visit." ------------------- "I really don't think that would be a good idea," laughed Melody at Honey's suggestion. "I've quite a few... quirks... that might make a happy family life tricky. But if you think I'm adorable, I wonder what you'll think of Skye?"
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Good p-point. I c-can ask h-her w-when we get back." -------------------------------- "Yeah that's... my name.... pleased to.... meet you Honey."
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody cocked her head. "Actually, I haven't really heard much music at all. Oh and," she turned to face Glen's girlfriend, "I... uh... don't think.... we've been.... introduced"
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody giggled at Locke's intimidatory silence of Glen. But when the other Glen approached from behind she has to fight hard not to instinctively spin round and attack. The the two Glen's gave their synchronised 'Hey'. "Hey Stereo sound!" she laughed. "So we've all said sorry now, so we're back to being friends. But actually, I think I might like that ticket. Curiosity, you know?"
