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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody was still smiling in her sleep as she turned over and slumbered deeply. ------------ "Oh, don't you dare!" exclaimed Anna with some of her old spirit. Then immediately looked a little embarrassed. "I'm... I'm going to take it slow... Too fast and I think the cake might get other ideas..." ------------- Ziona raised an eyebrow at Glen. "You seem rather enthusiastic"
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody now was sleeping peacefully, a smile appearing on her face. ---------------- "You... you mean the cake...?" asked Anna, deliberately misinterpreting Red's comment. ---------------- "Oh, blast it. I nearly forgot. I need to get those reports on those kids done before Zet's replacement arrives tomorrow," exclaimed Ziona
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody was actually asleep and, being Melody, didn't even stir when Locke entered. Whatever her dreams were, it was clear they were unhappy. But as Locke sung, somehow the song began to penetrate her nightmares, and the sobbing and shaking began to subside. ------------ "If this was Moebius I could name 100 places, but I'm still a little lost here. Sorry," apologised Anna. Something she'd never have done before. ----------- "I think the Guardian might be a little preoccupied," said Ziona, watching Locke go into Melody's room..
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Anna turned back to Red. "Do you wanna head off somewhere?" she asked. ------------- "Looking for Knuckles? I've got no idea where he is I'm afraid." replied Ziona
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Heh, thank you," said Anna, blushing slightly. ------------- "Would be awkward otherwise," Ziona replied.
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (ooc: Hey! Where did my post go? Stupid forum must have ate it.) "Thanks Red," said Anna, chinking her glass on Red's ------------- "I think they don't mind," laughed Ziona
  7. So Skye is 8. So in 25 Years Later he’d be 3. But in that story there is a flashback scene to 3 years earlier, showing a 2-tailed fox kid the same age as Manic… The hell?

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      You so sure about that?

    2. Princess Blaze

      Princess Blaze

      Skye, every time I hear you speculate I become more and more grateful that I live in a different zone.

    3. Skye Prower

      Skye Prower

      Dylan: Well, anyone in the future anyhoo

      Blaze: Are my speculations really so terrifying?

    4. Show next comments  4455 more
  8. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody went to her room and laid on the bed without even bothering to changed. She gave the occasional sob as she fell asleep. ----------- "Sorry, Red, didn't mean to lower the mood there," said Anna ----------- "I think we may have offended the newcomers," giggled Ziona/
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Uh, hello there," Ziona replied to Max. "I'm Ziona. And you are?"
  10. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Anna laughed. "It almost sounds like you were planning to kidnap me." Then she abruptly stopped laughing, remembering that was exactly what Miles had tried to do. --------------- "Sorry Glen," replied Ziona backing off. "I was just worried..."
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I... oh... bye Hope..." Said Melody, both aloud and in her head, but she doubted Hope could hear. She left to her own room.
  12. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'll... I'll probably do the same," replied Melody, getting ready to leave. Skye nodded, picking up his journal and flicking through it. ------------ "Yeah. Definitely. A shame my brother and sister couldn't stick around, but they're still young," said Anna ------------ Ziona leapt up and hugged Glen. "There you are. I got kinda worried when Berry ran out like that."
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "That's good," said Anna. "The last thing you want to do is create a scene in another zone!"
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Not a problem Hope. Now, I would actually suggest the two of you get a good night sleep. Either it will give your minds a chance to rest, or it sould be eaiser for them to link up, and therefore get more used to it."
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I'll try to be as unintrusiveness as possible," replied Skye.
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye laughed. "True. it's not like Dad is sending me to school or anything. But it might not be a picnic for you to either, as I might need to keep asking you to do this or that till we get it sorted. But with luck I can have some tests ready to do tomorrow morning."
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    'It's okay Hope. Your head felt like it was splitting open, so no wonder you were angry,' thought Melody. "Uh, on the subject of headaches we better stop just in case." she said aloud. "Huh?" Skye looked confused for a second, before mumbling 'of course' to himself. "At this stage I think I'm gonna need to set up some rather complex rituals to work this out. And one or two scanners as well. So much for an enjoyable relaxing holiday!"
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    'Thank's Hope. I'm sorry for betraying you like that,' thought Melody, managing to start smiling. "No. Nothing like that yet," said Melody, Skye almost jumping when she spoke up. He had a glace at the boxes in the girls hand. "I take it you are... thinking now?" he asked. "By the looks of this magic is involved somehow, but its not magical communication. But maybe the magic caused it..."
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "So... don't do magic when drinking... I would say simple enough, but from what I've heard. Oh, and one last question. It is just thoughts? Not emotions as well? Or... bit's of personalities?" Melody gave a little twitch as the image of Shadow and Rouge entered her mind, as did the needle. She thought of an image of her own, her and Hope singing together on the karaoke machine. 'We are still friends, right?'
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye stared at the two of them. "Alcohol? Seriously. Erm... what was it like? But, uh, I'm glad you seem none the worse for the fireball thing. Uh, well, lets see, we've got chemical stimulants, out of control magic, and dimension crossing supertech... This could be tricky to narrow down..."
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Only one way to find out I guess," said Skye as he emerge from the case holding two little boxes with dials on them. "First thing to do is find out if magic is somehow involved in your telepathy. So I want each of you to hold these boxes in your hands for a few minutes to get a base reading of your magic, then talk to each other in your heads of a while and see if the needle changes position." He handed over the boxes. "And while we wait for the base reading, I suppose it could be important to mention if anything else odd happened today. Anything since you started practicing magic Hope. Even if it seems trivial. After all, the teleporter might have been the cause, but it could have interacted with something else."
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I hope so, so let's get started," said Skye, diving almost literally inside his suitcase. "I'm sure they're in here somewhere," came his voice, slightly muffled. Then he popped his head out. "By the way, if this mind reading thing does make getting to sleep hard, I can put you in a shorter enchanted sleep just overnight. In fact, I could make it so deep that you'd probably make no contact with each other at all." He began rummaging in the bag again. "Ah, here they are."
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody perked up when Hope said she didn't want to cut her off completely. Skye nodded. "2 is the one I would have chosen, but it was only fair to give you all the ideas I could think of. And even if I don't get these enchanted in time to solve the headaches, they will make it easier to switch your ability on and off."
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Right now, nothing. These amulets are set up to be enchanted. But they could be part of one of the options," Skye explained. "I suppose I should put all the ideas I have on the table so you can choose, but none of them are perfect I'm afraid." He sat down. "Option 1 is as you said, tough it out. The flaw there is obvious, and it could take a long time. Option 2 involves these," said Skye holding up the crystal. "Once we've worked out HOW you telepathy is working... which might be something other than your teleporter. You have just started playing with magic yourself after all. But once we work out what, we can enchant these to act as, well, training wheels for your powers. Which should help dull the pain, and give you both more control and possibly a boost. The trouble is, I've no idea how long it will take to discover the cause and get these ready, so it might end up being the same as option 1." "Option 3... is, well, enchant these crystal to be a magical form of painkiller rather than a chemical one. That is slightly less risky, but if it DOES go wrong, the side effects would be much, much worse. Plus, the effect can be very, very addictive. And make you a little crazy. Mother gave me something similar in the dream." Skye tossed the crystal in the air like a coin. "Number 4. We put the both of you into an enchanted sleep so your body can adjust to this ability without you feeling pain. But, that could mean being asleep for several days in a row, and given how you just fallen out, and stuff in dreams is much faster than in the real world, that might be hellish for you. Heck, even if you hadn't fallen out, spending what feels to you like several weeks with only you two alone?" "And, option 5, er.." Skye seemed hesitant to suggest it, "if I'm right about Mobian's not getting headaches because they are more inclined towards powers, I could set up a magical ritual to transform you for a few days. No need to explain the downside with that plan." "And finally, another obvious one, you two simply find out what the range is on this thing, and don't ever see each other again." "NO! We can't do THAT!" Melody exclaimed, horrified.
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "That's one option, though I can think of a few others," said Skye. He pulled out a clear crystal embedded in a gold frame out from the suitcase, and held it up to his eye. "Yeah, this one should be fine. Uh, don't tell Rouge I have these. Doubly so as the case is enchanted too..." ------------ Anna rolled her eye's humorously. "You and your parties!" she joked.
