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Skye Prower

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Everything posted by Skye Prower

  1. Last to post wins v3.0

    Obviously not a fan of their music! Funny, I thought he'd like that sorta emo style.... Please don't hurt me Shadow!
  2. Last to post wins v3.0

    I could be wrong, but the background from that pic looks like it was taken from a cover of an Evanescence album.
  3. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Wow, that takes me back! 94
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Ziona sighed and shouted into her radio. "OI! GLENY! ARE YOU DEAF OR SOMETHING?" -------------- "You don't have to say anything Hope," smiled Melody. 'Seriously, we really don't need to sayanything to each other,' she thought as a joke! -------------- Anna laughed. "Yeah, I guess she would. Wouldn't surprises me if she's trying to get Hope to build that into her wheelchair or something."
  5. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    I'll just take cover over here.... 91
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thwat would be gwreat fwun. The pwark is a rweally rweally gwreat place!" said Skye enthusiastically. He glanced down at Miles. "Yeah, he nweeds to remewmber to be a pwroper kwid agwain now he's not on Mwoebwius."
  7. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Uh oh! It's best not to taunt them Seviper! 89
  8. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    You mean we can't protect ourselves? Well, not form the mods, but even with all of us combined we couldn't stand against them. 87
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ooooooooh! What kinda suwrpwrise?" asked Skye excitedly.
  10. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Tsk Tsk, leaving us alone! 85
  11. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye slowly began to smile. "Yeah, I cwan do thwose thwings to," he said. Then Skye looked down to where Miles was sitting at the base of the tree. "What's he dowing down thwere?"
  12. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Yeah. Where did everybody go? 83
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Wow, thwat awseome! Let me twry!" said Skye. He tried to do the same, but his claws started slipping when he reached the bottom of the branch. He wrapped his arms around the branch and scrambled back to the top of the branch. "I cwan't do it," he said sadly.
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody spun her chair round and hugged Hope. "Yeah. That's why I like you so much Hope. Despite all the craziness of me and my family you still remain grounded, sensible, and my friend."
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Melody managed to smile. "Thank's Hope. You're right of course. But right now you can't argue that my emotions aren't messed up! But I'll try not to have another outburst like that."
  16. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "And there was me wondering if it was possible for me to be more messed up from all these spare parts I'm made of!" said Melody.
  17. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Still, all is quiet now! 81
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "You cwan cwlimb?" asked Skye, sounding impressed.
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Thwats pwretty gwood!" said Skye as he changed from standing on his feet to his hands. "Hey, how'd you gwet up hewre?" he asked. ----------- "Oh, thank goodness. I don't need my mind messed up with ANOTHER person's love obsession," laughed Melody, though the laugh had a slight hysterical edge to it.
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Nah, I'm gwood," said Skye with a smile as he pulled himself up with a rtpid motion, did a quick flip and ended up standing on the branch. He grinned at Dylan. "Swee!" ---------------- "Remind me never to teach Anna magic. The last thing he needs is for her to learn a tracking spell!" joked Melody.
  21. Count to 550 before a mod or admin posts!

    Ah, hence her panic 77
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "HeheheheHAHA! Nwo! Stwop, Stwop!" laughed Skye as he was suddenly jolted awake. He started slipping of the branch and with a gasp dug his claws on one hand into the tree.
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Dwon't wanna. Nwice chwildhood hwere. Nwice fwather!" murmured Skye. ---------------- "Probably doing whatever he can to avoid an overly clingy Anna," giggled Melody.
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Skye stirred slightly, ears twitching. "Cwomfwy hwere. Caswtle of cwotton canwdy..." ---------------- "I don't know. I suspect you'd have a better idea," said Melody. (ooc: I don't think Melody know's Crowley is hunting Merlin)
