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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Free play mania 1.0

    I'm sorry.... Erm, I c-could give y-you a hug... t-though it wouldn't be t-the same...
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "So many things I'll need to get used to," said Harmony. She looked behind herself. "Not least of which is these things," she commented, pulling on her tails. ------- "Just as long as you don't end up with a dozen toasters," laughed Ziona.
  3. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Isn't that rather circular? 9
  4. Free play mania 1.0

    Great. (ooc: Sorry to hear that Dylan)
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "The way you... tease each other without actually meaning it," said Harmony
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I guess that's something else I'll need to get used to," said Harmony. ------------- "Oh, you sneaky little hedgehog," laughed Ziona. "Will you be providing your guests with a list?"
  7. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    "Even though that will leave you stranded on a different world? You'll be happy with that?" Kimi asked, though her tone suggested she was asking for another reason as well.
  8. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Why are you watching? 7
  9. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    "I guess you don't," said Kimi, looking thoughtful. "I hope you manage to get home."
  10. Free play mania 1.0

    And you will help as well, right?
  11. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Oh well, onto 5
  12. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    Kimi looked up. "You've made a big impact for someone just on the move. Maybe now you've done such a good deed here you'll make it home. Though," she looked at Seviper. "Will you be staying here now you're back?"
  13. Free play mania 1.0

    I think I understand. *comes round to look at photo* We'll find a way to get you home to them Seviper
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "How would I be useful?" asked Harmony.... "Or were you telling Dylan that?" she asked. -------------- "That'll give you time to move in properly," agreed Ziona.
  15. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    "It's probably not good to point out you very the main focal point for this change that's beginning," said Kimi to Dylan. "Are you alright?" she asked Seviper.
  16. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Say what.... *looks* Oh... Erm, 3 I guess
  17. Free play mania 1.0

    Are there any... tips you can give me about being a d-dad?
  18. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    163 points out that there are several cookies around now the parties started.
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thank's Zamy. I look forward to it. When will you be having it?" asked Ziona.
  20. Alt-World Play Mania 1.0

    "Did you see the TV crews?" asked Kimi. "This will spread quickly." She looked at Seviper. "No I didn't. But I can imagine." (ooc: Alas, Fluffy is an OC, and Skye... well he's been erased from existence, so no chance of them being an official couple now.)
  21. Free play mania 1.0

    *smiles* I'm sure I can get one easily enough here. Though, I might wait until things a-are more... settled...
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Ziona smiled. "Good idea. Get the messenger service up and running. Do you want me to chip Mel... Harmony?"
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Just as long as you don't start charging for rooms," laughed Harmony as she began to make her way down the shrine towards Skye, Red and Melody.
  24. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    161 wonders why he's upset.
  25. Free play mania 1.0

    *rocks Ruby in time with lullaby* That's really nice. You'll need to teach me it.
