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Delicious echidna

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Everything posted by Delicious echidna

  1. What do you want in a STH game?

    Mario , a plateformer game . >Implying Rayman origins/legend doesn't show how it's done. Yes , I know about shadow . And the fact that it's the only game not available on the Psn . My personnal canon for this game is the "Suicide by vector" Ending. Stopping caring ? Crude .... And yes, at core , sonic is more action than plateforming . Heck , they'd be better off doing a game a la ninja gaiden or other , since speed is at key in these two series .
  2. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "The thing is."Said Glen."That you can still be both , you know ? Being an adult doesn't change nothing . We tend to forget that..." he smile ."And if you want , I can still carry you around . you aren't that heavy .at least for me." -------- "Maybe ." Said Locke with a smile . --------- silver Smiled a bit."I knew Your name meant something ."He said ."But what are you doing in the past ?"
  3. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Well , at that time , you were litteraly a kid. And we still had some fum out of it . So it's alright ." Said Glen. ------------- "....I see..." Said Locke . He would have wanted to say more, but he could not take the risk of changing time . Then again , Maybe it would have been for the best if he took action... or not . His failure with knuckles reminded him that this kind of gambit is never a good thing . ------------- "I'm right behind you skye ." Said tikal . ------------ Silver waited , as Skye Asked him.
  4. What do you want in a STH game?

    I'll read them later on. Sonc with guns ? Well , they don't seem to habe problem with him cutting people in half with a talking sword or going through his ennemies at high speed (He somehow become a peojectile himself , lawl .) Darn it Sega . All you had to do was to fix the Darn camera. ps: maybe this infighting is why sonic 06 hasn't been patched . Seriously , it's possible to patch game . That happenned a lot on the ps3 and Xbox 360. ps 2: Also , like I said, I'll think about it.
  5. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "I think they won't do much for now... nor care for that matter ." Said Tikal."With all the thing happenning ..." ----------- Silver silently followed Skye's dirrection until he finaly was at haven ."I guess i'm here now .Man , this place really looks impressive when it's not destroyed...." Said Silver, amazed . ---------- Locke took the time the think ."I really wonder hiw someone like you ended up doing such a job for a living ..." ---------- "I guess you might be right . I hust needed someone , and I knew deep inside , that none of what you did there was wanted ."
  6. What do you want in a STH game?

    I'll think about it . If I can get my hands on them. Also, I wasn't completely aware of these infighting with sega Us and Sega Jap. But that explain a lot. On another hand , a shoting game with shadow would be funny , but on the side . Not a full fledged gale of course.
  7. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Hey, I guess I could understand how they are feeling now." Said Glen."But for now, i'll be more busy with enjoying your company than showing it to the world ." he slid his mechanical arm around zionna."You know what ? I don't think I could have asked for more if I was given a new start. Thank you for what you did , zionna ." ------- "Now that you got in contact with him, all we have to do is to wait for him." Said Tikal ."Don't worry . I'm sure Locke or Red won't let anything Slide." ------- Silver was finally on the floating island . This modified Extrem gear he got was a really good piece of hardware, that's for sure."Hum, I don't know if you can hear me, But i'm on the floating island now." ------- Red was still unconscious , but she was showing sign of waking up ."Don't worry mina." Said Locke ."Just give her some time .You can stand by her side if you want ."
  8. What do you want in a STH game?

    Chances are it would had happened, Had sega got with Sony instead of Sega . Anyway, will This episode be cross buy . I own both a vita and a ps3 now, so it would be nice.
  9. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    So , since someone OBVIOUSLY never played megaman Zero , Here is a short explanation : Megaman probably became an elf , a little program that can be installed in any reploid , and that gives said Reploid power and capacities .
  10. I think my body is now taking control . I'm spending my nights sleeping now....

    1. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Not when the people you are talking with tend to live in a different timezone.

    2. Danny Felixe

      Danny Felixe

      You still need sleep. Everyone needs sleep sometime

    3. Delicious echidna

      Delicious echidna

      Yes. I used to sleep when everyone was...

    4. Show next comments  519 more
  11. Mega Man (Comic Series)

    He became an elf .
  12. Last to post wins v3.0

    Why not :) ?
  13. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Skye ?" Asked tikal."How went things ?" ----------- Locke started to act. Red was a wreck , and the amount of works Locke would have to give to heal her was incredible . Eventually, He stabilised Red's body."There, it's done." He said ."She is out of danger." ------------- "Yes . The night is beautiful ." Said Glen."If I may be so Bold, Almost as beautiful as you are."
  14. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Alright." Said Silver." I'm leaving my place right now. I won't be very long." --------------------------------------- "It's alright" Said Locke."I can handle this kind of situation. What I need you and crowley for, is what comes after: An actual moral support for her. She'll probably need it." --------------------------------------- Glen and Zionna eventually got to the Balcony. The night was calm, and fortunaly, the ship wasn't in their line of sight."Yes, it's much better ." Said Glen."Don't you think?"
  15. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "It's alright ." Answered back Silver."I'll try to move right now then ...." As he prepares himself . ------------ Locke took mina's hand , and chao controlled back to haven Medical center."There, now let's hope Crowley is back too." ---------- "Mine would be to enjoy a nice drink right now. Now about we move this conversation outside ?" Said Glen.
  16. General Trash

    I hate remembering name Blur.
  17. Last to post wins v3.0

    Your call.
  18. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Yup , shame on them ." Said Glen , pourring another glass."But to each their own little pleasure , i guess , right ?" ---------------- "Don't worry , he'll take good care of her ."Said Locke ."Now give me your hand , we have to move." --------------- "Oh well, Easy for you to say." Said Silver ."I just woke up, so I'm a bit ... foggy."
  19. At long last . The weekend is finally there . I should be able to rest a bit.

    1. Seviper the Fang Snake

      Seviper the Fang Snake

      I hear ya on that.

  20. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    ( ooc : Well, no one seems to mibd so far) "You might be surprised by what people tend to put in their milkshake." Said Glen ."But that's another story." ------------- "We have to take her back to haven , we have no time to loose ." said Locke."Crowley , chaos control Red to the medical bay, you'll go faster than me. I'll teleport mina." -------------- "Hum, alright.... thing is , i don'f even know where you 'haven' is..." Said Silver.
  21. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    "Skye ?" Silver said... He heard this name somewhere ... Yes ! But that ..."Wait? What do you mean by paradox ? Don't tell you are from the future ..." He was quite shocked . Another time traveler ? Maybe he could try and leet up with them. (Ooc: Silver. So naive...) ------------- "Mina ...." Started Red."No, you are not dead ... just .just...." She fell uncounscious, her body finally giving up after all she has been through. "Red!" Said Locke, Upset ."We need to get her out . What she needs more right now is medical attention..." He looked away."Mina, crowley , with me . Shadow and the other , I trust you with taking care of robotnik and his cursed ship." -------------- "Then it's good idea i had. If you drink yourself Enough to pass out , at least , one of us will be able to carry the other to the bed ." Said Glen , drinking the first bottle fallig in his hand .
  22. Off-Topic Thread

    :british: I guess it's for all the british people around. :british: I'll use that thing everywhere from now. Even though I'm french.
  23. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    It was yet another night at the secret freedom fighter base. After the day of training thet had , Silver was out , and sleeping like a baby . that is , until he heard a voice ."Wh-what ? who is talking to me ?" he asked. --------------- "I'll take something without alcohol please ." Asked Glen."I'd prefer to enjoy the night sober. and what you ?" --------------- Locke got out of Red's arm , to let her breath a bit. She immediatly looked at mina."Look at me for 5 minute. After everything I got thrown at me , anyone would suddenly 20 years . Especially when high on painkiller ..." She fell down , Hand on her side ."Looks like you came not a moment too soon. You know what ? Let's blow up this freaking ship and maje sure no one will try such a thing ever again..."
  24. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    The shadowy figure silently followed from afar.
  25. Role-Play Mania v2.0

    (Ooc: No, But i'm sure The two of them were together at a moment. I hope shadow won't mind.)
