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Centaur Man

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Posts posted by Centaur Man

  1. EDIT: Oh whats this? Drill Man confirmed to be the next Cossack Robot Master? :D I wish Bright Man would appear outside of cameos :(

    Bright Man is built! You can see him, when the Blackout starts (MM: 28), when he and Pharao Man are going to shutdown and when he was reactivated and helps people (MM: 31/33).

  2. Hi there!

    Well, we have a General Art Thread with and I check the other threads and I haven't seen a thread with other artworks exept of Sonic the Hedgehog and Co. so I start this new topic.

    Use your imagination and begin to draw!

    (It's a big picture, so I spoilered it)


    1 person likes this

  3. As you can see my name is Gemini Man here, but you're more then free to call me just Gemini.

    Oh no its you! x)

    Verdammt meine Tarnung hier im Forum ist aufgeflogen und du folgst mir <_<

  4. Nope Comic is on the Archie App!

    Well well, it. Was. Awesome!

    I really like this issue because there you have the action, how Break Man and his team defeated Shadow Man, you have the fun (Gemini Mans face expressions and his character or Plant Man, who is a yellow-belly in the Lanfront Ruins) and on the other side there is Break Man himself, showing, that he is not an a**hole/badass, because he is finding the definition of family and he is beginning to CARES about Roll and his "family". It will be a hard time to wait for me for Mega Man Issue 35....

    The story of the Marveric Hunters is the second part of the issue and the cliffhanger at the end promises an adventurous Saga!

  5. yes yes yes yes YES! *ahem* Anyway, I wish next thursday would come quicker so it would come out...

    Well this source say it will be out today. I hope Archie Comics can clear this secret.

  6. It's an official regulation for pair figure skating in real life, so SEGA were probably made to adhere to their rules.

    You can still go for a romantic sleigh ride in the same game.

    Well in the London Games you have this Rhythmic Ribbon or Synchronized Swimming and the rules of the olympic games say, that only women can make this disziplin, but you can se you can choose in Mario & Sonic London male characters too. Now can we talk about adhere to the rules of the olympic games? :D

    But yeah, I like Peach and Eggman dancing together or Amy and Wario. Best pair ever.

  7. My favourite Bossfight is in Monster Hunter Free Unite with the Naracuga and Yian Cut Ku. I like the design of the dragons and they are pretty easy to fight. I definitly DON'T like the White Fathalis and the Piscesthings in the desert.

  8. Only mixed gender pairs? There goes my chances of putting Yoshi and Silver together :P. Looks like someone needs to watch Blades of Glory. That gives proof that pairs of the same gender can work well

    One more thing, is there an even selection of males and females to choose from for the pairing? Certainly from the previous M&S games there seemed to be a bigger selection of males. If this is the same, then it's not really a fair choice of partners

    When you select a girl for example Rose, all the femalewindows to select are grey and can't be choosen, so you have only the males for example Yoshi.

    If you select a boy for example Silver, the other characterwindows from males can't be choosen. Only the girlwindows.

    At first I want Metal Sonic and Sonic but..nah...it doesn't work :/

    With the girl/boy combination you have 4x16 (64) and thats a lot and so you....can create a freestyle-figure scating with Peach and Eggman! :P
