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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Alright then." Said Tikal. ------------- "Fine shadow." Said Red" Don't worry about it too much mina . don't worry about it..." before joining her friend. ----------- "Don't worry, If i'm not amused enough, I'll complain." Said Glen.
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "How are things going Skye ?" Asked Tikal. ------------- Red didn't know what to do. Staying with shadow, or joining Mina? So many decisions... -------------- "Don't say such a thing cutie!" Said Glen."I'm fine so far, And I appreciatr everything you are doing so far."
  3. Free play mania 1.0

    The right artifact can do everything. Also cheery . It's alright. The thing is, You write yourself as quite powerful , while we try not to.... That get on some's nerve... and I hate when there is tension around....
  4. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Me ? I'm having fun ." Said Glen. ------------ Red said Nothing at first "I'll try my best."
  5. Free play mania 1.0

    As long as it's teleporting , I'll be fine I guess . Just don't go in godmode , that almost messed up RP mania last time .... Granted it was partialy my fault...
  6. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Red had enough."THE BOTH OF YOU , SHUT UP BEFORE I TAKE ACT. And mina knows that I don't do it often." Red's was cold."All i see right now are two adults, with power and responsabilties like none other , acting like spoiled children ..." Red kept on."Your greedyness could be your downfall Mina, And your tendency to use violence could lead to your own too shadow. In both case , do you know what you'd be leaving behind ?Children ." Red showed them ." Do you see ? these children, they trusted you, they loved you.... Is this the exemple you want to give them ? IS THIS WHAT YOU WANT , THE BOTH OF YOU? I'm not saying that you could magically become friends, but at least ... could you stop this ? they don't deserve to be part of it."
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    Red sighed...."You tend to get into these kind of situation everytime Mina...." Said Red ."Seriously , you are the queen and I'm more socialy able than you...." "Thing is , he kinda helped when I was in trouble . He is one of the good guys after all. mostly ." She took some time to think."Here is my bet , knowing you : You worked with him to kill someone , and You wanted a part of his power as a form of payment , right ? That was really greedy of you Minnie..." --------- "I guess that could be worse Zionna."
  8. Sonic Lost World

    No sonic lost world for Me I guess... I'll have to wait for any downloadable or remake they might throw in the PsN for us , non nintendo. With some hope , once they patnership with nintendo is done , We'll get something nice out of the cardbox.
  9. Free play mania 1.0

    Yup , we saw that Cheery. hum by the way.... about that void thing, could you tone it down ? Just a bit ....
  10. "I heard this scourge came from outer space."

  11. Free play mania 1.0

    By jove.....
  12. Free play mania 1.0

    Please people, let's avoid any explosive pinaple for now.
  13. Free play mania 1.0

    It's nice of you Dylan, It's nice of you.
  14. Free play mania 1.0

    I know, but then....
  15. Free play mania 1.0

    But..... where is everyone gone ?
  16. Last to post wins v3.0

    Blueblur, please . Also, Locke win.
  17. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    Hyper sonic non-canon? Thank god . All these transformation were starting to be ridiculous. The only thing I'm afraid of.... Is an actual french opening....
  18. Finally .... I did it ! I found a way to unglitch the terrible camera that caused so many rage in Sonic adventure !

    1. Lena Stan Account

      Lena Stan Account

      yesss... nothing is impossible!!

    2. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Indeed , but at what cost!

    3. BlurryDawgo


      You. Are. A. Saint.

    4. Show next comments  618 more
  19. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Alright ." Said Tikal. Technology isn't her strong point , so she decided to let skye take care of this . -------------- "Shadow?" Said Red."Mina, You are telling me you worked with shadow?" She started to laugh ."Really ! That's ridiculous." She put her hand on mina's shoulder."Don't worry Mina , 'uncle shadow' Won't hurt Melody, or her friend for that matter." ------------ Glen simply accompagned Zionna . But it's harder to dance with someone , when you are twice his size.
  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Probably..." Said Tikal. --------------------------------- "It's .... a rather long story." Said Red."I'd love tellig you about this , but probably later .Now let's go!" before flying away. ------------- "Well .Let's go dancing then...." Said Glen.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "MELODY!" Shouted Red."WHAT DID I SAID ABOUT CURSING?" Red saw Mina."huh ... MELODY , come back please !" She decided to fly after them ."You coming or what?" She said Toward mina. ----------- "I'm not sure ....." Said Tikal."But this place does seems to be very calm , and peaceful," ---------- "Fine , fine . I'm going to dance Zionna."
  22. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Skye."Tikal gave him a kiss on the forehead."You cannot do anything right now . But later , you will. overdoing it won't help matters at all." ----------------- "You'll never change , don't you?" Said Red."Ever the ambitious one." She laughed. ---------------- "Well, just for today then." said Glen.
  23. Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

    That or Knuxy is standing next to the Master emerald, what's with his guardian Job. execpt that this time around, we might not get to see another guardian like althaïr . Remember sonic underground ? that was one of the few interesting thing.
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Skye , no." Said Tikal."You won't be of use if you cannot even walk alone ." -------------- "I still think that money or any other payment would have been less...possible to break." Said Red."the prime zoner tend to see us as the bad ones , execpted for the alternate version of their bad guys apperently...... that's why I try to get grossly overpaid with money : less risky and harder to track. other precious things works too ! and at last resort, experimental weapons or thing I couldn't get my had on our own zone...." Red then answered mina's question ." Because friends always recognise each other , that's why."She said With a warm smile. --------------- "Aww, look at her go ." Said Glen happily."I'm going to have difficulties saying No."
  25. Back on steel batallion. Why is this the greatest ? It got the biggest gamepad ever made for a video game. and not just a gamepad : IT'S A FREAKING CONTROL PANEL .
