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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. Another crossover? Alternate endings? ...I'm not sure what to think of this. What are your thoughts, guys?

    I think it´s a missunderstanding with the name "Crossover". I think there is one story with the classic Mega Man and than another story für Mega Man X.

    I don´t believe, that Ian Flynn would write second Crossover.... It would be interesting with Rock and X, but it´s kinda boring. This Worlds Collide Crossover have to be special. It´s not anymore special, when we read another again.

  2. My opinion:

    Finally gas masks for Rouge and the GUN soldiers!

    Well it was...okay. I think from the cover of SU 60 what this is gonna be a battle between Rouge, Shadow and Omega, but 3/4 of the issue Eclipse managed to take control of Shadow and at least at the end, they are fighting. I am a little bit dissapointed, but actually the colours and the flashbacks from the game Sonic the Hedgehog are preatty cool.

  3. Sorry for the question, but what are Bumble King comics?

    1. I would ride Centaur Man (sounds a little bit wrong... xD)

    2. II would ask Time Man to be my alarm clock in the morning

    3. Chilling with Chill Man and Plant Man

    4. Ask Dr. Light: Can I have a Robot Master too? Dx

  4. Wily? A free man? AND he is on the good side?

    I don´t get it, I don´t think, that Mega Man has the power with his arguments (that Wily was on a mind control trip of Ra Moon), to let Wily free.

    Besides there is Gilbert Stern, who is absolut against Robot Master from Wily.

  5. There are a lot of characters in the Sonic universe, but I actually like:

    -Metal Sonic (because he is a robot and he´s a total badass)/Shard -> It´s a shame, that in the Comics he is destroyed by Sonic again, again and again. So he is only a "toy" between both sides.

    -Dr. Eggman (is crazy side - I love it...its actually my side when I have not enouth coffee...) and

    -Geoffrey St. John from the Archie Comics, because he is sutch a difficult character. I don´t know which side he chooses and he is a greaaat mystery.

    1 person likes this

  6. Kinda random but I was just listening to His World and I realized how much it fits MM #12 XD I could be the only one that thinks that though...

    Fighting against Mecha Robot! But His World (the Song you mean right?) fits better for Sonic the Hedgehog with his speed and sliding moves ;D

  7. I

    What does everyone think will happen to the Emerald Spears or what should happen with Xander? I've already said What i want to happen but i'll say it again, I really want a proper Xander vs Elec man fight :D Elec man is the reason why he hates robots after all.

    I think this could take a while. Xander and his Emerald Spears had already a saga and for the comic for the year 2013 there are mentioned and Mega Man had to fight him again.

    Now the new bosses like Sunstar and the Stardroids arrived and there are other problems (Break Man) to handle and to find a solution.

    Elec Man Vs. Xander ^o^! Would be awesome!

  8. Edit:

    1. Time Man (in Mega Man Powered up the cutes Robot Master EVER! I also like him in the comics, when he is fighting against Oil)

    2. Quick Man (badass)

    3. Elec Man (ENERGIZE! ^o^)

    4. Centaur Man (freaking awesome....he is a horse!)

    5. Terra (with his fabulous hair!)

    6. Bass/Forte (badass)

    7. Plant Man (he is sweet and simple to draw. I like his design)

    8. Oil Man (his chill attitude. My favourite team: Oil and Time)

    9. Dr. Wily (jea not a Robot Master, but he my favourite humancharacter in the Comics)

    10. Shadow Man (badass too)

  9. Well, obviously MMX wasnt going to become a regular thing, but I do wonder what they planning to accomplish in two issue backup story.

    Or issue 36 is only a "special issue" (as they say on the cover), perhaps it goes on with 37, because only two (34, 35) issues for a complete saga named the X Factor? A little bit to short isn´t it?

  10. At of all the times to wake up, Rock wakes up when Gil and Rosy are taking Wily away, I love everyones reactions too. Cameos of some of my favourite robot masters including my all time favourite, for the 3rd issue in a row! :D I guess they knew how much I've missed him XD I also love how Plant Man's messing with a farmer poor guys gonna have a heart attack! Others who cameo are Concrete man, Splash Woman, Fire man and Oil Man. Lastly, I love the pages where Rock deactivates his armour and reunites with Roll and Dr Light. Yeah, it's no secret I LOVE reunions :wub:

    When I see Plant Man my reaction was the same (for the first time I thought he is a girl *facedesk*). I love Plant Man and we see him in the Cover of 34, so I think he will be in the new Saga too. I hope for it x)


    On the eve of the MEGA MAN/MEGA MAN X Crossover comes the TWISTED tale that could only be called “A Chance at Redemption”! Dr. Wily is a free man, cleared of wrongdoing, and it’s all thanks to–Mega Man?! Can even an evil villain like himself live with a lie of that magnitude? Can he enjoy a life of robotics research next to his “frenemy” Dr. Light? Will the promise of power in Gamma be far too tempting? The answer to all your burning questions lie in this mega-fun issue! Plus, be sure to pick up both regular and variant editions to read both SHOCKING “post-credits” alternate endings! Includes cover art by Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante and a stunning “TRIAL OF DR. WILY” variant cover from rising MEGA-star Brent McCarthy! Script: Ian Flynn Art: POWREE, Gary Martin, John Workman and Matt Herms Cover: Patrick “SPAZ” Spaziante Trial of Dr. Wily Variant Cover: Brent McCarthy Shipping Date: 4/2 On Sale at Comic Specialty Shops: 4/16 32-page, full color comic (Quelle: Mega Man Monthly)

    Wohu! Covers from issue 36:


  11. I´ve got #33:

    So jea...another comic in which they talking, talking, talking..oh did i mention that they talk a lot?

    Well okay it was a epiloge of a Saga, so yea everything is fine and they are all happy together.

    But at the end - Shadow Man! Break Man and the other Robot Masters of Dr. Wily! I thing Wily doesn´t stay long in the prison X)

  12. Also, am i the only one that thinks that when Rock wakes up, it will be a lot like Mega man 8's ending? too bad Auto wouldn't have anyone to throw (He could grab Ice man, hes the 2nd smallest next to eddie XD But he probably won't appear in the issue...)

    Gnah, I think when Wily is repairing Mega Man with Light he will copy some information to built Bass.

    And I thing that coward Blues aka Break Man will not appear. Open Story again and family drama again! BÄM!

    And it´s online:


  13. Also, how long until someone will have a copy of #33? I'm getting really impatient and I have to wait another day to get my copy :(

    I don´t know the time (case of the timedifferences) in the USA or somewhere but here in germany on the Archie App the issue 33 isn´t published. Archie said the comic will come today, right?

  14. Sorry for the double post, but i somehow came across #36's cover when i was looking at Brent McCarthy's website

    Uh not bad Mega Man, you captured Dr. Wily, who will escape laterly like before in issue 5! :D

  15. I also like how all robots were helping people, especially Time Man. I miss him lately. (...)

    Finally I'm getting tired of Guts Man and Cut Man. Cant Fire Man or Time Man get more page time?

    I like Oil Man, Time Man and Elec Man. All the Original Robot Master (EXEPT for Guts and Cut Man) should deserve more attention, but not in the scheme of being programmed by Wily to serve him and fight Mega Man.

  16. I love the last Sonic Universe Issue and especially Shadows face expressions (like in Sonic Universe #1) >D



    And yeah...the gas masks for the GUN. Well prepared for battle...

  17. @MetalSkulkBane_PL: I don' t know, but I thing he isn' t.

    Ra Moon talks about children in plural right? It could be possible, that the other Stard. will come.

    In issue 20 we saw Earth.

  18. Well hi!

    My name is Jetfire.

    -I am a female

    -I am 18 years old and I am studying at the Frankfurt University (Chemistry)

    -My hobbies are doing Karate and surfing, playing cello, read and write FanFictions and writing articles at Wikia

    So, nice to meet you all and thanks for this site! It´s really awesome!

  19. He did, but

    If you've played Mega Man V (Game Boy) you'd know who Ra Moon was talking to at the end (He said "Avenge me!" to the Stardroids)

    And well, the Robot Master at the end of the Comic looks a little bit like



    Aaaand we have to wait for issue 33, because it isn´t online in the shops neither in the Archie App x/
