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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "She always did like bright lights and explosives," muttered Skye. "She's my daughter, of course I'd do what I can for her," replied Mina. -------------------- "I hope so Glen. Unfortunately she's on a off-zone mission right now. Probably won't be back for a few weeks. But, if my plan works, I should be able to take Ziona and Zave to visit her."
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I don't think it was her," replied Skye, "her magic isn't quite that... controlled." "Actually, that was me," whispered Mina to Tikal, "I put a few little enchantments on them. Melody deserves something special for this day." Melody were watching the show with awe, pointing out to the others whenever she saw a particularly impressive firework. ----------------- "I might have a spare one back at the house, but your right about this bench. It's where I first met Ziona's mother after all."
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Skye is very lucky to have found someone like you," Mina replied. "Shh, it's gonna start soon," interrupted Melody. "3... 2... 1..." The fireworks erupted in a display that, technically, should have been impossible by the laws of physics. ------------------- "A good idea, but give me a second." Ziona father pulled out something from his pocket, fiddled with a few controls, then an invisible force field appeared above the two of them, deflecting the rain. He place the device back in his pocket. "Somewhat easier to carry than an umbrella."
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Up onto the balcony then, c'mon" called down Melody. Skye followed his sister, coming to a sudden halt when he saw Mina. "Mother?" "I know it's been a while Skye, but like I told your sister, you don't need to be formal." She knelt down and hugged Skye. "Its good to see you son." "I missed you to Mom," replied Skye, tearing up slightly. "No tears Skye," said Mina smiling, "it's a happy day. And this must be Tikal, I'm very pleased to meet you." -------------------- "Oh I will Glen, I will," replied Ziona as she and Zave began running for the nearby hall, squealing slightly as the rain began in earnest. (ooc: Feel free to start the firework show at anytime!)
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Oh yes, plenty of awesome stuff. Have you ever seen a firework's display before? Either way, you're in for a treat!" enthused Melody Skye gave a little chuckle at Hope's reply. "You'll get used to it. Almost everything in Melody's and my life is 'by chance'." --------------------- "I.. uh.... I think I understand that Glen." Ziona replied, looking a little troubled. (ooc: Have they even met outside the X years later stories?)
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Great. Sorry you missed the start of the celebrations, but the best is still to come, don;t worry." ---------------------- "I was just rememb.... imagining what it was like to be grown-up."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Absolutely great, thanks Tikal. I guess you and Skye are doing pretty good yourself. C'mon, you're just in time for the fireworks," Melody said breathlessly. "Hi Hope," said Skye as he spotted her, with a little surprise in his voice, "Good to see you were able to come too." ------------------ "Yeah, adults are just shy and boring and don't get to have proper fun," Ziona replied with a strange looking smile.
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Sorry Tikal," Skye replied as they reached the open castle doors. "I just got a little excited." --------------------- "Sounds like a good plan," replied Melody as the entered the hall. "The best place would be the main balcony... Hey! Skye, there you are!" exclaimed Melody as she ran to hug her brother. "What are you wearing?" she asked, a little surprised by his attire. -------------- "We had a disco ready for after the party," explained Zave, "but if it's raining we'll just start it now." "Don't worry Glen, you won't need to dance if you don't want to."
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I guess so..." Skye mused, but he sounded a little uneasy. "Nevermind, lets go find my sister!" he said, heading onwards once more as darkness began to fall. ---------------- "We don't want to miss the fireworks, they'll be starting soon. But tomorrow you can teach me how to use a lab. Promise?" --------------- "What's there to complain abo...." Fiona stopped talking as a raindrop fell on her nose. She sighed, as more drops began to fall. "Should've know that was gonna happen. But we did get to play outside before the disco this time." "What do you mean 'this time'?" asked Zave. "Never mind, never mind. Just my imagination playing up again."
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I dunno, I'm not.... I'm just...." Melody seemed a little embarrassed. "Oh, what the Hell, I'd love for you to show me. Just... don't tell Skye."
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Nothing wrong with it being unusual. Most of the people I know have unusual hobbies. Though, now that Skye's left I might try some ideas out in his old lab myse.... I, er, um, I mean, I've no idea what to do with a lab. I'd probably just find it boring"
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    The two of them began walking. It didn't take long for the scenery to change shape and the castle to come into view. "Huh, that was a lot closer than I expected." -------------------------- "Skye never wanted the throne anyway. He just wanted to play around in his lab." Melody paused for a second. "Not that there's anything wrong with doing lab stuff," she added quickly. "It's just not something to do if you're a ruler." ------------------------- "Lose their savor? Cake is sweet, not savory Glen," joked Ziona as she rolled over to face him. "Yeah, I know what you mean. But for now, right now, this is what I want."
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Skye gave up his claim to the throne to be with Tikal. But he should be at the ceremony. I sent the two of them an invitation."
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'm happy with either. But I don't think there's a rush, so how about a nice stroll." --------------- "I was meaning today Glen. I don't want today to ever end."
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I think so," said Skye extending his hand to her. "Shall we fly or walk?" ---------------- "Right now, I just want my dream to stand still."
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Back at the house, with Tikal's help, Skye was able to find himself an outfit that fit. He quickly put it on, though guessed it was going to take a while to get used to it. "Okay, I'm ready Tikal," he called. ------------------- "I don't have everything," Ziona replied, almost out of breath lying on her back looking up at the sky. "But if you have everything, there's nothing left to keep you going, is there." "What in No-Zone are you saying?" asked Zave, completely confused. "Are you feeling ok? You're not sick are you?"
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Great," replied Skye. "Let's get changed and go on a little trip." -------------- "Nice to meet you too Glen," Zave respond "Er, sorry bout Ziona, I dunno what's come over her. I've never seen her this excited before." "Oh you have NO idea Zave," Ziona replied, breaking into an almost hysterical giggling fit.
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You're right, don't want to spoil her celebrations. Though I think I might need a new outfit, I don't think the headband will go with my tux," Skye laughed. -------------- "Exactly. We might have responsibilities in No-Zone, but at least we have peace." At that moment Ziona came running up with someone in tow. "GlenGlenGlen.... I'd like you to meet my friend Zave. Glen, Zave. Zave, Glen. Glen, Zave. Zave, Glen. Glen, Zave. Zave, Glen." "Okay, okay. Stop it! We get the idea!"
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yeah, though if I know Melody, I think she'd be happy if we just turn up like this." ------------------- "Some of my friends in the force are saying some power-mad dictator has taken over and is turning it;s inhabitants into robots. Thankfully, nothing like that will ever happen here." (ooc: Yeah, the news might be a little out of date)
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody saw Hope's face brighten. "Yeah, wait till you see it, it's gonna be awesome. I just hope Skye make it back in time for it, he loves fireworks as well." (ooc: It is almost one in the morning so hardly surprising. Especially with your uni work as well. And on the subject of time, I think I'll call it a night now.)
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Mina gave a slight laugh. "No need to stand on ceremony Hope. You're a friend of Melody's, so we don't need to be formal here." "Yeah, Mom can be cool like that." Melody said as she started to show Hope more of the castle. "Don't be too long girls. It'll be dark soon and I know you won't want to miss the fireworks display." Mina called after them. (occ: I was more referring to the fact Melody had few friends before hand. And, yeah, Mina is so informal because that's what Melody wanted her to be like. Despite it making no sense!)
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Of course you can! You're practically my guest of honor," said Melody as she entered the castle. They hadn't gone far until... "Welcome back Melody. Who's this with you?" "Hi Mom, this is Hope, my best friend. Hope, this is Mina, my Mom." (ooc: Slight tearjerker in that line from Melody. If she considers Hope her best friend despite only knowing her for a few hours...)
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yeah it is. At least, I think it is." Melody shook her head with a little confusion. "You wanna have a look around?"
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Exactly that! I just didn't say it cause... well, I couldn't remember Shadow name!" Melody began to slow down. "I think we're home now, but I couldn't tell when we left the sweet land behind. Funny, the same thing happened when I arrived. Hey, over there, look! That's the castle."
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yes. A proper princess. Just like she wanted. Shall we join her for the coronation?" -------------------- "Really? I'd have thought.... Never-mind, but you are having FUN right?" --------------------- "You've got that right. Seeing them having fun, their whole lives ahead of them.. I'm just glad things are so peaceful here. The Prime Zone for instance is taking a turn for the worse from what I've heard."
