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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Last to post wins v3.0

    your birthday, your choices ^^
  2. Last to post wins v3.0

    chocolate remington. he looks even more adorable.
  3. Last to post wins v3.0

    You are still winning ^^ I'm not taking it. I'm just asking you a favor :)
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Red sighed."You were ought to know the truth one day...." She took some time..."You might not know it, But I wasn't tasked to kill you.... your mother Asked me, as a favor, to protect you, and eventually teach you, the way of fighting, when she would deem it right....And that fateful night,I...I wasn't fast enough...I could not know..."Tears were starting to flow. "This is why I didn't waant to tell you....I though I failed you that night....Why do you think I never tried to attack you back in Skye's head?" --------------------------------------------------------- "Well" As glen took the first drink."To .....well,whatever you feel like peoples!"
  5. Last to post wins v3.0

    Do it . Please. I want to see remington.
  6. Last to post wins v3.0

    By the way, Since it's someone birthday today , the win is his for the next 24 hours ^_^ enjoy Dylan :)
  7. Sonic in the Super Smash Bros WiiU/3DS

    Seriously , at this point , it would not be impossible that they might add new characters through online update...wether paid or not is up to them....
  8. Favorite Guardian/DLGrandmaster

    For moonwatcher , he is ... well crap . Remember all the references to star wars in flynn's Run? It is the same thing, but from penders , and with star trek. And shadow, Lien-da was carong about her son all along. This is why she left. to protect him....
  9. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Wine ? Wonderful ." Said Glen after coming back to sense . One suppose he was so ashamed he didn't spone for a while. --------------//------ "You have nothing to worry about in this case children , since it's not a tad Forced ." Said Locke. Red then talked . "As for me... Things are way more personnal." She took the time to weight her words."Due to my like of work... No, to put it simply, You cannot work as an assassin and hope to settle down. Not the usual way. Eventually , you either get caught or die yourself ... " she took her breath."And to add to that fact, As I explained you, I cannot have children .Not anymore. But when Locke gave me this chance to leave this world , I knew there would have some change in my life . I simply did not expected to have two children suddenly falling under my care . Not even children I was tasked to protect long ago ...That was simply even more than I ever hoped I could ask." (Ooc: Plot twist!!!!! )
  10. Well people , due to me starting very early tomorrow, I had to sleep sooner.

  11. And the weekend is over. Back to college . I must say it was nice having the whole house for me .

  12. Favorite Guardian/DLGrandmaster

    I wanted to like Spectre , But i decided to wait until he get a proper story .... Once again , Penders made interestig character, But he never got to tell all the stories surrounding them .... And now that this mini serie is long over... Maybe In sonic universe ?
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Stay calm shadow , She probably was more heroic than many people around ..." Said Glen ."As for the food, A double cheese . With a good steak in it . I crave for some more protein in my diet ."
  14. Sonic #252 Early Info (POSSIBLY MAJOR SPOILERS)

    Are you implying that at the end of the arc , it might reverse too ?
  15. Favorite Guardian/DLGrandmaster

    Interesting topic .... I happen to Like Luger a lot , But his lack of appearence is quite a shale.
  16. Sonic Lost World

    Anyways.... After this drive in offroad, let's get back to sonic.... It has been said that recently , sega gave info about the deadly six's personnality . Anyone know more about this ?
  17. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hey, I'm not THAT cheesy,mister i-go-into-ptsd everytime I hear a girl name." Said Glen.
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Cute fox like her doesn't deserve that kind of evil ." Said Glen.
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Ho great, I just said Out loud That I had a crush on someone .... I feel so ashamed of me right now..." Said Glen
  20. Off-Topic Thread

    Yes , Will do from now on...
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yup , had you do that , the whole reality as we knew it would have been quite messed up. And chance are you'd wipe yourself out of existence . And we don't want that , right " Said Glen ."And I'm not saying non sense . I'm telling her that no matter how cute she is, I'd rather have her very close to me and my hearth than on scene ..."Glen ... oh crap. "oups, I think I might have said too much.....So , Would you happen to do group discount if you kill them by pack ?" Glen asked . ------------------------- "why ?" Said Locke ."It's quite hard to explain . At first , I was simply planning on mentoring Skye , Guiding him the right way , until he would be old enough to fend off on his own without any kind of supervision...." Locke took a glass of water ."And then , you got in. " "While it's true I was already starting to have the same feeling of father-son toward Skye I had toward Knuckle , Your arrival Is what got me into this whole "Familly" things . It was evident that mentoring would not be enough , and you two desperatly seemed to crave for something else : an actual parental figure to look forward to, Someone else to trust deeply , and more importantly , affection and love; Something it appeared you lacked a lot in your early life..." Locke explained
  22. Off-Topic Thread

    As for me , Rayman advance was the very first game I ever got when I was A kid . Well on the GBA that is . Then one day the car I was in took fire . No really , We were like chilling out when suddenly , FIRE . We left quickly . The car blew up, taking the only Mario game I had back in the Day in it's fiery fire . And also my GBA . The thing is , No matter what happenned in my life, This game never left my side once , wether I knew it or not . That left me with a lot of emotions ... and the better ? The cartridge is still working to this very day, 12 years later :) I guess that kinda influenced me .... that and the fact that Rayman advance was awesome . Hand down one od the vest gale I ever played ^_^ edit: I saw Dylan about the moving ; Apperently We went off topic in Sonic lost world . At least Cheery was nice enought to just move it :)
  23. Last to post wins v3.0

    Valdez... so is he dead or just deactived ?
  24. Man, why does traveling in bus always make me feel like I'm gonna puke ?

    1. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      When I'm in any vehicle and on my phone or iPod, I sometimes feel sick. Are you on your phone during that time?

    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      I try to limit the uses of

      my phone there.

  25. Last to post wins v3.0

    Looks , You can do that all day ? So do I . Unless I fall asleep.
