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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye took one of his gloves off, stuck his finger in his mouth, then held it up as if testing for the direction of the wind. "It doesn't FEEL like a magical world. Of course, we are talking about dreams here, so we can't rule it out, but I can't sense any magic beyond normal, so it's not likely."
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ok, so.... Why are we in this dream, and more importantly, how do we get out?" asked Skye in a whisper. Mina raised an eyebrow at Red. "I don't remember you being this cryptic. And I've NO shadows thank you very much," Mina protested just too forcefully. ------------------ "I guess it might be? I dunno do I. But when I grow up I'm gonna be an explorer, so I'll tell you then."
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    The two kids glanced at each other, and decided to defer to Shadow judgement. They headed into the cave, catching their breath. "Okay, what now?" asked Melody. "I'd prefer not to wait Red," said Mina as she also headed into the cave. "Things are confusing enough already without you holding out on me." --------------- "C'mon, who wouldn't enjoy zone exploring? You don't need to be a kid to find it fun, right?"
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: As such, I'm gonna guess Tikal didn't say her line.) Melody gave a nod of thanks to Shadow, but couldn't bring herself to look him in the eye. She took Hope's hand. "Here we go again!" "Living with a shadow?" asked Mina. "What exactly do you mean by that?" "Ok everyone," called Skye "Cave to the right, or exit the forest ahead? What do people think?" "Keep going," called Melody. "We're probably faster than the big thing!" -------------------- "That's easy. Daddy's gonna take Zave and me to see lotsa new Zones. It's gonna be real fun!"
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Yeah, if you could just exit that easily, it wouldn't be much of a weapon, would it. While you can wish up an exit, the program will automatically create defences for said exit, if that makes sense.)
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Looks like it will have to wait until after the big scary monster though," said Skye to Tikal as he took off with her again following Shadow. Melody also ran behind, not noticing her dress had morphed back into her regular attire. "You're a little overcrowded there Shadow. I could take someone with me?" she offered. Mina grabbed Red by the arm and also sprinted off after the group. "I never imagined that I'd be working with Shadow ever again," she muttered "Dylan," Skye spoke into his radio, "can you see anywhere for us to go? Somewhere safe?" -------------- "Heh, so what are you gonna do when the party's over Glen?" asked Ziona
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Shhh, not so loud Tikal. You and I are both real. But I think my Mom is to. But she's from the present, so if she thinks me or Melody are actually real and not just dream-people that could change our past, and it's not pleasant to have that happen..." Skye paused. "Sorry, I think I ruined one of our moments, didn't I?" "I wish I knew how to leave," replied Melody, then she became distracted by the thumping sounds. "So, do we run or fight?" asked Mina. "Though either way probably won't help us much." "Dylan?" Skye spoke into his radio, "can you tell what's coming for us?" ------------------ "Are you trying to be a cryptic old man again Glen?" Ziona joked. (ooc: and off to sleep in a sec. Catch you tomorrow)
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye went over to Tikal. "Tikal I.... There's something I need to tell you about this place. You might have heard it already, I don't know... but..." "Thanks Re... Mom. It's good to know you're always gonna be there for me," said Melody. "Well Shadow, if we are all here together in the same dream, it's not exactly normal is it? Someone will have put us here for a reason, and I doubt it'll be a good one. So how about we try and escape?" suggested Mina. ------------- "Heh. You seem to worry about me more than Daddy does!"
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Maybe you shouldn't work with a defence organisation in the middle of a war then Shadow?" joked Mina. Skye sidled up to Melody. "What's up with Mom? Why does she look, well, about your age?" he asked in a whisper. "'Cause that's her from this time. Skye, all this, it's just a dream!" "WHAT?" yelled Skye, then he went back to whispering. "That's why that wrong feeling felt so familiar. But if Mom is really here then..." "Don't worry, she think's we're part of Shadow's mind." Skye turned to look at Tikal. "I dunno how I'm gonna break the news to Tikal," Skye said.
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You can always trust me Tikal," smiled Skye as he came into land. "This should be.... Huh, actually this could be likened to a bomb about to go off," comment Skye as he looked around. "Miles isn't my boyfriend Shadow," sighed Mina. "The kid's only, what? Ten? Eleven? But anyway, I've nothing to do with that bomb, can't say for Miles though. Wouldn't put it past him." Melody, moving in a way that Mina wouldn't notice, sidled over to Red and squeezed her by the hand. "It's gonna be okay," she whispered. -------------- "Maybe I will."
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "We're pretty close now," said Skye, responding to both Tikal and Dylan. "I can see everyone in the clearing ahead." ---------------- "Bomb? What bomb Shadow?" asked Mina Mina glanced at Red. "Okay, so to explain. Shadow and some Zone Cops hired me to take out some bigwig. I did the job but Shadow tried to pull out of paying and kill me and Miles. The two of us suspect there was more going on here than just an assassination attempt, so I came to the Prime Zone to find out what. And somehow I ended up stuck in this dream landscape or whatever it is." Melody's look of fear had gone slightly, to be replace by one that said 'this is how Mom used to look?'. Until Mina snapped her head round to look at her. "Wait, if your just a figment of my dream, and I know that know, why are you still here?" Mina asked Melody, "Uhhhhh...." ------------- Ziona laughed again. "I'll hold you to that Glen!"
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Actually, no Shadow," said Mina, her form being to change from a 40-something back to a teenager. Melody watched with growing fear. "I never intended to kill you. Me and Miles were just curious about the whole scheme you had concocted. There seems to be more to it than just an assassination. So I came to find out what."
  13. Sonic the Hedgehog (Comic Series)

    Rather than active control it was a software patch? Or a continuity graff, one of the two.
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Okay Let's go." Skye set his tails whirring again and they took off, moving swiftly towards the forest. --------------- Melody was trying to put a brave face on what she just learned. She felt crushed, but Hope was looking distraught, so for her sake Melody tried not to let her own sadness show. She began walking to Hope and was just about to say something when Mina spoke up. "Of course I'm here Shadow. I'm not just the figment of someone imagination!" she almost screamed. Melody's eyes widened. "Uh Oh!" ----------------- "Why do grown-up's always say that?" asked a curious Ziona. "Why are we always 'too young' for stuff?"
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'm feeling ready to go again," said Skye, offering Tikal his hand once more. -------------- "Did you say 'dream' Shadow?" asked Melody. "Aww "*@%^! I, uh, sorry Red. But that means, everything that happened here... My coronation..." "This, this can't be a dream can it?" asked Mina. "But that would explain why there's a gap in my memories. That means.... that means my children aren't real..." she slumped down. ------------ Ziona laughed. "Good, good. How long has it been since you were at a proper birthday party?"
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Okay, we're on our way," said Skye. "Keep in touch." He took a deep breath and turned to Tikal. "Not sure if you heard that Tikal, but Mom and Melody have met Shadow and Red. So we should try and meet up and see what's happening." --------------------- "Red? Are you coming?" asked Mina. "I could use a friend after..." Suddenly her eyes widened. "Whoa, hey! Just a minute. What are a group of Prime Zoner's doing on Moebius?" she asked, more confused than anything else. ------------ "Okay, that's good. But if you ain't having fun just say. You've done your share of dancing!"
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody managed to nod at Shadow's apology. "I'll see you soon Hope. I swear!" she weakly called to her friend. Mina nodded at Red's reply. "Thank you. I know you will." ---------------- "Oh! I thought, it kinda sounded like you weren't."
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Great... Wait... Mom and Shadow. Uh oh... Can you tell us how to reach them?" --------------- There were actual tears on Mina's face now, and she held onto Melody even tighter. "You're right. I didn't come here to fight, I came here for my daughter." She broke off the hug, stood up, and placed her arm around Melody's shoulder. "C'mon. Let's find your brother. Knowing him, he's probably worried sick about you." Mina turned to leave, then paused and turned back. "Hope... You're Melody's friend, and friends are important. I might not trust Shadow, but I'm not going to do anything to come between your and Melody's friendship." She then leaned over to Red and whispered in her ear. "If anything happens to me Red, promise you'll look after the kids for me." -------------- "Ain't... Ain't you having fun Glen? You don't really sound like you are."
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Mina looked up and glowered at Shadow, still holding Melody tightly. "We agreed on the payment before hand. If you couldn't trust me, then why did you agree to the deal in the first place?"
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Mina looked at Red. "Well, yeah, that's what happened, but..." she turned towards Shadow. "I was copying your powers Shadow. Copying! Not stealing. And the Zone Cop and threats didn't come until after you tried to shoot me and Miles down!" Melody didn't know where to look, so sat down on the ground, overwhelmed. Mina hurried over to her and hugged her tightly, and Melody responded in kind.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye gave a start as his radio burst into life. "Dylan? Is that you? Great, you've got eye's and ears everywhere don't you? Do you know where Melody and Hope are?" ----------------- "Mo.... Red's right Mom. Shadow's on our side," said Melody. Mina looked horrified at Melody's and Red's words, possibly even close to tears. She shrugged off Red's hand. "What has Shadow done to all of you? You can't believe he won't hurt you? He tried to kill me last time we met." "What?" exclaimed Melody with shock. "You tried to KILL Mom?" (ooc: you know, this scene seems familiar somehow... ;) ) ------------------- Despite the height difficulty, Ziona was enjoying herself immensely, and kept egging Glen on.
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hold on," said Skye, starting to fiddle with his radio-watch. "I'll see if I can get a signal on this to call them." ------------------- "Yes. I just prey we catch them before something happens to them." --------------- "Yeah Dylan , both my Mom's are following us. But there's something weird about them, I'm not sure what. I... Yikes!" Melody sketched to a halt when she saw someone standing on front of her. "Shadow?" she asked, bemused. A moment later, Mina emerged from the woods, asking the exact same question, but with a slight edge of hostility. She glanced at the kids and her face became full of worry, not for herself, but for the girls. "Melody, Hope. Step away from him, he's dangerous," said Mina, a slight note of panic in her voice. -------------- Ziona began happily dancing away to the music.
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yeah. Almost like the exact place you want to stop and take a breather in." ------------- "I'm... I'm coming Red. I don't know what's come over her." Mina looked at her friend as she began running after the girls. "But since when have you told her off for swearing?" --------------------- "I dunno where we are Dylan. There's a forest ahead, but that's all I know. If I find more out, I'll say. As for Skye, he's Skye. He'll probably have a dozen radios on him, even in that getup he's wearing. The two of you together might be able to get a multi-connection going for the radios." Melody took a deep breath, hearing Red but not obeying, and turned to Hope. "The trees in the forest will negate Red's advantage. As for Mom," Melody grinned, "I always wanted to find out who was faster." ----------------- "YAY! Thank's Glen, thank's Glen," Ziona squealed with delight. "And talking of sugar highs," Ziona's father commented, shaking his head slightly.
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You're right Tikal," said Skye, sitting back down. "I only wish they'll be okay wherever they are now. For that matter, where are we?" --------------- Mina laughed as well. "Of course, ambition keeps life interesting. But I wouldn't say I'll never change. Never saw myself as a parent, though I did want to be." The carriage landed softly on the ground, and Melody tensed. "Get ready," she whispered to Hope. "3... 2... 1... GO!" Melody shot off, taking Hope with her. "MELODY! WAIT!" called Mina in panic. Melody opened her radio again. "Dylan, we're on the move but on the ground. Once we're safe I'll stop if you can't get a track on us while moving. And see if you can contact Skye, he was with us earlier. Oh &$£*(! It's hard to run in this Darn dress!" -------------- "I'm sure she'll be grateful to you for it."
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "But... But I can't just sit here and do nothing," said Skye distressed. ---------------------- "Money's alright, but there's some things you just can't buy with money. Certain types of power for example," replied Mina with a grin. She then gave a matching warm smile. "We're friends alright, I bet you didn't imagine meeting up again like this!" "Dylan? Good to hear you again. We were flying but it looks like we're going down. But if your on a tropical isl;and it might be difficult to reach you." Melody lowered her voice and whispered to Hope. "The moment we land, we're gonna run okay? Hold on tight, just like last time." (ooc: Thinking about this, if Hope agrees to run with Melody, her being scared might lead them to meeting Shadow, as Shadow would make Hope feel safer, and the dream is still working for them at the moment.) --------------------- "Just go for it, she's not going to give up until you do."
